I have a hero dream

Chapter 328 Three Great Parts, Young Knights

"It's like being a slave every day, being called around, don't look at how leisurely we are now.

After a while, about ten young knights from one of the three giants will come to send orders from above, which is our daily task.

well!I really don't know when this day will be the head. "

The person said something that seemed to imply the concept of asking for help, but also seemed to be complaining.

Ning Tianyu bowed his head and remained silent. After all, he is not a good person, if people want him to help, he will help.

The chief of the tribe looked at the young man without saying a word, and sighed heavily in his heart, because his request was not answered.

But he also knew that even if the young man helped, nothing would change.

The other groups of the same tribe scratched their heads there, at a loss, and just kept looking at other members of the same tribe.

Sure enough, just as the chief of the tribe said, dozens of sounds of gold and iron horses shook the world from a distance, and the ground shook like an earthquake and mountains.

About dozens of people of the same race knelt down behind them, put down their weapons as if instinctively, lowered their proud heads forward, and kowtowed lowly.

Dozens of small giants sank to the ground at the same time, and the surrounding sand instantly splashed on them with the wind.

It's just that they didn't pay attention to it, but lowered their heads silently. Even the tribal chief's face was a little moved when he saw this posture, so he ignored the young man next to him, and quickly put down his wooden staff and bowed respectfully.

Dozens of wild horses rushed to one of the resource-poor tribes in front of them, and it slowly rose like a strong wave of blood, forming an extremely sharp sword. After all.

The leader, a cold and arrogant young soldier, held a silver spear and swept across the people in front of him until he stopped at a young man who had never knelt down and was still looking at him confidently. Whistle, causing the other troops to tighten the neck of the horse with both hands to stop it.

The snow-white horse's feet were raised high, and with a hasty cry, they kicked a few times in the air, causing the owner who was riding on them to lean back, half of his body was thrown into the air, and he almost fell down. Fortunately, they were also well-trained Young riders, this one survived.

However, only the young soldier in the lead was physically unharmed. When half of his body was about to leave the ground, he strangled the horse's neck with both feet, and turned his body outwards a few times. He patted the horse's back, put his feet down, and flipped backwards skillfully in the air, simply sitting on the horse again as if performing acrobatics.

A series of steps flow smoothly and smoothly, in one go.

When he stopped five steps before Ning Tianyu, the young soldier took another look at him. His first thought was that this person didn't seem to have much to do with the tribe in front of him.

Because the clothes and temperament on the body can be clearly known.

However, due to the difference in status, he felt that this person was not without dignity. When he saw their huge knights, he actually looked at him squarely. He was the leader of the young knights. Anger welled up in his heart, and he scolded: "If you don't kneel down when you see this leader, are you planning to rebel?"

When the chief of the tribe heard this, his face was thunderbolt, his heart sank, he quickly moved his body, and nervously tugged at the feet of the young man next to him, as if he wanted him to kneel down.

Although there is no connection between the two, for his safety, the chief of the tribe also knew that he didn't seem to understand the situation, so he wanted to make him kneel down. After all, the Young Knights represent the orders of the three giants, and they are also the face of them. .

If they don't follow suit, then one of their tribes will also be forcibly killed from this continent according to the order.

As the head of the tribe, of course he would not let his fellow tribe bear the risk of being wiped out.

This is also the principle he has adhered to for many years. Of course, what is more important is the tribal leader's judgment and handling of the overall situation.

Ning Tianyu felt that the old man with teary eyes kept pulling his feet, but he didn't move at all. Instead, he stared at the man in front of him intently.

The atmosphere in front of him suddenly became tense.

This kind of courage to look directly is something that many tribes belonging to the three giant tribes have long lacked.

Seeing this man's behavior, the young soldier didn't show any appreciation, but more of touching his bottom line again and again.

After all, humiliating him in front of his followers was a provocation to the three great tribes, and it also disrespected his position as the leader of the Young Knights.

There was no pity in his eyes, but indifference from just now to now.

It seems that this person has already been sentenced to death in his heart.

He tightly held the spear in his hand and pointed it at the head of the young man in front of him, and shouted: "Don't think that I dare not kill you, it is easy for me to kill you."

He was always the one talking, but Ning Tianyu was still looking at him as before.

The chief of the tribe looked up at the young man longingly, at the young man who didn't understand why he was so confident and confident, and at the young man who didn't understand why he was still calm in the face of the huge organization of the Young Knights.

Thoughts over and over again, questions over and over again kept replaying in his head. For this old man, this young man was too strange. Apart from the strange clothes, even the temperament that was not afraid of death, the man with extraordinary background weapon.

He knew that this person did not belong to this era.

Because there has never been a person who, in the face of the three giants that dominate this continent, can naturally confront them without any fear.

On this continent, the three giants are like the gods who rule the world, and the Young Knights are their eagle dogs, the sharp blades in their hands, to easily pronounce the life and death of the people below.

As long as you make a disobedient move, you will kill without mercy without hesitation.

But the young man in front of him is not like the rebels in the past, because of the desire and eagerness in his heart, he is rebelling against the cowardly.

But it just so happened that this young man was not like that.

There was no trace of emotion on his face, nor was there any turbulence in his heart, just like a peerless expert who had already experienced great storms.

That kind of strong self-confidence, in this era that has been dominated for countless years, no rebel can compete.

In particular, there are very few such flat eyes.

Because even if there is, it has passed away in the buried grave.

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