Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 246 Heaven and Earth Furnace

When the purple wicker disappeared, a terrifying explosion that shook the universe appeared, and the terrifying breath pierced the sky.

This is the self-destruction that includes most of Zangtian Yunliu's cultivation base, tearing the gap in the Daoist Talisman a little bigger.

The violent law of chaos, like a flood breaking a bank, burst out from this wide mouth, and its power multiplied several times.

Sun Ke was caught off guard and did not defend with all his strength.

The law of chaos tore through the protective circle formed by the pupils of the sky, and blasted on the block formation outside the Moyuan star land.

There was another earth-shattering loud noise, and one of the Forbidden Dragon Towers that formed the Xuanming Nine Locks cracked open with a crack.

A corpse sitting cross-legged suddenly opened its eyes in the cracks on the bottom of Moyuan Star Land, and in the hands in front of it, a fragment the size of half a palm burst into golden light.

Immediately, the whole person turned into a ray of golden light, escaped from the crack, and disappeared into the depths of the starry sky in an instant.

"It seems that something has escaped from the Moyuan Starland." Sun Ke surrounded the Moyuan Starland with the pupil of the sky. induction.

Ji Lianhang's face turned pale after a brush, and then turned livid, without saying a word.

The anger in his eyes is uncontrollable!


In the starry sky battlefield outside Cangcheng, the battle is still going on.

With the loss of the two supreme powerhouses, the combat power of the enemy and the enemy tends to be balanced.

However, Cangcheng Fang has the Star Shield Talisman.

It won't be long before the balance of victory will tilt towards Cangcheng.

In the sky above the battlefield, the huge Qingluan is particularly conspicuous, especially with the blue flames all over her body, it is difficult not to attract people's attention.

On its back, Liu Yuer's body was also surrounded by flames, and in the void above her head, ten rounds of scorching blue sun emitted scorching heat.

Cultivated to reach the mid-stage of transforming gods, fully stimulating the Ten Days of Nirvana, the terrifying scorching heat formed a continuous heat wave, spreading in all directions.

Every time the blazing sun sets, an enemy monk in the transformation stage will be blown away or beheaded.

The enemy's Heavenly Human Realm powerhouse had been eyeing her for a long time, but he was restrained and couldn't make a move.

A huge alchemy furnace is hidden in the void, peeping from the side.

Witnessing the Zongtian Yunliu being teleported away with his own eyes, he restrained all his aura and did not dare to move.

Lin Qin didn't leave either, and also hid in the void above the Starry Sky Fortress.

When the Heaven and Earth Furnace arrived, he noticed it.

However, the other party hid it well, so that he couldn't figure out the specific position.

Both sides are waiting.

As time passed by, the number of monks on the enemy's side became less and less, and there were not many puppets left.

Cangcheng began to counterattack in an all-round way, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

The enemy started to retreat, Liu Yu'er drove Qingluan, and Yukong pursued.

The blue flames spread for miles.

It's like a bridge of flames in the starry sky, which has never been extinguished for a long time.

A grain of dust the size of a grain of rice quickly approached the past through the flame bridge.

Lin Qin raised his eyebrows, "Is it finally unbearable?"

Immediately, his figure flickered and disappeared in an instant.

With his comprehension of the law of space, he became more and more mature in shrinking the ground and becoming an inch, and he could not emit any fluctuations in the law of space.

Liu Yu'er was concentrating on attacking an enemy late stage cultivator.

With such a terrifying powerhouse, she had to cheer up.

He didn't realize that there was a little red flame approaching rapidly in the flame bridge behind him.

Suddenly, Qingluan issued an early warning.

The huge body swayed and turned into a cyan streamer, ready to take Liu Yu'er away.

However, the surrounding space suddenly let out a buzzing sound and was sealed off layer by layer.

Liu Yu'er just felt like she was stuck in a quagmire and couldn't move.

"Jie Jie Jie, you belong to this seat!"

A little red flame burst out suddenly, and exploded all over Liu Yuer's body, transforming into a cauldron, ready to throw Liu Yuer upside down into the cauldron.


A cold snort sounded, a finger protruded from the void, and the other pointed on the tripod wall.


The sound of the tripod trembled pleasantly, followed by a scream.

The heaven and earth furnace trembled slightly, and violent flames rose up, forming a pillar of fire that soared into the sky and shot into the distance.

Lin Qin stood still, and a big bow slowly emerged above his head.

The spiritual attack method comprehended in the sixth level of "Nine Revolutions Forging the Sky".

"Bend your bow and look north, shoot Sirius!"

A flashing black arrow appeared on the bowstring, like a black hole, sweeping all the murderous aura within a radius of thousands of feet.


The arrow flew out of the string and turned into a black glow, as if it wanted to split the entire starry sky.

Along the way, whenever they encountered meteorites, they would be annihilated by powerful forces before the arrows approached.

The speed of the arrow was extremely fast, and almost the moment it was shot, it came to the front of the Tiandi furnace and slammed into it fiercely.


There was another earth-shattering impact, and all the nearby meteorites exploded, shaking the void.

A more miserable scream sounded than before, and the Tiandi Furnace was knocked and flew into the depths of the starry sky.

Lin Qin took a step forward and chased after him.

Standing on Qingluan, Liu Yu'er felt the fear from her partner's thoughts, which made her feel deeply afraid.

The Heaven and Earth Furnace turned into a flame, and fled away quickly, and there were occasional voices of cursing.

Not far from it, a figure appears and disappears, chasing closely behind.

"Damn it, damn it! I don't believe it, you can keep chasing me!"

A day later, Lin Qin moved a little closer and shot Sirius again.

A black light pierced through the air, blasting on the outer wall of the Heaven and Earth Furnace, and flames shot out.

There was another scream, and the Tiandi Furnace flew out, lighting up a shining star.

Three days later, the Tiandi Furnace was blown away again.

A month later, the sound in the Tiandi Furnace became smaller and smaller.

After three months, the voice disappeared completely.

Half a year later, the Heaven and Earth Furnace went up to the sky and fell into the earth, and there was no way to escape, so it obediently stopped.

Lin Qin stepped out a few steps and came to the side.

The law of dense flames formed a dense ring around the tripod wall.

"What? Don't you run away?"

"You... you're ruthless!" An extremely weak voice sounded from the heaven and earth furnace, as if it would dissipate when blown by the wind.

Lin Qin didn't speak, and spread out his right hand, a stream of water emerged in his palm.

"Star... starry sky Styx!" The weak voice trembled slightly.

"That's right, you said what would happen if you put the Tiandi Furnace into the River Styx?" Lin Qin asked jokingly.

After a long silence, a weak voice sounded again: "What do you want?"

"As long as you don't take away my Heaven and Earth Furnace, you can do whatever you want."

A bright smile appeared on Lin Qin's face, "Very good! Let go of your spiritual sense and let mine enter the heaven and earth furnace. Or, I will forcefully break open and go in by myself."

"You..." The weak voice was extremely angry, and wanted to resist, but finally had to give up.

He is too weak now...

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