I have a hero dream

Chapter 321 The dark side, become famous in 1 battle

Damn, who is this person?To be so powerful, I have never heard of such a character appearing in the Heavenly Dynasty.

He can actually carry me and the other three with his own strength.

Tch, now that this is the situation, it is really unreasonable for Emperor Guiyou Wu, who is also one of the new three major demon kings, to still take off our hind legs at this time.

The Shadow Killer Qizong became angry when he saw the Ghost Emperor Wudi. He was already one of the three great demon kings. How glorious it was, but at this moment, an unknown person blocked all their attacks with just a few moves. Come down, and still a little relaxed and calm, it seems that they are just deliberately suppressing them.

But in the face of this situation, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. No matter how powerful his qi sword was, it didn't hurt him at all. Instead, he was constantly dodged by his agile figure, which directly touched his bottom line .

This is the first time I feel a major setback. In the Netherworld, with such an identity, he can be domineering, but he didn't do this, but was smooth. This also has many contacts, and some seniors think highly of him, which also makes him It made him feel better.

But now, he really hates that hated guy. He is one of the three major demon kings, so he only has this kind of strength. At this moment, his complexion is a bit gloomy, facing tremendous pressure, he can only restrain his hands and feet.

The same is true for the other person, the Spiritual Saint King. The nine-day bell in her hand has the effects of seducing people, hypnotizing, and creating illusions. In addition, she already has a strong means of showing people a spirit body, which can be immune to all physical attacks.

It's just that she still didn't play any role in front of this person, which made her feel a little frustrated.

Suppressed again and again, the turbulent pressure made her unbearable. Her whole body was already dripping with sweat, her hands and feet became extremely heavy, and every step was extremely heavy. This was the release of imposing coercion.

How can we defeat him?

This idea was maintained for a long time, but then abandoned.

Just because the opponent didn't intend to kill her, and seemed to be holding back, this made her puzzled.

What is the reason?

While blocking the enemy, while thinking, but vaguely thought of something!

Could it be the five major regiments that were attacked, and the fighting there has not completely ended, so this person is pestering us!

Yes, yes, it must be so.

However, because of his extraordinary cultivation, the Eight Immortals easily suppressed the three people in front of them with a heaven-defying advantage in less than a few moves, and it seemed that they didn't take each other seriously at all.

The Eight Immortal Taoist Man's aura pierced through the sky, his domineering aura leaked from the side, his every move showed the air of a king, and any move he made would make the three people in front of him retreat.

On the other hand, the other ghost, Emperor Wu, was even more embarrassed.

Having been robbed of the Golden Core in a previous battle, his cultivation plummeted and his strength even vanished.

Everything is limited by this.

At this moment, he already knew that the other two demon kings must be scolding him for being useless in their hearts, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, the two of them were under enormous pressure in front of him, and he was just persevering in the rear. Although there was a little pressure, it was enough to make him breathless, and he didn't even have a chance to make a move. Constantly struggling on the ground.

This is the behavior of the weak, but it is perfectly reflected in him.

Ben is one of the three great demon kings, so his heart is not to mention how uncomfortable at this moment.

He could only watch helplessly as the other two teammates were forced to retreat again and again, and their hands and feet were numb again and again.

In addition, the person facing them also intends to play with them slowly.

Thinking of this, he hated the bastard who took his golden elixir very much.

If it weren't for him, the result might be a little different now, and it wouldn't be completely suppressed.

It's just this idea, but it's too naive.

After all, the strength of the three of them is only perfect in the Nascent Soul Realm, and that person's cultivation base is unpredictable, and he is Ning Tianyu's capable general. With a cultivation base that can be hardened to a high level in the God Realm, he will not fall into a disadvantage in a short time .

Such strength!I'm afraid even if everyone in the Netherworld is against him in this battle!

I'm afraid it's also difficult!

Coupled with the fact that Ning Tianyu was in charge, the chances of winning were reduced to nothing.

I'm afraid it will take the strongest person in the Netherworld to crush the two of them.

After all, such powerhouses are considered to be the four top powerhouses in the fairy world.Only then can he barely deal with it, one can imagine the level of this person's strength.

Fu Feixiong, who was in the main camp, heard that there was an enemy attack on the two important camps, so he hurriedly summoned soldiers and horses to choose a battalion, surrounded it with water, and lay in ambush slowly. Compelling, as strong as a malevolent soldier in the army.

"It seems that the strongest one has come, but this only reflects my value and strength."

One of the five regiments fell, and four were seriously injured. Hearing this again, he laughed in his heart. After all, there are millions of soldiers plus Fu Feixiong, and the four of them.

It can be said to be a piece of cake to win him.

After all, they know Fu Feixiong's ability, and his talent for commanding troops is a master in the field.

"Come on, come on, the more the better, let me break it."

Ning Tianyu laughed wildly, not knowing the danger in it, but regarded it as a place of massacre.

His aura suddenly changed, becoming a little bloodthirsty and easy to kill.

The madness rose to the peak, based on his own state of despising the world and arrogance to the world, he formed a majestic aura like domineering the world, the more mad he became, the stronger the violent energy on his body increased by dozens of times.

Now it is the first stage of the God Transformation Realm, which is comparable to the Perfect Realm. It is conceivable how far his current strength has reached, it is simply terrifying.

Killing intent appeared in his eyes, his aura rose to the peak, the terrifying coercion was suddenly released, and an invincible and powerful energy bloomed like this, countless people only felt that it was a feeling of falling into the abyss.

One by one was directly blown away, and less than a hundred of the 200 million troops in the Netherworld died directly, and even the masters of the other four major regiments who were closest to him were even more tragic.

Bleeding from all seven orifices, he died on the spot.

Only Fu Feixiong and a hundred soldiers remained in the field.

No, I have to go.

But can he go?

When he was about to turn his head and leave, that unstoppable figure came at extreme speed: "Do you want to leave?"

When a word of death deeply rooted in people's hearts fell, Fu Feixiong fell to his knees directly under the coercion, his eyes widened silently, and a hand came from his forehead suddenly.

Ning Tianyu said softly: "Don't be afraid, I won't kill you."

This sentence made him breathe a sigh of relief at first, but he died in despair immediately.

"If you are joking, you will believe it."

There was a weird smile on Ning Tianyu's face, one hand was slightly twisted, and the head that was not too big or small was smashed into pieces in an instant, and then slowly fell to the ground. At this moment, he laughed out loud.

The dark side that had been sunk inside came to the fore, as it had often done in his previous worlds.

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