I have a hero dream

Chapter 338 Hitting the Tribulation, the Black Bull Department

But if you dare to challenge my reputation as the Lord of the Sky, even if you get these great opportunities, what is the use?Not even a piece of trash.

On the top of Venerable Wu Yun's head, nine thunders flashed suddenly, with a purple-black light in his hand, a violent voice slowly came from between his fingers, and the wave of death surged out violently, holding the thunder in his palm, clap out.

The Venerable Sun on the other side was not idle either, a dragon howl with a roar that shook the heavens and earth, and exuded a blazing light, striking out raging flames from the inside and outside.

But Chiba Xiong's complexion changed slightly. After all, the two of them in front of him are strong men who have stood in the realm of the earth fairy for many years, so they concentrated their energy and used one of the three moves in the heavenly book, called Shura Purgatory.

As the name suggests, the move is so powerful that it can be called terrifying.

The book of heaven was running wildly in his body, and there were colorful rays of light on it, bursts of bright starlight, and the different pupils in his eyes also shot out a strange and dark light!

In an instant, the sky in front of him turned black and red, and countless scenes, objects, and people seemed to have stood still in time, while he had turned into a dark god of Shura, exuding a terrifying and terrifying aura.

His long black hair fluttered, hanging down his shoulders, his eyes were crimson, bursts of extraordinary killing intent flashed past like sharp swords, thick and heavy, his muscles squirmed like worms, swelled several times in an instant , the body size of the whole person has increased several times compared to before, directly bursting the top, revealing the perfect physique.

Seeing that the two were preemptive, he only raised his hands in an instant, tightly clenched their fists, and calmed down the Xeon attacks of both of them.

On the other hand, he didn't move at all, but while holding their fists, an extremely powerful cyclone came from behind, which was obviously the aftermath of the attacks on their heads.

"What's going on? He actually blocked our respective attacks with just one hand. No wonder the Heavenly Book has fascinated countless people. They are willing to sacrifice their lives to get it."

Venerable Sun was shocked when he found that his attack was easily blocked. He wanted to struggle and get rid of the opponent's hand, but he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. This was unexpected.

Even Venerable Wu Yun thought so.

Just stepping into the realm of the earth fairy, I can match the strong like me, and this is my strongest blow, and I have become so vulnerable in front of him. Blue out of blue is better than blue!

But I am unwilling!

Even the Lord of the Sky behind them was slightly surprised.

Sure enough, it is a heavenly book, the power of the heavenly book even I have to stand aside, it seems that in time, even if his strength is against me, I am afraid that he will surpass me soon.

It's a pity that he has a catastrophe in his life. If he survives, he will be a strong one. If he can't survive it, it's a pity.

"Forget it, stop it, you three. I know your strength, and I understand it. It's really extraordinary. Then I'll just say goodbye and see you later."

After the Lord of the Sky finished speaking, he took Venerable Sun and Venerable Wuyun and left quietly, as if he had never appeared before.

"Tch, you really are a coward. I thought it was some kind of strong man, but it turned out to be this kind of person. Forgive me for not conspiring with you."

Chiba Xiong watched them run away quietly, feeling disdainful in his heart, and left slowly.

"Lord of the sky, this idiot dares to call you a coward, why don't I wait for the two of you to go and kill him!"

"You are not his opponents. This person is so powerful just because he has a book from the sky. The attraction of the book is really enough to make many worlds go crazy. However, he will end soon. I hope he can survive this disaster. Otherwise it's useless."

When Venerable Sun and Venerable Wuyun heard the words of the Lord of the Sky, he repeated the unwillingness in his heart from the beginning, but when he heard the last four words of "hit this catastrophe", he smiled badly in his heart.

After all, as long as the Lord of the Sky says 'hit this catastrophe', then this person is probably unlucky.

"Welcome big brother, your strength has improved again."

Chiba Ming laughed.

"What's the news about the third brother? I always feel something ominous."

"Brother, I have already sent someone to investigate, I am afraid there will be news in the next few days, and the strength of the third brother, we all know that, although he did not have the help of the Taoist, he was once the strongest in this continent.

He also has the number one blood tiger army in the world, how can anyone be his opponent, so there is no need to worry about this big brother, just relax. "

Qianye Ming shook his lupine fan, with a calm and calm face, and his face was calm, never worried about the safety of his third brother.

Hearing this, Qianyexiong stopped worrying, and instead said in a urging tone: "Second brother, you should also take that pill as soon as possible, and improve your realm to help the power of our three giants." Lift it up."

Qianye Ming smiled wryly, and quickly said yes, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. After all, life is the most important thing, and with a cautious mind, he still thought twice and put it aside.

As soon as the words fell, Chiba Xiong left involuntarily and returned to the place where he practiced.

"Enemy attack!"

A sharp-eyed tribal guard, he shouted sensitively. After hearing this, everyone else's hearts beat faster, and they looked around one by one, ready to fight at any time.

Has it been discovered?

"Everyone prepare for battle."

Qiu Wu didn't expect them to be exposed, but he quickly cheered up.

The nine people behind him also entered the state one after another.

Only his son's eyes flashed a murderous light, which was cruelty to the enemy.

There was a banner above the gate of the tribe with a pattern of a black bull, and it fluttered in the wind. A team of 20 well-trained guards were full of hostility and held weapons, including knives, swords, and swords. The long halberds slowly approached them one by one.

"Since you have been discovered, all of you will follow me to kill the enemy."

A trace of ruthlessness flashed across Qiu Wu's face, a gust of water gushed through his hand, and then it turned into a sword, which passed easily, and the several guards in front of him were pierced with sword marks one after another, and soon He was seriously injured.

Everyone's eyes were full of fear, as if they were looking at a monster, they could only look at each other, they stepped back as if they had a heart, and ran forward without stopping.

"Want to run, did you ask my Jianwei?"


Qiu Wu jumped over their heads and came to the front of them. At the same time, he also slashed out with his sword, leaving deep bloodstains on their respective necks. Countless blood spurted out from the places where they were slashed. He looked at him with a horrified look, then fell to the ground and died clutching his throat.


One person yelled in the patrol team, and as soon as the words fell, the morale of countless people also plummeted, and one of them started to run away, which meant that the other wanted to run away too.

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