I have a hero dream

Chapter 327 The Tribe of Primitives

"Okay, it's a deal."

Ning Tianyu's eyes showed a look of success, but he quickly retracted, pretending nothing happened, and continued to make deals.


Yuchi swallowed hard, and looked at him intently.

Ning Tianyu was not timid and looked at him squarely.


The head of the person in charge of the Dizang Pavilion is full of thoughts about drinking the wine of the fairyland.

Ning Tianyu looked calm and said the numbers together.

The atmosphere became very oppressive, and everything around seemed to be still.


When the last number fell, everything seemed to move.

An antique copper-colored jug flashed a green light from Ning Tianyu's storage ring, and then slowly appeared in his hands. It seems to be an ordinary wine, but there is always an unpredictable Feel.

And this also greatly opened Yu Chijin's curiosity, he was an expert in the field of wine, once he saw the shape, size, and shape of this wine pot, it completely captured his heart.

When he bent slightly, his beard fluttered with the wind as if overjoyed, his hands turned inward, his hands slowly stretched out, his eyes fixed on the flagon in the opponent's hand, until he was about to touch it, suddenly there was a He interrupted him with one hand, and burst out a strange tone of voice: "Hey, you haven't said the top two cheats here yet? If you say it, it's yours. If you don't say it, we will tear up the ticket at worst."

Ning Tianyu looked high, turned around and raised the jug high with both hands, as if wanting to smash it into pieces.

And this action also touched Yu Chijin's heart, his eyes were full of distress, and he hurriedly shouted: "Don't, don't, don't, this baby can't be smashed, can I say I can't do it?"

This old fox is really cunning.

Ning Tianyu has already seen through the other party's mind, and both of them are planning.

"This, alas!

Alright, come here with your ears. "Yuchijin sighed, and said in a low voice, but he was still extremely vigilant, staring at this person tightly, as if he didn't believe it, but he had no choice of way, so he made a reckless move.


Well, let's see what you, old fox, have in mind.

When he did so, he found a strong wind blowing, his hands turned into phantoms, and his body was like a leopard. Fortunately, he was already alert, and one hand turned into countless wind blades, his body was like a vigorous loach, and he slid back quickly.

"Good posture." Yu Chijin didn't have the demeanor of an elder at all, just commented lightly, and his whole body was like a tiger roaring and swallowing a wolf, one after another cheat books were separated from the bookshelf, and all flew up.

He has a strange movement, there are several thunder lights and several dark lights on his body, the speed is endless, his hands are slightly clasped, and he has used the folk skill of fetching objects from the air, but he has used it to the extreme.

The strong wind around seemed to restrict Ning Tianyu's actions in an instant, but his own attributes had already reached the semi-super class six attributes, among which was the ability of the wind attribute.

How could he be easily blocked by the gust of wind in front of him, but the plan in his heart was finalized, so he pretended to be defeated and lured the snake out of the hole.

Seeing his success, Yu Chijin laughed wantonly: "The flagon is mine, and as for the two cheat books in the first two, I won't tell you, everything is mine, hahahaha."

The flagon came out, Ning Tianyu pretended to be defeated, and added a few embellishments: "How could it be?"

The sky is eternal.

At some point, an extra sharp weapon appeared in his hand, and the Dao Dao Feng Blade came at an extremely fast speed with countless sharp thorns.

The huge space is filled with the domain of wind, and now he is even more powerful, plus he defeated the Nether army before, and he has a feeling for his own style of play.

Just one move caused Yuchijin's complexion to change slightly, but then he grasped his palm, and an unknown powerful energy rose out like a cloud, and the sword of the gale in his eyes collided with those clouds, unexpectedly strange disappeared.

Layers of clouds and mist covered the entire area, and the entire Dizang Pavilion was his means.

These also completely blocked the opponent's vision.

Ning Tianyu didn't expect this old man to have such strength.

But he didn't cowardly think that he was inferior to him.

It's a bit interesting, such a character is worth my all.

"Come on, let me see how strong you are?"

Yuchi Jin flicked his fingers slightly, and the whole Dizang Pavilion seemed to open up another area. This is a space that does not belong to the fairy world. It is better to say that this person can form a world with a single thought.

Everything here is under his control.

Here there are oceans, land, sky, animals, humans, everything is up to him.

what happened?

where is this?

Who is he?

Ning Tianyu looked around suspiciously. As for that person, he didn't know when it started, and he had already disappeared.

It seemed like it had never been there.

At this moment, he seems to understand a little bit, but a little bit doesn't understand.

Such a character actually came from the Dynasty of the Heavens.

It's kind of incredible.

Around him is a piece of land, where there are primitive tribes, a bunch of savages, including men and women, dressed simply, only some clothes formed by hunting animals.

At this moment, he only felt that his eyes were very real, so real that even his five senses were very real.

A primitive man seemed to have noticed him, seeing that his clothes were different from theirs, and picked up spears one by one. The man slowly approached him, and the woman stood by.

Their eyes are full of hostility, their bodies are full of tendons, they are very strong and burly, they are close to three meters in height, and they are all small giants.

Seeing this, Ning Tianyu didn't understand why the person in charge built this world?

Is it a test for him?

Or, this is just a game!

He was watching him somewhere.

Alas, it's a bit annoying.

"Excuse me, where is this place?"

The primitive people in front of them were all puzzled, and some didn't understand what he was talking about.

er, language barrier.

Alas, there is no trick here.

Seeing them approaching gradually, the spear in his hand was clenched even more, and several people surrounded him, as if they wanted to make some radical move.

"Hmph, if you're against me, then don't blame me for being rude."

When he wanted to overwhelm others with force, an old man came out from the tribe in front of him. He held a wooden staff, looked skinny, and his face was full of wrinkles. It seemed that he could fall to the ground directly when a gust of wind blew.

He coughed first, and then said, his language seems to be connected with it: "We are one of the dozens of tribes in the southern part of the Markfei continent, and I am the leader of the tribe, don't look at me He looks skinny, but he was once a person who should not be underestimated.

It's just that this place is not as peaceful as it seems, but chaotic.

The tribe here lacks resources and is almost occupied by the three giant tribes, and our tribes with only a few dozen people don't even have a share of soup. "

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