pastoral fairy

Chapter 326 Correcting Mistakes and Benefits

The flying boat flew into the sky and moved forward at extreme speed in the sky.

On the flying boat, Long Dahai learned everything about Zhanlan City.

A county city is not only because there is a fourth-order spiritual vein here, it is just the foundation for establishing the county city.

Zhanlan City has been built for more than 2 years, and has become an important city where monks live.

Today, there are more than 3000 million people in Zhanlan City, and the area is so vast that it can be called a country.

Among them, there are many families, many sects, and several cities within the city.

"After I really got to know a county city, I realized that the county city is so vast and contains all kinds of things, far surpassing the prefecture city."

The county can be understood in this way, which is a small country surrounded by circles.

This is only the county town of Zhanlan, without counting the prefectures and cities under it.

Now Zhanlan City is alone, and all the people in the surrounding small counties have been evacuated.

These small counties can't resist the Hai Clan's rebellion.

"There are three counties near Jizhou. Apart from the counties, there are four prefectures, but most of them are not under the direct control of the prefectures, and are guarded by the masters of the prefectures."

"These cities don't need to send people to guard them now. The Xianmeng has its own arrangements. For now, it is guarding Zhanlan, resisting the Haizu, and then slowly planning the lost prefectures and counties."

"In such a large city, tens of thousands of ordinary people have become officials. However, with high salaries and trustworthiness, corruption and the phenomenon of using power for personal gain rarely occur."

Immortal cultivators are the privileged class in this world.

Xianmeng noticed this problem, so it issued a series of policies to imitate some monks' misconduct.

The most important of these is the herding system. This kind of herding system has strict requirements on the number of people under his command, and monks usually don't kill them at will.

Because of their own cultivation, few monks will take the initiative to invest in the grassroots management of the city.

This gave many ordinary people the opportunity, and through various means, monks could ensure the loyalty and efficiency of these people.

Therefore, in many cities above the capital city, ordinary people can often be seen as officials.

Of course, these people are basically middle- and lower-level officials, and very few of them can make it to the top.

There are many such people in Zhanlan, and only with them can the smooth operation of the city be ensured.

Although these people lived for a hundred years, they would leave a strong mark in the city's annals.

The flying boat flew very fast, comparable to the escape speed of ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators.

Hidden Dragon Flying Boat is the name of this kind of flying boat. It is a combat flying boat that can fly faster and has good defense and attack power.

Hiding in the air, it is difficult for ordinary people to find.

Ordinary sea people focus on the sea water, and when they are on land, they will also despise the air.

This gave Feizhou a lot of convenience and replaced the formation.

After the formation was activated, many sea people could feel the abnormal fluctuations, and then drove the sea beasts to launch a violent attack on the place where the formation fluctuated.

This is also the reason why Long Dahai didn't transfer to Zhanlan.

He is now standing on the flying boat Class A, calmly looking at the clouds below the flying boat, and even looking at the place in the distance.

At his level, the consciousness can detect thousands of miles away, and the sensing position is even more distant.

Especially him, standing on top of Class A, he can sense fluctuations from time to time.

This is a monk who is making a move, and it is above the Nascent Soul realm.

"It's really chaotic. Being able to keep Zhanlan for a hundred years is the greatest credit. It's really good."

Long Dahai used to have other ideas, but now he has not reached Zhanlan, so he is correcting his wrong judgment.

After flying for half a day, the flying boat came to a place as wide as the sea.

This is the Zhanlan River.

The mighty river looks like an estuary, but it looks like a big river from the flying boat.

The blue river water is very clear.

The reason why the river is like this is related to the sediment on the bottom of the river and the plants growing.

The most famous azure blue spirit grass in the Zhanlan River is located in this azure blue river. The fourth-grade thousand-year-old spirit grass, taken all year round, has the effect of changing the body, which is comparable to the elixir of fortune.

Ordinary people can take azure blue spirit grass, and it is rumored that after taking three plants, one will have water spirit root.

As for the fish and shrimp in the river, they can even devour the azure blue spiritual grass, open up their spiritual wisdom, collect and refine moonlight, and start to practice.

In the list in the treasure house of Azure City, Long Dahai saw five thousand-year-old Azure Spirit Grass.

Zhanlan Treasure House is nominally owned by Zhanlan City, and the items inside are used by monks of Zhanlan City to exchange for achievements.

However, among the rights of the city lord of the county city, there is one. The lord of the county city himself can temporarily withdraw the items from the treasure house and return this item at a later date.

Especially in today's situation, Long Dahai can naturally call it easily, and only he can open the last layer of the treasure house, which is connected with the city protection formation.

While thinking about this, Long Dahai also checked the Zhanlan River below with his spiritual sense.

He found that in this river, there are many low-level sea clan monster cultivators, most of them are foundation-building strength.

This is the Danshui section of the Zhanlan River. The sea monsters in the river came over and were safe in the river. It seems that they were also affected by the chaos of the Sea Clan and came here to avoid disaster.

The Sea Clan's rebellion this time is not the same as the Murloc's Rebellion. These Sea Clans only brought the flames of war to Xinglan Sea, and they didn't have much intention to occupy the entire territory of the Human Race.

There are many rivers in the Xinglan Sea, and many lakes are connected to the sea, which is more suitable for these sea beasts to live in. Therefore, when the war spread here, some sea tribes took advantage of the chaos to occupy the territory of the human tribe.

Thinking of this, the river began to head north, and the flying boat came directly in front of a big city surrounded by towering high walls.

The azure blue city wall, which is built with the nearby azure blue mud and stones, has a strong defense.

Paired with the sea-covering blue ancient formation of the azure city, it is enough to defend against the siege of the army, and even the blow of the fit monk is not afraid.

This is the cumulative strength of the human race for 2 years.

It's a pity that the city lord was discovered by monks in the Void Refining Realm of the Hai Clan on the way to support other cities, so he fell, and Long Dahai had no chance to become the new county guard of this city.

Today, of the remaining four prefectures in Zhanlan County, two of them are owned by the original county guard family.

For the former sheriff's house, there is also an explanation in the token.

Now that the county guard has changed hands, many people from the original county guard's family have been taken away by the Xianmeng, and the rest of the tribe are also left behind because of the business in the city and the two prefectures.

Xianmeng took care of this kind of family a lot, but also knew that many core interests belonged to the county guard, so the original family voluntarily gave up.

The rest of the business is operating as normal.

As for the loss of the former county guard's family, Xianmeng will make up for it in other ways. Long Dahai only needs to take care of the remaining family members.

There is no too much conflict of interest, and the Long family will not embarrass them in the future, and maybe they will be able to achieve good things in the future.

After thinking about it, the flying boat that Long Dahai was riding in came to the gate of the city.

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