I have a hero dream

Chapter 322 Resolving the Crisis, Champion Hou

But when the grand old man who invited him became so jeopardized!

This kind of dark side has gradually risen to the extreme, and because of this, it has devoured the heart of his opponent here.

Seeing the sudden change in front of them, the Nether Army with only a hundred people left looked horrified and ran away.


The scarlet blood in Ning Tianyu's eyes flickered, and with every gesture, a mad blade flew away like an arrow from the string. In an instant, the hundred people were directly cut in half, and the heads of the whole body were also brought with them when they were dying. The color of despair, death and death.

The Eight Immortals who were far away felt that many breaths from his master's battlefield had evaporated, so he knew that he had to quickly deal with the guy in front of him.

The same is true for the three people on the opposite side of him. They all felt the aura of many teammates dissipating, and they knew that this victory was not a chance.

Just as he was thinking this way, he realized that he had experienced a burst of terrifying power, and his ability to fight with all his strength was extremely powerful.

A violent arm came whipping, it was just a punch, and the three of them crossed their hands to block desperately, but they were still invincible. It was just one move, which directly knocked them out of their wits and made them unable to enter reincarnation.

"You ants, if it wasn't for the master to solve those people, I wouldn't have been entangled with you for so long!"

As soon as the words fell, he realized that he was no longer looking at those dead people with only shredded clothes, and his figure flashed for a moment, and he soon came to Ning Tianyu.

Looking at the tragic situation in the field, he still couldn't help taking a breath.

Because it is too spectacular.

More than 200 million people were massacred, and there were broken limbs and broken bones everywhere. The most conspicuous one was Fu Feixiong, the head of the five major regiments and the commander of the Nether Army.

Ning Tianyu saw that his right-hand man was coming, the blood in his eyes quickly dissipated, and he returned to his original state. He looked around, looked at the Shura hell field in front of him, just glanced indifferently, and whispered: "This place is not suitable Stay for a long time, I will take the elder first.

Check nearby to see if there are any remaining She people. If there are any, kill them immediately. If not, just stand by outside the city. When the reinforcements from the Heavenly Dynasty come, you will report the situation. After the report, You go back to Vulcan Kingdom, and then we will meet again. "

The Eight Immortals nodded, turned into a raging fire without hesitation, and left the place in an instant.

Outside the city of No. [-] Xiongguan, the Great Elder sat on the ground, looked at the deserted city with some dismay, and said with some self-reproach: "If I wasn't too weak and got everyone involved, they wouldn't die. Elders won't even fight for me with the enemy forces in the Netherworld.

It's all because of me..."

"You don't have to blame yourself, they are too strong."

An extremely familiar voice came from behind, and Leng Yueru looked back in surprise, and when she saw the figure standing in front of her without any injuries, her eyes seemed unbelievable, and she broke down in tears and said: "You are not dead, Mrs. All right.

Hey, what about them? "

"Everything is fine, they have been dealt with by me, and this battle has come to an end." Ning Tianyu watched the other party hugging him, and there was a warmth in his heart. He stretched out his hand, stroked the other party's hair, and faced this The beauty of heaven and earth said with a teasing voice: "This is a great favor, and the emperors of the heavens and dynasties may have to kneel down and thank me before it is too late."

"How are you?"

Leng Yueru looked at the other person touching her head, her face instantly looked like a ripe red apple, she felt a little deer bumping in her heart, she lowered her head and remained silent, not knowing what to say.

However, all the heavy burdens in his heart dissipated in a moment, but he still felt guilty about the war with Fang Cai in his eyes.

The outstanding children or elders of all previous sects, as well as some suzerains, all fell, and she was the only one who survived.

Those thrilling scenes were still replaying in her head.

Ning Tianyu was still a little bit shocked when he saw her, so he sighed, and said to himself with some regret: "It's all my fault, I didn't come earlier, otherwise they wouldn't have died here!"

After a long while, he said, "Yue Ru, now is not the time to delay here, we can only travel day and night, and rush to Vulcan Kingdom to report the result of this battle, so that they don't have to worry, besides The Heavenly Dynasty has already received the news, so..."

"Everything is up to you." Leng Yueru.As soon as she heard the other party call her Yueru, she felt a little embarrassed. Although she always presented herself as an iceberg, so seeing this disciple with the power of the five elements save her this time, her heart was already in turmoil.

The two set off immediately and rushed towards the Vulcan Kingdom.

When the Five Tigers arrived, the Taoist Eight Immortals told him the ins and outs of the battle. After they investigated, they knew that what this man said was true, so they reported the battle situation to His Majesty overnight.

After this battle, Ning Tianyu became famous in the first battle, and everyone knew Hero Lang. Everyone knew that there was such a character in Vulcan Kingdom.

A few months later, the Emperor of the Heavens stated that they would let him obey orders and be granted the title, and reward him with many things.

And this day is today.

On the court hall, the emperor stood, and all the officials gathered together. One of the emperor's personal eunuchs shouted in a sharp voice: "Kneel."

The officials knelt down and shouted respectfully: "My emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live!."

"Everyone loves to be flat."

Di Zhaowen, the Emperor of the Heavens Dynasty, said calmly.

Afterwards, he looked forward expectantly, curious in his heart, what exactly does the hero who defuses him look like?What an outstanding character.

"Xuan, Ning Tianyu, the elder of Fire God Palace, enters the palace."

A handsome young man Bai Zhe approached slowly and kowtowed. At this time, he was wearing an elder's robe, with the Golden Dragon Tears and Blood Sword hanging on his back. Everyone knew how elegant he was at this moment, and his title of being the best in the world.

Many ministers looked back, surprised at the big man who saved the dynasty, even though he was only a young man under 20 years old, they all sighed in shock.

Even His Majesty looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

Because this is really too unbelievable.

After a brief moment of pondering, Di Zhaowen's heart was already a little turbulent. No matter how calm he was, he couldn't calm down at this moment. You are the blessing of the imperial dynasty, you are my blessed general!"

Ning Tianyu knew his etiquette, so he knelt down and kowtowed and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, these are what I should do."

"Okay, okay." Di Zhaowen glanced at the personal eunuch next to him, and said in a low voice: read out the imperial scroll. "

"Yes, according to the heaven's destiny, the emperor ordered that Ning Tianyu, the elder of the Fire God Palace, was conferred under the stage. Because of his meritorious service in resolving the crisis and saving the dynasty, he was specially conferred the title of Super Champion Marquis who is higher than the Sangong, the first-rank protector of the country, and bestowed upon all Mu, one hundred god-level magic treasures, ten god-level exercises, you can choose at will in the Dizang Pavilion."

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