I have a hero dream

Chapter 324 Cheats Suggestion

"Moreover, the process is harsh. To endure the unbearable pain of ordinary people, one must first lead the five gods into the body, relying on one's own great cycle to circulate it, and continue to refine it. If you have the attribute of thunder, then you will get twice the result with half the effort , Nirvana rebirth is also the best place.

But if not, the speed of cultivation will be slow, and reaching the ultimate state will not be achieved overnight, and it will take a lot of energy and time, but once practiced, the power will be impressive, and no one at the same level will be your opponent.

Of course, if you have the ability to leapfrog kills, it will be even better. "

"The second book, Ice Fire Breaking Wind Sword, was created by a one-attribute swordsmanship master all his life. It has a total of three realms. It focuses on the combination of three attributes. One thought can move the world, form a domain, and can be attacked and defended.

The first level is the domain of heavy ice, which can be transformed into a prison with the raising of the hand. It is the most difficult method. It is not easy to break this domain, and it is even more terrifying to cultivate to the extreme. A prison can control everything.

In the second field of shocking fire, the dead flames of hell came quietly in a thought, and turned into an ancient blood sword formation. Once formed, within the formation, once the blood sword fragments touched it, it could instantly eat its flesh and suck its blood. Melt his bones.

The third level of the field of breaking wind, wherever you look, it is breaking wind, the sword of Gale Wind transforms in situ, the sword comes out, forms a field, and turns into a tornado, which can absorb everything, as your cultivation level improves, its effect will be even greater Very strong.

This is somewhat similar to the power of the five elements in your body. This sword manual can start with ice and fire, and wind as the core.

Although this is a method with a large range of attribute domains, the flaws of this method are also obvious. In addition to having a huge mental power, you must also have a strong control over the attributes. Of course, once you use it, it will empty most of the true Yuan.

This cheat book must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

However, for someone like you who has extraordinary control over the power of the five elements and can combine them easily, this cheat book is very helpful to you. "

"The third eight-pole seven-star sword was created by an extraordinary eight-pole sage, and this book was also obtained by chance.

The magic of this method is to transport the Big Dipper with divine power. Every time a star is turned, one's own attack, defense, speed, and supply of true essence will also be greatly improved.

One star is twice, two stars is four times, and so on.

This method has seven levels in total. Back then, the Baji Sage Monarch gained a great reputation in Jianghu with this sword method. It was only because of a bloody battle that year that this person became famous in one battle.

With this sword manual alone, the initial Nascent Soul Realm can be defeated by a hundred people who have completed the Deity Transformation Realm with their own strength, and they have not lost the wind and severely injured hundreds of people.

Such strength! !Simple as a monster.

People in the rivers and lakes named him the Mad Demon Sword Lord..."

"The following are three attribute categories, remember to choose carefully.

The first vampire corpse technique, after killing the enemy, you can easily control the corpse and use it for yourself, and it can also imitate the experience and strength of the performer.

This book of controlling ghosts is somewhat similar to the second book. After killing the enemy, the second book can form a skeleton soldier, whose strength will be half of that of the caster.

Of course it's a little bit worse than the first one.

The third book, Vegetation and Trees Are Soldiers, is from a plant magic master named Wei Liangjin, who can transform vegetation with a single thought, form an formation in an instant, and form an army. It is the sky of human sea tactics. "

Ning Tianyu fell into deep thought. After all, the five books just now still have a lot of temptation for him.

Before he could think for a moment, the cheats of attributes were made public again.

"The three books of this attribute are all from people in the Demon Cult, but the people who practiced these three books will become peerless powers in the future.

Of course, there are very few Demon Cults today, almost extinct.

Many decent people, and a small number of them practice the magic sect's top school, so there is no need to delve into this point.

"The next thing is body skills, there are eight books in total.

The first one is Tiangang Leifa, he is a decent person, he is a brother from the same school as Lei Tianlin, the deputy head of the Vulcan Palace, and he is also called the top three fearsome people by all the gangsters , named Tyrant Thunder Emperor.

This method focuses on the body method, especially the cultivation of the inner alchemy, and advocates the Taoist technique of thundering. After the inner alchemy is completed, it is combined with the Taoist method, which is the foundation of the body method.

Out of the body, all kinds of supernatural changes are formed, mysterious physical skills, inner alchemy is successful, and the innate qi circulates throughout the body. This innate qi is also called the innate thunder qi and the mixed element thunder qi.

The Taoist master Bi Tai once said that one qi transforms the three qings, this qi is the Hunyuan Thunder Qi, and this Hunyuan Qi is the Tao.

Heaven and earth get this breath, which is unpredictable. Human beings are the spirit of all things. With this breath, they can move heaven and earth, move ghosts and gods, and breathe wind, cloud, thunder and rain, everywhere.

Thunder is the order of the sky, and those who have obtained the law can drive away thunder and lightning, pray for rain and sunshine, cure evil spirits and subdue demons, eliminate locusts, and refine ghosts.

There are many schools of Lei Fa. In terms of Lei Fa, there are Shenxiao Lei, Yushu Lei, Dadong Lei, Xiandu Lei, Beiji Lei, Taiyi Lei, Zifu Lei, Yuchen Lei, Tai Xiao Lei, Tai Chi Lei and so on.

This movement method is an ancient Kuanglei created by another school.

One movement can travel hundreds of thousands of miles. "

"The second book of Light, Xingli, was obtained by Zhou Ming, the founder of the first-class sect Xingyuanzong, by accident. To achieve the effect of illusion and confusion."

"The third book, Ghost Traces of Ghosts, is from Zhao Ao, the seventh generation ghost king of the Nether Realm. His body skills are fantastic and unpredictable, his body is full of evil spirits, and the air is filled with strange poisons from heaven and earth.

Moving under the feet, it looks like a ghost, moves like a ghost, looks like a ghost, has a strong deterrent effect, and comes with a soul attack. "

"The fourth book, Heavenly Good Steps, is from Cao Hao, a Confucian and Taoist giant, with Confucian dharma patterns all over his feet. Confucian gods suddenly appear, Taoism and Dharma follow each other, and one thought can be accomplished. Dharma draws thousands of lights, moves mountains and fills seas, drives away ghosts .”

"The following are four books on boxing and kicking.

The first book of Taiji Qiankun Hand comes from the unique knowledge of Taoist Sanqing of Taiji Sword Sect. The hands are yin and yang, which can form the universe in an instant, and can absorb the energy of all things and drive it for itself. "

"The second stone-moving ghost shadow fist is from the Emperor Stone Emperor. It can move thousands of mountains with one move, its hands are like phantoms, and it seems to pierce the sky with one punch."

"The third book, Evil Dragon Crying Blood Feet, comes from the self-created unique skills of a descendant of an ancestor dragon who cultivated adults. He once defeated hundreds of immortals and generals with his own power!"

"The fourth book of Immortal Art, Jiuzhuan Town Ancient Boxing, comes from a person who ascends once, transforms into an immortal with a single thought, and his body is like a star point of nine turns, and every time a star point is rotated, the power increases like a hundred times, which is comparable to the dragon of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. Like the prajna power.

One punch can knock down thousands of mountains!hundred cities.

It's just that there will be a huge catastrophe at each level of the difficulty of cultivation. As long as you complete it nine times, you can practice to the extreme, so incredible power will be released.

It is said that there is a person who has cultivated to the extreme, and with just one thought, the world can be turned into the beginning, and all living things can be wiped out with just one thought.

The universe can be easily formed. "

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