pastoral fairy

Chapter 376 Black Wilderness

When this incident happened, everyone's hearts were heavy.

The methods of Mahayana monks are mysterious and elusive.

In the face of the strong, you can only submit.

I hope that it is a Mahayana monk who went out from the human race, and there will be a good result in view of the affection of the same race.

Moving on, everyone searched for this huge ruin.

"Dahai, can you activate the token in advance so that everyone can go back early?"

The drunken man who asked the question had an inexplicable trust in Long Dahai, a cultivator who transformed himself into a god.

But Long Dahai has nothing to do now.

Even though he was coerced by the mysterious monk, Drunkard didn't have much anxiety in his heart. Apart from being pregnant with a strange treasure, he also had predictions about when he would come.

By following Long Dahai closely, he will have no accidents, and even have a great chance.

For a world that is about to be destroyed, the process of destruction is also extremely long, perhaps millions of years.

There is also new birth in destruction, and what is born may be a treasure that reaches the sky.

The place where treasures are cultivated is usually also the place where destruction energy gathers.

There are many dark beasts in this ruins, full of destructive power, the more you go inside, you can even feel the space cracks that appear from time to time.

Cracks can be perceived, avoided, or cleared for cultivators.

For monks at the level of deity, it is a big trouble.

During Long Dahai's walk, he encountered no obstacles. Firstly, he has already cultivated to the late stage of transformation, and has a certain understanding of space. Second, he also has supernatural powers, so he is not afraid of these things.

"The bloodline of the black shadow is really powerful. In such a world, it can actually communicate and destroy energy and predict the magical effect of cracks."

A Nascent Soul-level Sombra has no pressure in such an environment.

Random shuttle, looking for a lot of materials.

The energy contained in the destroyed world infected the previous treasures of heaven and earth, causing many of them to undergo unusual alienation.

Hei Ying took the huge storage ring that Long Dahai gave him, and it was not wasted at all, and he searched for a lot of treasures.

Naturally, Long Dahai would not be inferior to his spirit beasts, and he collected all the dark beasts or materials above the Golden Core level into the ring.

Little things add up, and in a few days, they have already searched for things of high value.

But apart from that dark beast at the level of turning into a god, he didn't find anything more valuable.

When I arrived at Wen Ruhai's place, I harvested a very precious and very active treasure.

It has not been carefully studied, but it is speculated that it can also increase the lifespan of one or two thousand years.

The increased lifespan of the Void Refining cultivator means that the arrival of the Heavenly Tribulation can be delayed.

With a lifespan of more than 2000 years, it may be possible to break through the realm, so this kind of treasure is extremely valuable.

The essence of refining the dark beast was also divided equally when several people communicated.

Long Dahai and the other three were not directly involved, and got a sliver, and the remaining half was divided between Zhou Ruyu and Drunkard.

Everyone is very satisfied with this distribution and has no opinion.

Long Dahai was playing with this wisp of faint, sometimes dark, and sometimes invisible thing.

"Refining this kind of item can definitely improve the perception of the power of destruction, and even improve the dark blood in the body."

The power of the dark beast is more than these functions, after refining, it can also have a certain regeneration ability.

Vigorous as wood, very strange.

"If it is auctioned, it can definitely be exchanged for a material similar to Sansheng Shuiqi."

It has only been a few days since he came here, and Long Dahai has already obtained two materials that are comparable to advancing to the realm of refining the virtual world, which is enough to show how rich the virtual world is.

In the days to come, Long Dahai and the others searched for items here, but found nothing more valuable.

There is always a feeling that there are treasures in the ruins, but no more have been found.

"The vitality is hidden, but it is blocked by destruction. I don't know when it will be born. We wait, it seems that there is no such opportunity."

Standing on top of a collapsed palace, the drunkard sighed.

The timing is not right, and the perception of heavy treasures can only be seen thoroughly here.

I don't know if I can be born, and what will happen after birth.

But anyway, this time they had no chance to see each other.

A sense of melancholy came quietly.

Leaving this place, there are still some thoughts.

Although the mountain range is vast, it has been searched for countless times. It is lucky to have so many dark beasts.

"Qinghu, where are we going this time?"

Before leaving, the drunkard asked Long Dahai.

Among the voices and hearings, there are several choices, all of which are valuable places grabbed from the dark beast's memory.

Long Dahai watched it for a while, and then sent a message to the drunkard. The place he chose was an unknown wilderness.

There are endless scale-like black rocks there, and in the crevices of the rocks, there are many dark beasts, as well as many strange and precious items and elixir.

It was a seemingly desolate place, but there were many kinds of places, and it was a completely different concept from the spiritual world.

After receiving Long Dahai's choice, Zui Ong led everyone to the black wilderness without hesitation.

Originally, at the flying speed of a cultivator who refines the sky, it used to take less than two days, but in this world, they are not so unscrupulous.

In this dark night, the speed is not fast, and the situation along the way is constant, and dark beasts with sensitive perception in the dark attack from time to time.

Some are just a single attack, while others come in a group, and the space rift has even become a means of some dark beasts.

They met a dark beast in the late stage of Void Refinement, so everyone had to choose to take a detour.

In this world, unless Drunkard and the others exert their full strength, it will be difficult to clean up this thing.


Drunkard felt a little regretful, dark beasts in the later stage of Void Refinement were hard to come by.

But he didn't expect that in the hands of this dark beast, there seemed to be a treasure similar to the Tongtian Lingbao, and his spiritual intelligence was not low.

Killing him was easy in the spirit world, but extremely difficult here.

After weighing, everyone left with some regrets.

The core of a dark beast in the late refining stage is definitely worth this trip to the virtual world.

Long Dahai also had some regrets. Feeling the majestic dark power, he was also very moved.

"Hey, this guy doesn't know where he will go in the future."

In the world of Xutian, there are also thunder calamities, but the frequency seems to be a problem.

That guy who looks like a Mahayana monk seems to have come here to escape the catastrophe.

At that level, it is also a very good choice to be able to lurk in this world with methods that are unbelievable even for the cultivators of the Void Refining.

Taking a detour, when everyone arrived at the Black Wilderness, it was already two months later.

There are also some gains along the way, but unfortunately there are too few high-level dark beasts, and this place is really a bit desolate.

After coming here, the power of destruction became extremely balanced.

"It looks desolate, but it hides vitality."

The five people here all sighed in this way.

When the cultivation base reaches their level, there is a trace of induction between the heaven and the earth.

There were black swirls in Long Dahai's eyes. He was touched by studying the unknown engraving these days.

"There are traces of the formation, and there are races!"

It's not easy here.

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