I have a hero dream

Chapter 337 Vision, Flame Tyrant Prison Knife

He hasn't even taken the elixir given to him by the master of Taoism. Even his usually calm and calm personality is still vacillating on this matter, and he hasn't made a decision for a long time.

At this time, he saw his elder brother's situation after he took it, and he was even more thankful that he hadn't taken it before. After all, after weighing the pros and cons, life is more important, and he will take it directly when he has full confidence.

Although once he endured it, his strength would definitely increase greatly, it would be countless times stronger than before, and he could also improve his realm, but he was still timid, because if he couldn't bear it, he might die on the spot.

Since he has not yet found someone to inherit everything he has learned, he absolutely dare not make such a decision.

At this time, Qianyexiong's strength has increased greatly, and the huge and terrifying aura on his body has reached the realm of an earth fairy, and a powerful aura surges from the inside out.

"Is this the land of immortals?

I really didn't expect that a elixir given by the Taoist expert could jump directly into the most important small realm in this difficult-to-breakthrough realm, and step into this realm, and I don't know how many boxes it will cost to destroy it. The realm of the earth fairy that stepped into the blood bead. "

As soon as he felt the changes in his body, his complexion gradually became ecstatic, and he completely forgot about the embarrassing scene just now, and his eyes were full of the growth of his own strength.

With a thought, he took out a red sword from the void, the whole body exuded bright starlight, and this was the divine weapon "Ranyan Hell Sword" bestowed on him by the Taoist master.

At this moment, when he held it, he only felt that his blood seemed to be fused with it. This was a feeling he had never had before, and the joy of satisfaction now.

With a touch of his feet, the whole person seemed to be buried in the world, and quickly turned into a bloody light and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Qianye Ming only felt that there was a gust of wind in front of him, and his elder brother disappeared.

It seems that the eldest brother wants to try his current power.


Qianye Xiong soared into the sky, reaching directly under the sky, but his eyes flashed past, and the ruthless eyes swept across the sky, and there seemed to be a trace of provocation on his face.

That day, the sky understood what he meant, so he didn't want him to act recklessly and face God's will wantonly, so he summoned two younger brothers, one was the sun, and the other was the dark clouds. Nine Heavens Zhishen had no choice but to obey.

Under the high temperature of the sun, it exudes a little scorching air. Once touched, it will be burned and killed.

He seemed to be showing his strength.

The black cloud of thick fog was not far behind, he summoned his magic weapon, named Nine Thunders, and Shen Xiong's thunderbolts kept gathering, flashing bursts of thunder, as if they wanted to kill this rebel on the spot.

A contemptuous smile flashed across Qianyexiong's face, as if he didn't pay attention to the two at all, his eyes were always on the sky.

The sun and the dark cloud were furious, and they joined forces to kill this person in front of the Lord of the Sky. Obtaining one's own identity in this way is not something that ordinary people can destroy.

The lord of the sky was aloof, seeing this mortal man wantonly put his eyes on him, his face was suddenly displeased, and he seemed to have thought of many ways of death for the other party in his mind.

"Just because you two want to block my immortal power."

Chiba Xiong looked at the two things's attacks, his body exuded a whirlwind of the realm of the earth fairy, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, he raised his saber, and slashed straight forward, a strong blood-red light condensed out, which is impressive The ultimate power of the sword.

At the same time, since the volume of heavenly scriptures in his mind seems to have spiritual wisdom, he keeps flipping through them by himself, and when he flips to the middle, a blood-black light of ten thousand zhang radiance shines out, and the same is true for the abnormal pupil on his forehead.

The combination of the two actually erupted a more powerful blood-slaying light, and this formed a straight line of laser light, but the same was true for the two people in front of them, but the color was different, one blue and one red.

However, a person who has just entered the realm of the earth fairy can actually fight the two in front of him, which is enough to brag for a lifetime.

Although their strength is not as strong as the Lord of the Sky, their cultivation is not bad.

The sun and the dark cloud transform into two rebellious young people, both of whom have magic weapons in their hands, the former is a red blood circle that radiates majestic light, and the latter is the Nine Thunder Excalibur.

"We are both in the realm of Earth Immortal, how can we lose in your hands?"

Venerable Sun held the blood circle in his hand, and when he saw that this person was able to fight one against two without losing the wind, he felt dissatisfied and wanted to prove himself with his strength.

After all, in front of the Lord of the Sky, it would be humiliating to lose face so easily, so how could people in their circle survive.

"Although you have the heavenly book in your hand and the divine weapon as a supplement, you are still new to the realm of the earth fairy. If you want to fight against two, the two of us have already been in the realm of the earth fairy for many years, and our foundation is solid.

Still not enough to watch. "

Venerable Wu Yun said it right, although he didn't know who gave him this opportunity?

After all, no matter whether it is a heavenly book or a divine tool, or whether the person in front of him takes the pill, it is an opportunity that cannot be met.

As soon as Qianyexiong heard this, he felt like a frog in a well. He thought he was the master of this continent, but he didn't expect that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people.

But as the biggest leader of the three great ministries, he immediately saw that the most powerful of the three was the Lord of the Sky.

If a person like him can't even beat these two, how can he talk about repaying the kindness of the master who has learned the truth.

After all, before this, he was just a person hovering at the limit of a warrior, but when he stepped into the realm of cultivation, he realized that he was still too weak.

After all, I heard from these two people that everything he has is a great opportunity, which is a blessing for his whole life, so now he has to fight even more.

A strong fighting intent erupted in his eyes, and the sword in his hand was clenched even tighter. He was going all out to risk his life. The blood-red laser beam in front of the three of them was even brighter and more intense.

And there is a tendency to drown the lasers of the two previous ones.

When Venerable Sun and Venerable Wuyun saw that this person was able to erupt such a powerful force, they stopped holding back one by one and decided to use their housekeeping skills instead.

"Since that's the case, don't blame me for being rude, Nine Thunder God Lights dominate the world."

"Longyan Shengwei, protect me."

Oh?It seems that Venerable Sun Venerable Wuyun Venerable is about to use the most powerful blow.

I don't know if this ordinary person can defeat him.

But I really didn't expect him to have such a great opportunity. It seems that his future achievements will be extraordinary.

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