pastoral fairy

Chapter 327 Accepting the Azure City

Approaching Zhanlan City, Long Dahai saw that the gates of the city were closed tightly, and there were monks in the uniform of the Immortal Alliance standing guard on the city wall.

Long Dahai already knew about the Xianmeng army.

It is precisely that the members are all foundation-building monks, and each foundation-building monk is stationed on a section of the city wall.

Ten people form a team, and the team leader is usually a monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

The ten small teams are companies, and the Jindan monk is usually the company commander.

Ten companies form the battalion, and most of the battalion commanders are late Jindan monks.

Thirty battalions form a regiment, and the head of the regiment is a monk named Nascent Soul.

In today's Azure City, there are already ten regiment leaders.

Some of these Nascent Soul monks are members of the Zhanlan City family, and some were recruited by the Immortal Alliance.

Now they have all become Long Dahai's subordinates. As for the two Nascent Soul cultivators Qingqiu and Cheng Ran, they do not belong to the Immortal Alliance Army. Manage the affairs of the city.

The flying boat hovered in front of the azure city wall, and a team leader escaped immediately.

This Nascent Soul cultivator is very sturdy, and he seems to be a master who is not easy to talk about.

"Who is coming?"


The token in Long Dahai's hand flew out. This token was a fourth-order magic weapon, and it had already been sacrificed by him on the way.

The token flew out, made a buzzing sound, became larger in the wind, and finally turned into a huge pale yellow token.

The word [Zhanlan] is written on the token!

Seeing this token, the big Han monk on the opposite side released a spiritual check, and after confirming that it was correct, he immediately bowed and saluted.

"I have seen the county governor!"

The Golden Core cultivator and Foundation Establishment cultivator who followed the big man also saluted immediately.

Long Dahai flew out and used his power to support the monks present.

"Many free gifts, stationed in Zhanlan, everyone has worked hard."

His words were gentle, he wanted to make a good impression on the monks present.

After the big man and the others got up, they immediately let go of the formation of the city wall, allowing the flying boat to enter it.

After the flying boat entered, it didn't stop, and went directly to Zhanlan County Sheriff's Mansion.

When the monks on the city wall saw the city lord, they felt much more at ease. After all, there was a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, and he could rely on him when encountering certain things.

Zhanlan City is close to the Zhanlan River, but it was built on the south side of the Zhanlan River, on a towering plain.

In the north of Zhanlan City, looking into the distance, you can clearly see the beautiful Zhanlan River.

This is also the place where the fourth-order spirit veins are the strongest, and the county guard's mansion is also built here.

Here is the most important hall of Zhanlan City, and also the place with the most monks.

The flying boat flew all the way, attracting the attention of the people in the city. When many monks saw the flying boat, they already guessed whether it was the arrival of the new sheriff.

The aquamarine Sheriff's Mansion is the most conspicuous from the air.

When the flying boat arrived, a figure was already waiting in mid-air with dozens of monks.

"Congratulations to the Governor of Qinghu County!"

Dozens of monks with cultivation bases of Gold Core and above shouted in unison, causing the spiritual energy in all directions to vibrate.

Long Dahai, dressed in a black Taoist robe, flew out with a jade complexion, and came to the crowd.

Zhang Hechun and the other two Nascent Soul cultivators also came behind Long Dahai.

"Everyone is polite!"

After Long Dahai finished speaking, the four of them returned the gift together.

Among the monks opposite them, there was a monk in the mid-stage of transformation. This was a member of the Immortal League, and he temporarily guarded here instead of Long Dahai.

"Fellow Daoist Qinghu is really young and promising, with a dignified appearance. He is acting as the county guard in Xiazhou Fu. Today, little friend Qinghu comes here, and I can relieve all the heavy responsibilities."

The middle-aged scribe who acted as the interim sheriff, seemed to speak modestly, but he was a bit smug.

Long Dahai smiled slightly, and ignored it. Zhou Fu must have bought some people's hearts after living in Zhanlan City for several years.

But the monks present must understand this truth.

If he doesn't understand, then Long Dahai will let him understand what consequences are.

"In recent years, Laozhou has grown old. If you are not in a hurry, Qinghu will ask the old man to go to the county guard's mansion to see you off."

Zhou Fu looked at Long Dahai, wanting to see his details, but he didn't find any loopholes, and he couldn't even see the depth of Long Dahai's cultivation.

"No need, the old man had a farewell drink with all his colleagues in the city yesterday. Since the county guard is here today, the old man will leave on his own."

After speaking, Zhou Fu took out a jade tablet and threw it at Long Dahai.

Long Dahai easily took the jade token for controlling Zhanlan City, and after careful inspection, he found that the core formation had not changed, which meant that there was nothing wrong with the jade token.

"Congratulations, fellow daoist, I wish fellow daoist to enter the avenue as soon as possible."

"Fellow Daoist Qinghu, you are welcome, I wish you good luck."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Fu threw out a flying boat, and then seven monks boarded the flying boat, and then swayed to the city wall of the county.

After Zhou Fu left, the rest of the monks present came to meet Long Dahai.

When a mature and beautiful middle-aged woman said her surname, Long Dahai glanced at her.

"It turned out to be a descendant of Venerable Blue Rain, disrespect and disrespect!"

"Your Majesty the Sheriff is very polite. The ancestor dedicated his whole life to Zhanlan, and now he deserves to die."

After chatting with the granddaughter of the former sheriff, Long Dahai activated the formation of the sheriff's mansion.

When the state was floating, only a part of the county guard's mansion was opened, and the other parts were sealed by the formation.

Now that the Lord has returned, he can naturally open up the entire Sheriff's Mansion.

Arriving at the Sheriff's Mansion, a group of young and beautiful female cultivators and male cultivators greeted him at the door.

These are the servants of the county guard's mansion. These are the people who were originally the county guard's mansion, and they were left after Xianmeng asked.

Here, they wait for unknown masters, and many people are looking forward to the chance to ascend to heaven in one step.

Cheng Ran took the lead to take the foundation building monks in the flying boat to the place where the county guards were.

Long Dahai landed with his disciples, Qingqiu and others.

After seeing Long Dahai, these servants felt very young, so they were naturally happy.

The expressions of these people could not hide from the experts present.

Qingqiu stepped forward to negotiate, and after seeing Long Dahai, all the servants returned to their posts.

A housekeeper with a foundation and cultivation base led the crowd into the Fucheng, and then came to the county guard's meeting hall.

It was not sealed here, so the other monks present were naturally familiar with it.

When he came to the main hall, Long Dahai introduced himself, and then introduced the three Nascent Soul monks he had brought with him to everyone.

Everyone also introduced themselves, making Long Dahai remember the people present.

Here, there were three ordinary people who caught Long Dahai's attention.

These three were not in the air just now, but were waiting on the ground.

The three ordinary people were between 50 and [-] years old, and they were very frank in the face of Long Dahai.

The three of them knew that in front of high-ranking monks, there was no need to hide any of their actions and emotions, and it was best to be honest.

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