I have a hero dream

Chapter 320 Divided into 2 ways

Taoist Ning Tianyu, the Eight Immortals, arrived at the battlefield first.

It's just that when Ning Tianyu saw this scene, especially Leng Yueru's embarrassed face covered with blood, it made his anger surge to the peak. At this time, he was not rational at all, but looked at He gave the Eight Immortals a look: "I'll save her first, and you go and restrain one or two."

Hearing the words, the Eight Immortals hesitated for a while, and decisively shot at the two Nether Army guards who had already been in charge of the gate at the Occupy Heaven Station. Before he came to the front, he waved his big hand, and the Supreme Heavenly Fire in his body exploded. It's already coming.

In just a split second, the two soldiers of the Nether Army fell into a pool of blood before they could make a sound, dead.

Ning Tianyu took a quick step, turned a sharp blade in his hand, and quickly cut off the iron chains hanging on the city gate with both hands of Leng Yueru, and then embraced her with half life left in his right hand, Yushu Linfeng slowly fell to the ground.

There is still a big difference between looking at each other from a long distance and a close distance. The trembling, bloodless, heroic woman does not have the demeanor of accepting his invitation at that time.

He felt the loss of vitality in the other party's body, so his expression froze, and he looked in the direction of the depths of Tianzhanguan, a heavy, murderous aura suddenly appeared, it was a pair of scarlet and terrifying eyes.

He chanted the incantation plausibly with both hands, and an invisible defensive cover under Elder Leng's feet was quickly wrapped, and the defensive power in it was terrifying.

He slowly put down the woman in his hand, and took out a bottle of rare medicinal elixir specially for healing in the void, pulled off the cap of the bottle, and dropped out several round and green elixirs, and carefully removed them feed.

After a while, she recovered a lot of vitality and internal injuries, but now she might be helpless if she wanted to fight. She knew her injuries, and looked at the young man who arrived late without any blame, but a grateful glance.

He stayed on the field and tried his best to recover from his injuries. He just looked at these two people and reminded him that his face was not as calm as before, but a little anxious. After all, he had just experienced several battles and had seen too many practitioners Falling down: "This massive invasion of the Netherworld seems to be fully prepared. Although we fought bloody battles to the end, we are still no match for it.

So you guys better go, or you can..."

Ning Tianyu glanced at the older woman, but nodded calmly: "I know, but we are not cowards in the fairy world. As long as they dare to come to the nether world, I will let them come and go."

As soon as the words fell, a firm and indomitable self-confidence appeared on his face, and at the same time he affirmed his own strength.

Hearing this, Leng Yueru's heart was greatly shaken. She didn't expect that this sentence came from this young man, but when she thought that it was someone with the power of the five elements in the legend, she felt a little relieved on her face: "Then you two should be careful, Don't be careless."

Ning Tianyu stood up, stopped looking at her, and just said in a low voice: "You and I are divided into two groups, and we must not confront each other head-on, unless it is absolutely necessary. What we have to do now is assassinate. When they let down their vigilance and are lax This is our great opportunity.”

The Eight Immortals responded, and in a flash, they turned into a black shadow and disappeared without a trace.

Ning Tianyu glanced ahead, lowered the black robe on his head, and it turned into a bright starlight and disappeared on the spot.

Since the Nether Realm fought a beautiful battle, the morale was high, but because it was a victory, many people slacked off one after another, and none of them had any vigilance at that time.

Even some important personnel of the five major regiments are the same.

After all, Tian Zhan Tian is the most powerful pass of the dynasties of the heavens, but even such a huge city can be easily broken by them, which makes everyone feel complacent.

Ning Tianyu's figure is extremely fast, he is like a ghostly ghost, sometimes wandering here and sometimes there.

It took only a while to see the exact position of the enemy.

Located in the main battalion is Fu Feixiong, who commands the Nether Army, and is also one of the main generals in this battle, because the other one who has the same right as him is Ji Cunrong, the military adviser of one of the five great regiments.

It's just that this person is heavily protected by the other four chiefs, because he is too important, so for Ning Tianyu, the first assassination operation must be the most important person first.

After all, this was the only way to demonstrate the purpose of his trip.

The reason why this is the goal is because his current strength is too strong, already comparable to the consummation of the gods, but he has not come to make a move yet.

Just in time to come and have a try.

As for other important personnel, he didn't pay attention to the new three major demon kings at all, and the same is true for the black thorn ghost soldier!

Although his assassination ability is extraordinary, if he is hiding in the dark, then this so-called army will have no advantage at all.

Coupled with the advantage of having a cultivation base, dealing with these people is as simple as a tiger entering a herd of sheep.

At night, in the early hours of the morning, when everyone fell asleep, this was Ning Tianyu's perfect opportunity.

He held a sword full of fire in his hand, and under the night, he was as terrifying as a demon in the abyss.

A ghostly figure came quietly, whoosh, the ghostly wind howled past.

As a military adviser, Ji Cunrong possessed a fan that can detect the weather, and he who had fallen into a deep sleep suddenly felt an unknown aura rushing in, and at the same time, it was also full of killing intent from death.

Under the strong desire to survive, he quickly woke up from this, and shouted eagerly: "Others wake up, it is an enemy attack."

Just as he yelled, the icy-cold edge quickly approached.

He felt a chill blowing over his neck, and he knew it was too late. A generation of ghostly military advisers was killed so easily.

Although other people also reacted, it was too late. They saw that the military division who was as important as the commander of the Nether Army in this battle died under their noses.

Such a big event just happened like this, and I'm afraid it would be very ugly to go back.

"Quick, surround and kill him, leaving no one alive."

Tantai Palace Road.

The Canglong Immortal Sword in his hand flashed rapidly, but when it touched the opponent's sword, an endless force suddenly came, and it knocked him flying with just one move.

He couldn't believe that he was a mid-level character in the transformation of gods, and he was defeated so easily.

His physical body seemed to be squeezed by force, but he couldn't get up despite his extraordinary physical body.

At the same time as the battle took place here, there was also a big battle in the tents of the new three great demon kings, and this person was none other than the Eight Immortals who signed the slave contract with Ning Tianyu.

At this moment, he is [-]v[-], or [-]v[-] to be precise, because after the previous battle, Emperor Guiyou Wu had already destroyed his golden core, and his cultivation had plummeted.

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