I have a hero dream

Chapter 340 Danger Comes

Immediately, he raised his angry fist and wanted to rush to the man who killed his father, but Qiu Long blocked him, and soon the two fought together.

"If you want to kill my father, you have to pass me first."


Zheng Qingyuan's figure flashed, as swift as a cheetah.

But at this time, Qiu Long, who was already in the perfect state of Qi refining, saw everything in front of him extremely slowly. As soon as he raised his hand and melted, the physique of the purple dragon cauldron was ready to move, and he directly grabbed the opponent's attacking fist, and melted Its momentum, retreat its people.

"how is this possible?"

At this time, the angry young man showed a face of unwillingness. He only felt that his right hand was almost scrapped, and his body was still showing signs of decay.

He coughed vigorously, spat out three bloody arrows, and half of his body fell to the ground slowly, but he still wanted to fight because his eyes were full of blood and hatred.

"Although I'm not as good as you, I'm not like those wretches who don't fight and give up. I'm a descendant of the leader of the Black Cow tribe. Even if I die, I will step on your corpse and avenge my father."

Zheng Qingyuan spoke from the bottom of his heart, and at the end he did not forget to mock the group of surrenderers.

"Courage is commendable, but it is a pity."

Qiu Long knew that this battle was either his death or my death.

And nodded in recognition of this guy.

Although he had plans in his heart to include him in the ministry, but when he thought that the word "blood feud" was involved, he cut off his thoughts.

Soon he stopped thinking about it, picked up the technique of water flow in his hand, and a formed water sword shot up into the sky with a sharp blood light, rushing straight towards the young man like a trajectory.

With a face full of fear, he bullied himself, trying to smash the sword light with his hands, but in the end he suffered from lack of strength, and it was impossible to rely on brute force alone in front of this person.

I saw his hands were pierced by the blood light, and then melted into the heart. Accompanied by a shrill scream, the young man fell down, but his expression before he died was not frightened or desperate. look.

"You are a good man, this man buried him well, rest in peace."

Qiu Long looked at the corpse with some appreciation.

As for the other surrenders, when they saw the leader's son being bombarded to death on the spot, they were all frightened and kowtowed non-stop.

In this battle, the Mangxue Clan won a big victory because there were about a hundred people who surrendered, and there were countless supplies and good weapons, as well as a small territory. This was a good start for them.

After all, since Ning Tianyu killed the head of one of the three giant tribes, the tribe following him should also face the other party's wrath soon.

Besides, the more prepared, the more chances of winning.

Today's tribal army has also taken shape, and each of them has experienced a life-and-death battle, and they have also experienced a murderous and rigorous military formation.

Mangxue tribe.

The number of people is about 100 people.

Under Ning Tianyu's control, the army was divided into two teams, and the remaining two patrol teams in the Black Bull Division were also divided into them.

Originally, the position of Qiu Wu, the leader of the team, remained unchanged. As for the leader of the second team, his son Qiu Long, there were about 20 people in each team.

Now equipped with excellent weapons and impressive strength, it can be said that its strength has greatly increased.

Immediately afterwards, the two teams followed Ning Tianyu's previous instructions and went to attack two other nearby tribes.

This time it was much smoother than before, only because of the excellent weapons and the daily food support, each one of them was as strong as a bear.

Coupled with the blessing of the original army and the technique of water flow, since it didn't take half a day, the two tribes were directly surrendered before they fought a few times.

And in the experience of the battle, these two armies were constantly being honed, and the indomitable momentum on their bodies gradually formed.

What's more, now that the two main generals are often mentioned by Ning Tianyu, their strength has already been improved to a higher level.

The people who just joined the tribe also gave the initial version of the technique of water flow. Although it is not better than the original team, it can be regarded as having the most basic martial arts tricks.

After March.

The two persons in charge of the three major departments realized that there was no news of the third brother, and they realized that an accident might have happened to the other party.

Just when they were about to send troops, an intelligence organization found clues and reported them to them.

When the two leaders heard the ins and outs of the news, they were immediately furious, because it was the sad news of their third brother's death.

As the eldest brother, Qianyexiong even soared into the sky, disregarding the opposition of the second brother, the Holy See, directly took the lead and killed the Mangxue clan.

"Brother, don't rush..."

Before the words were finished, Chiba Xiong had long since disappeared.

"Second leader, what should we do?"

"Go together and meet my elder brother as quickly as possible."

When Qianye Ming thought of the death of his third brother, he felt very angry. After all, the three brothers were not brothers with different surnames, but brothers. In this continent, they swore to conquer the world.

One is king, one is planner, and one is army.

But who knew that this soldier had already died before them.

This is something he cannot accept.

His face became extremely gloomy, and he also hated the person who killed his third brother.

well!Rest in peace, the second brother will find a way, and the eldest brother will not let it go.

Is it the Mangxue clan?In the future, this continent will not exist in the world!

In the main tent, Ning Tianyu suddenly felt a strong breath of death approaching him from the northwest.

"All staff prepare for battle, there is an enemy attack!"

These words spread to everyone's ears like a thunderous voice.

"What is the enemy? Where is it? Why didn't you see it?"

As soon as Qiu Wu heard his grown-up voice, he quickly grabbed the long spear beside him, came out from the tent, and looked around, but there was still no sign of any suspicious person.

Qiu Long, who was behind him, also followed to check, but he was more sharp-eyed, and he still saw a shadow of a blood demon in the sky, like a crimson light, coming quickly.

And when this figure got closer and closer, everyone felt their bodies sinking uncontrollably. It was surrender from the inside out, and they knelt on the ground one by one, making it difficult to raise their heads.

Except for Ning Tianyu, there was not much influence on the field.

Is this the land of fairyland?There are such people in this continent!Didn't it mean that there are no warriors here?

how!It's really strange, could it be the ghost of the person in charge of the library?

Forget it, since he's here, he can only fight. He should avenge his brother.

Seeing that figure getting closer and closer, he simply soared into the sky, looked at it, and revealed the identity of the other party: "You are a member of the three giants, are you avenging your younger brother?"

"Hmph, you are the one who killed my third brother, and you dare to kill my brother even at the level of a god, so I have to make your life worse than death, take you back to torture, and put you in prison, become a prisoner, and be chained forever Bitter."

Chiba Xiong snorted coldly and said coldly.

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