I have a hero dream

Chapter 325 Bloodline Clone Technique

Ning Tianyu fell into deep thought. Every cheat book actually has a lot of temptation for him.

Which one should I choose?

Actually why do I think so?

I could have exchanged ten cheat books.

Although the recommendation of the person in charge in front of me is indeed not bad.

Five Thunder Nine Stars Sword has the advantage of strength and power, but its disadvantages are also obvious. Just like what the person in charge said, if there is no thunder attribute, it will be difficult to practice, as you can imagine.

It's just that for me, I am quite sure. After all, I have the power of the five elements, which corresponds to my strong talent in attributes.

According to the previous concept of adding wind attributes.

Thunder attribute is just a matter of time.

This sword technique can be taken into consideration.

Look at the others.

The second book, Ice Fire Breaking Wind Sword, also has obvious advantages, but for me, if I read the Three Realms, it is easy and not difficult to master.

However, although this shortcoming is not obvious, the actual situation can only be known after practice.

The third eight-pole seven-star sword, one-strength luck seven-star, looks pretty good, but for my ability to leapfrog and kill, it is still too much icing on the cake.

This sword technique can be ignored directly.

As for these three attribute classes.

Vampire corpse technique, this is quite interesting.

A bit like the ability of my previous world.

No wonder there is such a sense of familiarity.

This could also be taken into account.

As for the technique of controlling skeleton ghosts, forget it, after all, it is far from the technique of vampires.

In the third book, all grass and trees are soldiers, the delay time of this sea of ​​​​people tactics is a must.

It's just not perfect, and the shortcomings are obvious.

After all, if you face some enemies that can attack in a large area!

That would be tantamount to going to death, sending real yuan, wasting energy and wasting time.

Just ignore it.

Next is the agility class.

Tiangang Leifa?It's a bit interesting to be from the same line as the deputy palace lord.

And I heard from the person in charge that it contains a lot of things.

The most important thing among them is the cultivation of inner alchemy!And advocated the art of Taoism Leitong.

The innate qi becomes the innate thunder qi, and the mixed element thunder qi.

Its efficacy is unstoppable, and its shortcomings are few. This is exactly the same as the previous book Five Thunder Seven Star Sword. It pays attention to the cultivation process, and its endurance and danger are extremely difficult.

But the process is not too difficult for me.

Heaven and earth get this breath, which is unpredictable. Human beings are the spirit of all things. With this breath, they can move heaven and earth, move ghosts and gods, and breathe wind, cloud, thunder and rain, everywhere.

Well, it looks like the god of weather, and it also looks like the magic in Taoist priests.

But this is no wonder, after all, they advocate Taoism.

This body method can be considered.

After all, he can travel hundreds of thousands of miles in one move, which is a bit attractive.

The second book of Guangxiang Xingli!

It can achieve hallucinogenic and miraculous effects.

Actually that's it.

OK, next one.

The ghost trail of ghosts, the enemy is close, and he must die.

Unless there is an anti-poison body.

Otherwise, they would have died before I made a move.

It is even more frightening to practice to the extreme. You can form a large formation in a huge space by yourself, and you can kill the enemy without any effort.

Can consider it.

The fourth book, Heavenly Goodness, is also a bit like one of the enemies in my previous world.

This book does not seem to be the same concept as the previous Tiangang Leifa.


Next is boxing and kicking, the first book of Taiji Qiankunshou, which is similar to a mysterious great method of absorbing stars, but it is not comparable, after all, there is a big difference between the two.

OK, next one.

The stone-moving ghost shadow fist, like a phantom, can penetrate the sky?

Can be ignored directly, the next one.

In the third book, the evil dragon weeps bloody feet, and hundreds of people can worship immortals and generals!

What kind of concept is this?

In this Immortal Cloud Continent, there used to be many outstanding generals, each of whom was a son of arrogance, and their strength was so impressive that they could be called terrifying.

You can worship hundreds of people just by yourself.

Well, don't think too much, you can consider it.

OK, next one.

The fourth book of Immortal Art, Jiu Zhuan Zhen Gu Quan, looks at the name and knows that it is super powerful, as the person in charge said, it is very similar to the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, and it is also comparable.

It is enough to prove the profundity of this secret book.

But every time he falls, there will be a huge catastrophe, which is a bit hard to refuse.

It has been several years since I came to this world.

As far as my responsibilities are concerned it is almost done.

In the dynasties of the heavens, the king is like a lion, and the city is extremely deep. Helping him to rule the world is not a bad thing.

In addition, the illegal citizen area is also in the territory of this dynasty, although it is not under the jurisdiction, and I have met many partners in the Vulcan Palace.

It can be regarded as helping them.

what!this is.

The blood clone technique was a gift from an old friend for many years.

It is also a god rank, and it is still a top rank. There should not be many such ranks, and there are very few of them.

when he went to get it.

The person in charge said slightly: "Brother Ning, your vision is really vicious, and this book was actually selected by you, it really is fate.

This exercise is a body clone technique, and it is the kind of physical body, but it can have five bodies in one thought, and possesses all the abilities of the main body.

And its lifespan is also consistent with the body.

No matter how far away, it can be perfectly realized, and at the same time, as long as you think about it, they will think about it.

Will do whatever you tell me to do.

This is also the ceiling of all clone techniques. "

Hearing this, Ning Tianyu said with a smile on his face, "Then can this one also be selected?"

"Of course, I'm not afraid to tell you that you are destined, this is the top three among all the Ksitigarbha Pavilion secret books."

A mysterious smile appeared on Yuchijin's face.

Seeing this, Ning Tianyu's curiosity suddenly magnified, he leaned closer and whispered: "Then the first one or the second one!"

"Cough cough."

Yu Chijin pretended to cough, turned his head away, and pretended not to say anything, as if deliberately teasing him, and squinted his eyes from time to time, looking down at the thick book in his hand that was already covered in dust.

The lights were dim, but the candles flickered brightly.

Seeing Ning Tianyu ask again: "Which two books are they?"

While he was questioning, he saw the wine jug that had been opened under the other party's table, so he knew that this person was good at wine.

In just a moment, he pretended not to be interested, but deliberately looked at other secret books, pretending to say loudly: "Oh! I wanted to find a drinking buddy to drink the peerless wine that I have collected for a long time.

One sip, there is a feeling of ascension.

What a pity, what a pity.

It seems that I can only drink alone. "

As soon as the words fell, Yu Chijin's eyes widened, he no longer pretended to be reading, but stood up excitedly, holding the other's hands: "Everything is easy to say, everything is easy to say, by the way, your wine is here..."

Ning Tianyu looked as if he was convinced of him, but he still slowly arranged: "What does this wine have to do with you? After all, you have to deliver the goods with one hand, and the wine with the other hand!"

"Well, here! Then we count three, two, one exchange."

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