pastoral fairy

Chapter 328

When Long Dahai was chatting with other monks present, his eyes seemed warm, but there was also a special light, as if he wanted to see through people.

The monks present, even those who were cultivated in the late stage of Nascent Soul, couldn't help trembling and nervous when Long Dahai watched.

"Now is a special situation. I don't want to get entangled in some trivial matters. If you cooperate with me, I will naturally give you corresponding benefits in the future. It's as simple as that."

Long Dahai spoke directly, which surprised everyone present.

Some people are broken in their hearts, but they know that as long as there is no accident, the county sheriff will spend thousands of years here.

During those long years, any county family would become a vassal of the county guard family as long as there was no cultivator who transformed into gods.

In fact, many people understand this kind of truth, but just like everyone reads history books, but there are still people who make mistakes, and there are still guys who know how to do it.

Long Dahai got straight to the point, he just didn't want to deal with these trivial matters during this war.

As long as the families present and representatives of various forces do not come to make trouble, it is fine to obey the command at critical moments.

It started bluntly, which was regarded as an understatement, and then began to ask the identities of the people present, and finally, everyone had a dinner together at the Sheriff's Mansion.

After everyone left, Qingqiu came to Long Dahai and said: "My lord, I have carefully checked the servants in the city mansion, and there is no one who is planning to do anything wrong."

Long Dahai nodded and said: "From now on, I will leave the affairs of the county guard's mansion to you, Qingqiu. This is the key to the ordinary treasury and the magic weapon to control the formation."

Don't use the suspect, but don't use it.

For Qingqiu in front of him, Long Dahai had no doubts, and handed over the things of the Sheriff's Mansion to him to manage.

In addition to these, Qingqiu can also choose a thousand foundation-building monks as the county guards, and two Jindan monks.

From now on, Qingqiu can be regarded as the chief steward of Longhai County Governor's Mansion.

For this kind of thing, Qingqiu has experience and is more suitable than his disciple Zhang Hechun.

As for Cheng Ran, he led three thousand foundation building monks and five Jindan monks to manage the city where the monks lived.

As Zhang Hechun's apprentice, Long Dahai asked him to bring a thousand foundations, and the two Jindan monks cooperated with Qingqiu and Chengran in their work.

The poor in Zhanlan City were indirectly managed by Cheng Ran and Zhang Hechun.

As for the Nascent Soul cultivator guarding Zhanlan City, the three of them can only coordinate and have no jurisdiction.

The leader of the monk army is only Long Dahai himself.

On the second day, Cheng Ran took Zhang Hechun and his men to inspect the city.

They need to take over many departments in the original city and coordinate with the managers of these departments.

For example, Fangshi, such as Bidou Arena, such as auction houses, such as shops and so on.

There are a lot of things, enough for the two of them to be busy for a long time.

There are also many things here in the county guard's mansion, and Qingqiu led the two Jindan subordinates to gradually improve the handling.

After Long Dahai finished training, he called Qingqiu and went to various military camps to check.

In the future, Qingqiu will be the person who conveys news between Long Dahai and these regiment leaders, so naturally he also needs to get acquainted with these Nascent Soul regiment leaders.

The first thing he came to was the camp in the north of Zhanlan City.

There are three regiments stationed here, which is the strongest defense in the city.

Seeing Long Dahai approaching, the three army commanders came directly to meet him.

These three monks, one in the early stage of Nascent Soul and two in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, are considered average in strength.

However, two of them have earth spirit roots, and the remaining one also has wood spirit roots.

These spirit roots are relatively restrained water spirit roots.

It seems that the monks recruited by Xianmeng this time are also biased.

"I have seen the county governor!"

"I met three fellow Taoists."

The three Nascent Soul monks were very respectful. They had been defending here for several years, and finally a real county guard came, which could greatly improve the morale of the army.

Long Dahai simply understood, and then came to a secret room.

"Sheriff, through this magic weapon, you can check the surrounding situation."

"Is this the water mirror?"

"Yes, my lord, this water mirror can detect the changes of the sea tribes within a thousand miles outside the city. If there are too many sea tribes gathered in the Zhanlan River, it will be noticed here, and then the army will make defenses."

There are many kinds of magic weapons of this kind of mirror, and the water mirror here is one of them.

With it, you can know any changes related to the water outside in advance, and you can know whether it is a sea tribe through analysis.

The person who spoke was Han Xin, the commander of the three legions. As a middle-stage Nascent Soul and with rich combat experience, he is absolutely competent as the commander.

Han Xin said, and then activated his mana, causing the picture in front of him to change.In the end, a row of circles connecting cities appeared.

"Governor, these are the blue-shell sea turtles, one of the biggest scourges of the Sea Clan Rebellion. These blue-shell turtles gather again, and the subordinates judge that they must be calling the tribe. When their army arrives, they will attack the blue sea turtles." attack!"

Han Xin's words are very certain, and it can be seen that he is very confident in his judgment.

Long Dahai didn't fluctuate when he heard this. When he came, he already knew that Zhanlan had been under siege several times over the years.

"Commander Han, you have experience. How long do you think it will take for these blue-shell turtles to gather and attack the city?" Long Dahai looked at the scene in front of him and asked in a flat tone.

Han Xin didn't think about it, and replied directly: "According to the observations of my subordinates over the years, I believe that these blue-shell turtles will launch a small group of attacks within a month, as a test, and then launch a general attack within a period of time."

"Oh, so that's the case. Does Commander Han know how to restrain the blue-shell turtle?"

Fighting an army of monks and single-handed monks are completely different things. Long Dahai has only been stationed in one garrison, and has no real experience of leading an army in confrontation.

Now that I meet a monk who knows about military affairs, I naturally ask a lot.

This commander Han Xin is really capable, at least Long Dahai is definitely not a talker.

After a detailed chat, Long Dahai was very satisfied.

If in this defensive battle, Commander Han can really do what he said, Long Dahai will directly promote him as Grand Commander.

Be a person who knows people and makes good use of them.

Immediately headed north to the barracks, Long Dahai went to the other seven legions.

After a brief acquaintance with these regimental leaders and his subordinates, he returned to the Sheriff's Mansion.

There is everything in the Sheriff's Mansion.

There is a secret room for the cultivation of the fourth-order spiritual veins in the middle stage of the spiritual veins here. Come to the secret room.

Long Dahai released his spell, and a person who looked like him appeared beside him.

This is a kind of technique, the principle comes from the fire dragon technique mastered in the foundation building realm.

Now after continuous evolution, it can be regarded as the incarnation of Long Dahai himself.

He intends to use this avatar to go to the Azure River to check the situation.

For this incarnation he called Long Lan, Long Dahai gave him a fourth-order magic weapon and talismans.

This is equivalent to the dragon blue in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, with a talent comparable to that of the Heavenly Spirit Root, and definitely has good hidden supernatural powers in the water.

Long Lan moved her body for a while, then put away the magic weapon, turned into a ball of water vapor, and disappeared into the secret room.

Long Dahai himself began to meditate and practice without any hindrance.

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