Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 244 The Tragic Burial Cloud Willow 3


The Cangcheng monk army, which had already assembled, immediately issued an order when they saw this situation.

The three powerful men of Heaven and Human Realm took the lead, followed by the army of monks, then the coalition forces of the major sects, and finally the casual cultivators.

The battle once again heated up.


Deep in the distant starry sky.

A huge group of palaces, scattered in a sea of ​​stars.

The buildings are scattered in an orderly manner.

In the center of the palace complex, there is a sword peak.

These four gold-plated characters are engraved on it - Xingjian Shengzong.

At this time, the brilliance of Jianfeng flashed, exuding a circle of vast and majestic aura.

A light flashed beside him, and a figure appeared.

Wearing an imperial crown and a red unicorn robe, this person exudes a detached aura.

"Why did the star sword change?"

"Someone is starting the ultra-long-distance star teleportation!" An old voice sounded behind him.

The man wearing the crown suddenly turned around, and an old man with a stooped figure appeared behind him at some point.

The old man has white hair and a white beard, and there are three deep wrinkles between his brows.

"Old Ancestor!" The man saluted deeply, with a respectful expression.

The old man nodded and looked at Xingjian, his eyes were as deep as the starry sky.

"Have you guessed which force it is?" the man asked.

The old man shook his head, "The opponent's strength is not weak, it seems that there is a way to block the secret, and I can only calculate a rough position information."

A look of astonishment appeared on the man's face.

The ancestor of the Star Sword Saint Sect is a figure at the overlord level of this starry sky, his cultivation is as high as the sky, and he has reached the half-step Dao Shaping realm.

After the realm of heaven and man is the realm of returning to oneness, and then transforming into mortals.

The Mortal Transformation Realm is the highest state that this world can achieve.

After Transforming Mortal Realm, there is also the legendary Shaping Dao Realm, which has already transcended the category of mortal monks.

However, between the Mortal Transformation Realm and the Dao Shaping Realm, there is another realm that is not considered a realm, which is called Half-Step Dao Shaping.

Also known as the half immortal.

Only sects or family forces whose cultivation base has reached half-immortal can be called holy sects and holy clans.

"This kind of ultra-long-distance teleportation in the starry sky can only be achieved by the Forbidden Dragon Pavilion back then, and even our Holy Sect has never mastered it."

"Do you want to send someone over to take a look?" The man asked with a thought.

The old man pondered for a while, and finally nodded, "Is Mi Lin, your eldest disciple, planning to kill Fan?"


"Just let him go, maybe he can use this to succeed in killing the ordinary and achieve extraordinary achievements."

"Yes, I will inform you, disciple." The man gave a deep salute, which turned into a ray of light and went away in an instant.

The old man's gaze has never left Star Sword...

Outside the Demon Abyss Star Continent, inside the Forbidden Dragon Tower.

There was a loud bang, and the altar seated by Ji Liankang and Sun Ke shattered into pieces, flying gravel and filling the air with dust.

The two flew out of the tower and hovered outside the tower.

"Damn it, the terrifying power of teleportation will actually cut off the connection between the two Forbidden Dragon Towers." Ji Lianhang had a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Just as Sun Ke was about to speak, his expression changed and he looked up at the sky.

A huge teleportation vortex appeared, and two figures flew out of it, as if they had been blasted out.

Then it slammed into the Forbidden Dragon Pagoda, making a muffled bang.

When Ji Lianhang looked at it, his face also changed, and he opened his mouth and almost spat out.

Sun Ke felt uncomfortable too, and the corners of his mouth almost spilled out.

It was none other than the young man and the puppet child who fell on the Forbidden Dragon Pagoda.

The terrifying force not only crushed their bodies, but also crushed Ji Lianhang and Sun Ke's spiritual consciousness attached to their bodies into nothingness, which caused the two of them to suffer backlash.

In the vortex, a green wicker spins out, then locks back, repeating this, as if fighting against the power of teleportation.

"The Burying Sky Yunliu was also teleported?"

Although only a section of willow branch was exposed, the two recognized it at a glance.

After all, Zantian Yunliu is so famous that the two of them have met before through their divine sense avatars.

Ji Lianhang didn't even bother to say anything, and took a step forward.

In the void, a huge sword figure emerged, spinning rapidly above its head.

Sun Ke stood still, but the pupil of the sky had already appeared in the void.

The black pupils rotated slowly, and a strange and unpredictable power spread out, covering the starry sky.

As one of the three aloof species, the Burial Sky Cloud Willow, no one wants to subdue it.

Ji Lianhang stood directly below the void vortex, with the shadow of the sword hanging upside down above his head, all the murderous aura of this starry sky was involved in it, and his power rose rapidly.

Countless chains extended from the pupil of the sky, like a group of snakes, surrounding the surroundings, wrapping them layer by layer.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Ji Lianhang's mouth, he stood still and looked up.

Zongtian Yunliu continued to struggle, but was spat out from the void vortex bit by bit.

Countless green willow branches flew all over the sky, whipping in the void, making crackling noises.


Ji Lianhang let out a cold snort, and the shadow of the sword shot up into the sky, piercing directly into the body of Buried Tianyunliu.


A series of strange sounds sounded, and a large piece of wicker spread out quickly.

Then, the tip stretched straight, like a long spear, all stabbing downwards.

From a distance, it looks like a huge green lantern suspended in the void, protecting the tree trunk.

With a loud bang, a large piece of wicker was broken inch by inch, and the funeral cloud spirits on it flew up one after another, turning into a piece of starlight, and rushing towards Ji Lianhang.

Ji Lianhang snorted again, the sound of the sword was melodious, shaking the void.

The majestic aura, with the sword shadow as the center, spread in all directions.

The Zangtian Yunling was like limestone in a strong wind, being blown away into the distance.

The willow branches were cut off one by one, and the sword shadow drove straight in, stabbing fiercely at the tree trunk.

A golden wicker protruded from behind the tree and touched the tip of the sword.


An impact sounded, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, and the violent breath swept out with the impact point as the center.

Floating starry sky islands were crushed to powder, and the banning formations outside Moyuan Starland also vibrated violently.


The golden wicker was slammed into the air, and the sword shadow hit the tree trunk, making a dull impact sound.


The trunk swayed wildly, and new willow branches pierced into the void one by one, absorbing the power of the law crazily.

All three golden wicker sticks protruded from the crown of the tree, a powerful aura spread, and the starry sky shook.

Ji Lianhang made a tactic with both hands, a huge vortex appeared above his head, and the phantom of a huge sword hundreds of feet long slowly emerged from it.

"The sky-slashing sword of voidless swordsmanship!"

In the shadow of the sword, there is actually a lot of light.

If you observe carefully, you will find that these are not lights, but lightsabers.

Almost endless lightsabers flew out, imprisoning the huge Burying Sky Cloud Willow in the void.

Zangtian Yunliu felt a strong threat and struggled frantically.

All the sky-burial cloud spirits also flew away, wrapping these lightsabers layer by layer.

Countless willow branches from the heart also plunged into the lightsaber one after another, devouring the law of the sword.

In just a split second, the lightsabers shattered.

"court death!"

Ji Liankang scolded angrily, and the huge sword shadow fell down with a bang, like a pillar of heaven collapsing, a river of stars rolling upside down, and smashed like a broken bamboo on the trunk of Tianyunliu.

Another dull bang came out, and the Zantian Yunliu was completely blown away, and countless roots were also pulled out from the void.

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