pastoral fairy

Chapter 325 Zhanlan County City

Fu Ji waited until everyone had arrived, and said: "Everyone has arrived, the meeting will begin now."

"The main purpose of calling everyone here today is to arrange for you to guard the place. Now that the Sea Clan is in chaos, there is only one state left in the Xinglan Sea. The situation is quite urgent."

"You five monks who transform into gods correspond to five counties and cities. These are five tokens, which contain the places you need to guard. Since you are here, you must obey the arrangement. I have already decided which city to guard, and it cannot be changed."

Fu Ji was quite domineering, and while speaking, the five-faced token flew in front of the five cultivators who transformed themselves into gods in the main hall.

Long Dahai took the token in front of him and immediately received the message inside.

Zhanlan County City, this is the place he needs to guard.

This county is not the two most front and most dangerous county, it should be arranged by Fu Ji, the county is allocated according to what he thinks is the strength.

Zhanlan is located on the side of Zhanlan River.

This big river leads directly to the sea, and the sea water and the river water in the river collide. This is a big river that breeds countless creatures and various spiritual materials.

In the past, this place was an important place where two murlocs attacked the territory of the human race. After hundreds of years of recuperation, it has returned to its former bustle.

"The rules of guarding are also included, but from now on you will be my subordinates. In times of war, I have temporary jurisdiction!"

After Fuji distributed guarding tokens of more than a dozen prefectures to the Nascent Soul cultivators present, he looked at the crowd and said.

"In the city of the county, there are many people and low-level monks. The food and shelter for these people will be provided by the Immortal League. Your responsibility is to protect one side while guarding. If someone abandons the people and low-level monks, You will be severely punished!"

Fuji announced a few key points, all about things that need to be paid attention to by guards.

"Juncheng will receive assistance from two Nascent Souls, ten Golden Elixirs, and [-] Foundation Establishment monks; Fucheng will receive assistance from six Golden Elixirs and [-] Foundation Establishment monks."

"Based on the county city, you wait for the opportunity to recover the lost land and kill the Chaotic Sea Clan. You will have merit. The Xianmeng will provide corresponding rewards according to the merits."

Fu Ji finally stood up, and the monks present also stood up, all holding wine glasses.

"The human race is facing a catastrophe. All of you of the same race, guarding one side and surviving this catastrophe will be a great achievement."

"Good luck to all of you!"

After speaking, everyone drank the wine in their glasses in one gulp.

Long Dahai finished his glass of fine wine, and said in his heart: This senior, he really has a heart of compassion. He will not be embarrassed if he does good things in the future.

Afterwards, several monks came over and led the monks in the main hall to find the aid they assigned.

The one who came to Long Dahai was a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

"I've seen adults!"

"Don't be too polite."

Cultivator Yuanying introduced himself and said: "Master Qinghu, my name is Qingqiu, and I will follow you from now on."

Long Dahai looked at Qingqiu, and found that the period was ordinary, and he had a feeling of being easily overlooked.

This person must have practiced the corresponding skills, and this kind of monk is suitable for lurking and spying.

Through understanding, Long Dahai already knew his subordinates.

In addition to Qingqiu, there is another Nascent Soul cultivator named Chengran, who was cultivated in the later stage of Nascent Soul.

As for the ten Golden Core monks, Long Dahai needs to understand it himself, and Qingqiu is not too clear.

After walking out of the hall, Long Dahai immediately contacted his great apprentice.

When the apprentice came over, Long Dahai introduced Qingqiu to the apprentice.

After Qingqiu saw Long Dahai's apprentice, he was not surprised at all, but it was a bit strange to see Long Dahai had only two people here.

For this kind of guarding, other cultivators brought many people over.

After all, there are huge interests in a county.

Long Dahai followed Qingqiu through the woods and a large area of ​​wooden tents, and arrived at the camp where his subordinates were.

Here, surrounded by a simple circle, more than 5000 people are stationed here.

At this moment, these monks are all gathered together, waiting for their future adults to come.

When the three of Long Dahai flew over, everyone was very curious.

Looking at the man in a black Taoist robe with an extraordinary temperament, everyone immediately knew that this Taoist would be their absolute leader from now on.

"I've seen Lord Qinghu!"

After Long Dahai landed on the general platform in front of everyone, everyone saluted immediately, and then said in unison.

"All friends are free!"

Long Dahai was already very indifferent to this scene, his voice reached everyone's ears.

"My deity Qinghu, we will work together in the future, I hope you will cooperate a lot."

Long Dahai's words were like a spring breeze, blowing through everyone present.

Let the monks present think that he is a very easy-going person and leave a good impression.

After talking to everyone, Long Dahai raised his hand, and a huge flying boat appeared in the open space of the station.

This is the flying boat given to him by Xianmeng, and it is in the token.

In addition to the flying boat, there are many spirit stones and other items in it.

These are the subsidies given by the Xianmeng to these monks who came to guard them, so that they can live well.

"Get on board, let's go!"

Zhang Hechun shouted loudly at this time.

The monks present had already put away their belongings. At this time, under the command of the Golden Core monk, they entered the flying boat in an orderly manner.

When everyone entered the flying boat, Long Dahai also followed.

Long Dahai had given the control of the flying boat to his apprentice just now, and now Zhang Hechun started the flying boat, and together with several monks who were very skilled in flying boats, they took off together and headed for the Azure City.

"Junior Cheng Ran, I have met Venerable Qinghu."

Cheng Ran was brought to Long Dahai by Qingqiu, and he saluted respectfully.

"Cheng Ran, fellow Taoist, no courtesy."

The Nascent Soul cultivators assigned by the two Immortal Leagues are all here, so Long Dahai naturally had something to ask.

These two have been here for a long time, so they naturally know the real situation better than Long Dahai.

"I heard that Zhenxingjun City is the most precarious now. It has been besieged by the Sea Clan several times. If Master Fuji hadn't rescued the siege several times, it might have been occupied by the Sea Clan now."

Zhenxing County City is one of the two dangerous counties among the five counties.

"Among the sea clan, there are three races that have caused the most damage to the human race: the blue crab clan, the blue shell turtle clan, and the silver shark clan."

"Among these three clans, the Silver Shark clan is the most. This clan is famous for its bloodthirsty, and they often perform blood sacrifices. In Xinglanhai, they have already spread their reputation far and wide."


Through the description of the two Nascent Soul cultivators, Long Dahai frowned unconsciously.

The real situation in this star blue sea land is critical.

Not only some human races fell into the evil way, but also the sea race.

The Silver Shark Clan, but the entire race has a tendency to be demonic, and it is very troublesome for ordinary monks to deal with.

"However, it is unexpected that most of the members of the Yaoshui tribe are scattered in the human prefectures."

After carefully examining the token, Long Dahai also had a clear understanding of the current situation of this race.

"The foreign races in the city can all be governed."

Simply put, the Yaoshui tribe in Zhanlan City also became Long Dahai's subordinates.

------off topic-----

The new book "Global Arrival: I Embark on the Road of Emperor" has been uploaded and is in the signing process.

It tells the story of the destruction of the blue star and the arrival of the human race to the world of Xianwu.

This book is too bland, and the new book will have a lot of conflicts. If you are interested, you can read it.

There will be no eunuchs in this book, please rest assured.

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