I have a hero dream

Chapter 329 Mysterious Power, Incompetent Cowardice

"It's you who don't cherish your life, so leave this world forever with this unforgettable lesson, all parts, besieged, let him know how powerful we are waiting for the Young Knights."

Lone Eagle's face was cold, without any mercy in his eyes, he decisively issued the death order.

All the minions around listened to the order, with reckless smiles and arrogance, and the whole army rushed forward like a galloping horse.

As for the tribal chief behind him hearing this order, he could only sigh helplessly in his heart, as if he regretted this man's life as if he had killed this young man.

The afterglow of the sunset reflected a refracted beam on the ground of the chief of the tribe.

At this moment, he looked at the beam of light, and his whole body seemed to have a feeling. Since it was the first time he disobeyed the imperial decree representing the three giants, he used his thin, old, and aging body to decisively block the young man. before.

His body trembled frequently due to the lack of support from the wooden staff, and he looked directly at the young knights in front of him with pleading eyes. Although his waist could not be straightened, he could only maintain a bent posture, but his expression was still determined and moved forward bravely.

He cowardly sent out a humble cry for help to the Lone Eagle: "I hope that you, the leader of the Young Knights, have a large number of adults, so that you can spare this young and weak life.

He is just an ignorant person, just now he spoke rudely, I apologize to you, the noble leader of the knights, on his behalf, and only ask you to let him go. "

After saying that, he knelt on the ground humbly, lowered his head covered with white hair, and looked down at the grass below.

It's just that Lone Eagle regards him as rubbish, and has never looked at him, but has always maintained an attitude of ignoring him. He raised his spear high, pointed it at the sky, and said loudly with a tone of judging life and death: " Kill without mercy."

Ning Tianyu saw the chief of the tribe entrusting him with his life, and he also remembered this favor in his heart.

It's just that when the enemy in front of him is getting closer and closer, until the weapon in his hand is about to touch the old man.

His calm and fearless expression made him a little moved. When he raised his right hand, a ball of pale white gas enveloped the old man's whole body. With a slight movement of his index finger, the old man moved the gas away from him. On the grass in the distance here.

This thing shocked everyone present, because this thing is really incredible, and they have never seen such a magical power in their cognition.

Even the old man and other primitive people of the same race stared wide-eyed. Of course, the chief of the tribe, who had personal experience, didn't know what words to use to describe this extraordinary feeling.

The dozens of members of the young knights who had been rushing to kill had already had countless turmoil in their hearts, but when the leader gave the order to die, they had to bite the bullet and move forward, because they all knew what deserters meant?

This is the price of being slaughtered, and it makes them not want to take risks.

Under the pressure of terror and driven by deep fear, several people couldn't bear the dilemma, so they had to forcibly wipe their necks with the swords around their waists. After all, there were wolves in front and tigers in back, so they had to end To protect his family with his own life, several people died on the spot.

After all, they would rather not be deserters than be killed by this monster with unknown sorcery, so they had to find another way to attack.

As for the others, they still charged forward, but before they had time to get close, they were broken by a wild and unruly laugh: "If you want to kill me, you can try it."

Ning Tianyu didn't use some tough methods, but just used pure energy to defend against the enemy, that is the internal force of a warrior, of course, there are differences in depth.

And it just so happens that he is in the realm of unfathomable.

I saw his face was stern, and there was a thick mass of invisible gas wrapped around his body. The long spears in front of him pierced out with sharp tips, but they fell into the gas and were forcibly dissolved by the energy in the gas.

The spear at the front end was turned by a spiral of gas energy, the tip of the spear turned into powder in an instant, followed by the body of the spear, the tail end, until it hit the human body, dozens of people were turned into blood forcibly The fog, as for the horses under their feet, was also affected and died on the spot.

The inexhaustible drops of blood stained the grass.

Lone Eagle was even more frightened and fell off the horse in embarrassment. Seeing the mysterious phenomenon in front of him, he couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.

Just because dozens of real people turned into blood mist so easily, this kind of ability is not possessed by these ordinary people at all, even if they are well-trained cavalry, they don't have this ability at all.

With a pale complexion, his eyes looked like they were about to fall to the ground. He looked at the young man who was coming towards him step by step, and his whole body became dizzy with fright. He didn't know why he was so afraid!

The title of the leader of the Young Knights in his heart has always been vigilant in his heart, but the arrival of that person will completely destroy everything that is already beautiful.

"No, no, no, all of this is impossible, yes...I must be dreaming, it's not real in front of me."

It's just that even though he kept repeating this sentence, the scene in front of him actually happened in front of him, and he pinched his face with his hands.

It hurts, it hurts from the heart.

All this is actually true.

This is a monster.

His instinctive sensitivity to death aura made him speechless for a moment: "You, don't, me!"

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, as clear and audible as the sound that hit the soul directly.

The dim yellow sunset was quickly covered by a crimson wave of blood, gradually forming a huge blood-red full moon, and some dark clouds slowly appeared, but Dongmei could cover the blood-colored light within.

Under this light, Ning Tianyu approached with soft steps like an emissary from hell.

"Didn't you say you want to kill me? Why! Can't do it.

Is it fear of my power? "

He said sarcastically.

Lone Eagle didn't speak, only because the fear in his heart was getting bigger and bigger at this moment, because the shadow of the young man in front of him was getting longer and longer under the lingering light in the sky, and a bloody monster appeared in front of him.

He really felt that it was the fear of death.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't have any courage to face this young man.

Just because of that kind of method, that kind of magical power, in addition to opening his eyes, it also made his already arrogant temperament sink to the bottom, and because of this, it was out of control.

Under the indifferent gaze reveals a weakness.

After sorting out the vocabulary in my head, I managed to utter a sentence: "Don't kill me...don't kill me, I can do anything for you, even if it's a cow or a horse."

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