I have a hero dream

Chapter 339 Overcome

"Take advantage of the victory to pursue."

As for the current Mangxue Clan that has grown into a large group, they have not been idle during this period of time. They keep training the water flow technique given by the adults they follow every day. Each of them basically has a certain grasp of this technique. Of course, the most outstanding ones are Qiu Wu and his son.

Besides, under the rule of that lord, the entire army has become well-organized, and the sun and the moon are gradually becoming brilliant. Today is their first battle, so there is nothing to lose.

Seeing this, the patrol team of the Black Bull Tribe fled in a panic, but was wiped out in the end.

All of them fell into a pool of blood and completely lost their vitality.

Under the leadership of Qiu Wu, they are like an unstoppable iron army.

The core tent of the Black Bull tribe.

"What's going on? Why is it so noisy outside?"

The burly man with a body like a black bear, with a huge tattoo like a black bull on his back, said suspiciously.

A panic-stricken young man reported outside the account: "Chief, something is wrong. It's an enemy attack. One of the three major patrols in the tribe has been wiped out!"

"What? It makes no sense. Do you really think there is no one in my Black Ox tribe? All the tribes are preparing for war, follow me to meet the enemy."

Hearing this, Zheng Heiniu immediately walked out of the tent, shouting furiously.

All the tribesmen gathered quickly and stood behind him, ready to fight.

Looking carefully, there are nearly a hundred people, ten times as many as the Boundless Snow Clan, and all of them are strong and equipped with excellent weapons.

Qiu Wu had fought against Zheng Heiniu before, but that experience cast a shadow because it was a complete and complete defeat.

Now facing this opponent again, the whole person is like a deflated balloon, and his confidence is greatly reduced. Although he has the water flow technique given by the adult in his hand, after all, this opponent makes him feel deeply powerless. The mood collapsed.

Before coming, even though I was mentally prepared, but facing it again, I still couldn't suppress the fear in my heart, and the overlapping shadows surfaced before my eyes again.

"Father, cheer up, although you have been defeated, but now we have the cheats given by that adult, even if he is stronger, can he be stronger than us now?"

Seeing Qiu Wu's defecate face, Qiu Long expressed his excitement. After all, although he was young, he also knew that if his father couldn't pass the hurdle, he would be hard-pressed to become a master.

"Hey, who am I to know?

It turned out to be the defeated general!

May as well tell you, if I beat you once, there will be a second time, you were lucky last time, this time you will definitely die. "

Zheng Heiniu watched him coming with a look of disdain, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

The reason why they fought was because this world was a world where the weak preyed on the strong, coupled with the lack of resources here, this caused tension between the tribes, and they would make big moves for territory and food, which was the case last time.

Although it was a disastrous defeat, the two tribes still suffered losses, and they had to recuperate in the end.

"Hmph, I will never lose this time."

He nodded towards his son, and when he heard what the other said, he snorted coldly.

"You can only play tricks, all the tribes, I want them to die without a place to bury them!

As for their generals, leave them to me. "

Zheng Heiniu didn't forget to sneer before making a move.

The Black Bulls swarmed out one by one, and the remaining two patrols even assisted.

In an instant, the nine of them were completely surrounded.

As for Qiu Wu, he was completely separated from the formation of soldiers he led.

But he was not afraid at this time. Apart from what he said just now when he had a son, he wanted to prove that he was not weak, and at the same time he wanted to avenge his defeat back then.

Zheng Heiniu pulled out a sharp big knife from his waist, stepped out, and quickly flashed to his side, a cold light flashed, the light of the knife fell, and the cold killing intent instantly enveloped Qiu Wu.

He was sweating all of a sudden, but his actions did not stop because of fear, but the water flow turned like a whirlpool, forming an indestructible water sword. .

The violent impact caused sparks to fly in all directions between their weapons handover. Zheng Heiniu, who was arrogant one moment, turned extremely ashen in the next moment, just because the water sword that came out of nowhere was easily blocked. His blow.

What's more, the huge force from it forced him back a few steps abruptly, and made his hands go numb, almost shaking his saber away. On the contrary, Qiu Wu only took a step back, but he was not injured at all.

"It's unreasonable. What kind of magic did you use? A sword like water appeared in your hand."

His complexion changed drastically, and his steps were chaotic, as if he had seen something terribly frightening.

Qiu Wu remained silent and didn't answer, but silently lowered his head and glanced at his right hand, and then at the opponent who had crushed him.

Is this the water flow technique given by the adults?

And just now before I did my best, I already had this kind of strength. If I did my best, wouldn't he be completely defeated by me.

He smiled at the thought.

After all, it is thanks to that adult that he has achieved what he is now.

"What are you laughing at? I won't be defeated by you so easily, come again."

Zheng Heiniu's complexion gradually became gloomy, and he still couldn't believe that he was pushed back by the opponent just now, so he fought together again.

He squatted with both feet slightly, jumped up, and the huge blade turned into a gust of wind, as if all the strength in his body had been exhausted, he slashed down fiercely.

It's just that his triumphant blow with all his strength was easily resolved.

With a flash of sword light, the technique of water flow in Qiu Wu's hand pierced through the big knife in front of him like a dripping stone, and turned into a black shadow, flashing behind the leader of the Black Cow Department.

"how is this possible?"

Zheng Heiniu looked at his chest in disbelief, because there was a big hole pierced through it, he covered the hole, spat out a mouthful of blood arrows, and his legs fell heavily on the ground, his face covered with ashes , and soon there was no vitality.

At this moment, Qiu Wu finally showed a triumphant smile, and then shouted: "The leader of the Black Niu Department, Zheng Heiniu, is dead, and he has to accept the surrender."

When the members of the Hei Niu Tribe heard the news of their leader's death, they dropped their weapons in fright and knelt on the ground one after another, expressing their sincerity of surrender.

However, one of them was dissatisfied. This was Zheng Qingyuan, the leader's son. He did not choose to surrender, but stood straight. He looked at his father lying in a pool of blood, and burst into tears.

Now he has no choice but to kill his enemies with his own hands.

"A bunch of worthless people. My father raises you and pays for you, yet he surrenders so easily. You are really a coward!"

Zheng Qingyuan's face was full of unwillingness, he looked at these betrayers, and cursed all of a sudden.

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