Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 245 The Tragic Burial Cloud Willow 4

The canopy swayed, the breath spread, and the chaotic laws in the surrounding starry sky rushed over frantically.


Zongtian Yunliu let out an angry roar, and its roots were like broken strings, making continuous bangs.

The willow branches danced even more frantically, sweeping across the surrounding starry sky.

Sun Ke has been standing in the distance, watching quietly, and did not make a move.

Ji Lianhang shouted again.

"Sword of Void Without Swordsmanship!"

He raised his hand to grab it, and then his whole body sank down. He seemed to be holding a huge sword of ten thousand catties in his hand, and his legs trembled slightly.

A terrifying aura emanated from this person, and even Sun Ke couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Void Wuken Dao's secret skills are tangible and formless.

The Zhantian Sword that was used before is a tangible sword, while the Zhanshen Sword is a formless sword.

This sword has no form or form, but its power is even more terrifying.

Zongtian Yunliu felt a strong threat, and the wicker danced even more crazily.

The three golden wickers were also extended, forming three layers of protection in front of the trunk.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Ji Lianhang's mouth, and he slashed out with the Phaseless Sword in his hand.

A ripple visible to the naked eye quickly extended, like a stream of water being split above the starry sky.

The water wave spread extremely fast, and almost in the blink of an eye, it came in front of Zantian Yunliu, and slammed into it fiercely.

clack clack...

The outermost circle of green wicker was split open, and then crushed into powder by the violent sword energy.

Then there were three golden wicker sticks. The first one only blocked the effort for a moment, and then exploded.

It turned into a law of rage that filled the sky, spreading in all directions like a storm.

Immediately followed by a second golden wicker, and a third...


The Wuxiang Sword bombarded the trunk of the Sky Burying Cloud Willow, like a sharp arrow hitting a bull's-eye, and the entire trunk shook violently.

Immediately, a slight click sounded, and a small crack appeared on the trunk.


Zongtian Yunliu was completely enraged, a purple willow branch suddenly protruded from the crack, like a sharp sword piercing the air, and shot at Ji Liankang.

The speed is so fast that the naked eye can't see it. Along the road, circles of ring-shaped ripples appear, leaving a series of ripple tracks in the starry sky.

Ji Lianhang's expression changed, and the breath around his body soared into the sky, forming a majestic rain of swords above his head.

As he pointed out, the rain of swords fell straight down, forming a torrent, hitting the purple wicker.

puff puff puff...

The purple wicker pierced through the torrent of sword energy, carrying terrifying power, and pointed directly at Ji Lianhang's eyebrows.

The other wicker branches of Burial Sky Cloud Willow are all shrinking towards the trunk, and the light on the purple wicker is getting stronger and stronger, and its power is getting stronger and stronger.

"The sky-slashing sword of voidless swordsmanship!"

A terrifying sword appeared in the void again, and immediately fell down, chopping at the purple willow branch.

The willow branches swayed, emitting dazzling purple awns. They did not dodge or dodge, went up against the current, and pointed at the huge sword shadow with the tip.


A violent impact resounded, the void shook, and the Moyuan Starland below also shook, and the sealing formations wrapped around the surface also cracked open one after another.

"Damn it!" Ji Lianhang's face changed, "If you haven't taken action to protect the Xuanming Nine Locks' blocking formation, do you want to be held accountable?"

Sun Ke snorted coldly, but did not stand idly by.

Once the ban of Xuanming Nine Locks is broken, he will be implicated and held accountable.

The pupil of the sky pupil rotates, and the chain of void surrounding it shrinks towards the outer edge of the Moyuan star land, protecting the entire star land in it.

The purple wicker collided with the huge sword shadow continuously, and circles of ripples exploded in the void.

Within a ten thousand zhang radius, except for the Moyuan Starland below and the starry sky island where the Forbidden Dragon Pagoda is located, all the starry sky islands were affected, directly annihilated, and turned into dust.

Ji Lianhang's face was very ugly, he gritted his teeth, stretched out his hands suddenly, and shook the void hard.

The phantom of the huge sword trembled suddenly, and then transformed into two handles, which were chopped down towards the purple wicker together.

Above the void, two long and narrow cracks were drawn directly.

On the sword body, the sword energy is majestic, like two galaxies falling from the void.

The purple wicker trembled and danced, and the willow leaves separated from the willow branches, turned into a large blade, and flew out.

These blades bombarded the two huge sword shadows, and they did not burst into pieces, but continued to rotate, exuding a powerful devouring law, which continuously melted the opponent's sword law.

Ji Lianhang's cultivation base is absolutely terrifying, and has reached the second level of Guiyi Realm.

Zongtian Yunliu is still in its infancy, and it can be seen that it is terrifying to be able to stand in a stalemate with such a strong man for so long.

Ji Lianhang's face became more and more ugly, his eyes gleamed coldly, he opened his mouth, and a ray of light shot up into the sky, and a talisman the size of half a palm appeared in midair.

Looking at the shape, it seems to be missing a corner.

"Looking at the Dao Talisman!" Sun Ke's eyes flickered, and he murmured in a low voice.

The reason why the Ji family has its current status in the Nine Dao Saint Heaven Sect is because of the immortal artifact.

However, with the incompleteness of this fairy artifact, the status of the Ji family began to decline, and many people were secretly staring at them, waiting to make trouble.

The Dao Wang Talisman exudes dense purple energy, and thin lines of laws extend from it, forming a dense and large net, trying to wrap the entire Sky Burying Cloud Willow.

Zangtian Yunliu became anxious when the Dao Talisman appeared.

The Taoist Talisman in front of him was more than twice as big as the one in Ji Chen's hand, and the aura it emitted was also several times stronger. Coupled with the blessing of Ji Lianhang's cultivation base, it was even more inconceivable.

The big net of laws sealed off the surrounding area, and the purple wicker swept out like a long whip, constantly whipping on the big net, trying to swallow the rules on it.

Every time before it could devour it, the two huge sword shadows would fall down and blast it away.

The Burying Sky Cloud Willow kept roaring, and the lawful net kept shrinking, and soon wrapped the whole willow tree.

No matter how it struggles, the scope is getting smaller and smaller.

The canopy swayed, and the wicker shrank into the trunk one by one.

Immediately afterwards, thin golden lines emerged from the tree trunk, and these thin lines flowed towards the purple willow branches like water.

Then, purple thin lines also emerged, flowing towards the willow branches.

Over time, the fine lines fade until they disappear.

The trunk also begins to wither and fall off.

The light of that purple willow branch became more and more intense, and its aura became more and more terrifying.

The Burying Sky Cloud Willow no longer resisted, the purple wicker was like a snake, with its tip raised high, pointing directly at Ji Lianhang.

Immediately, it twisted suddenly, broke free from the tree trunk, and rolled into a small ball the size of a palm.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang.

The body of Zangtian Yunliu exploded with a bang, and the violent breath swept away like a storm.

The large net of rules transformed by the Wangdao Talisman was directly impacted, and a wide mouth was torn open.

The small ball rushed out from the wide mouth, and unfolded into a three-foot-long willow branch again. With a light stroke in the void, a void crack appeared, drilled in, and disappeared without a trace.

Ji Lianhang was stunned, and when he realized what had happened and wanted to stop it, it was too late, so he could only watch Zantian Yunliu flee.

With such a huge loss this time, he didn't get any benefit at all, and the secret that the Dao Talisman was on his body was exposed, and he lost his wife and lost his army!

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