I have a hero dream

Chapter 319: Purgatory on Earth

The consummation of the Nascent Soul Realm alone has defeated him, who is forced to be at the high level of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm, which made him a little hard to accept at this moment, but he was also a little helpless.

"How did you see my weakness?"

Dongfang Ting roared hissingly, he never thought that this would become a disadvantage of his whole game of chess.

Jing Lie smiled and said nothing, just took a few glances at this defeated person, then concealed the truth, and said some false and true things: "I have seen through your ways long ago, but I have been dealing with you just now. "

As soon as the words fell, Dongfang Ting's heart trembled. When he saw the other person's footsteps walking forward, he was sure that this young man would not let him go, but he would not give his life to that person's hands.

Because once you do this, it will be beyond redemption.

"Boy, although you narrowly beat me today, I won't let you go so easily. When I come back, it will be the day you die." Dongfang Ting looked back at him with hatred, and put away his hands. With the ax on his back, he raised his right hand quickly, and a blood-colored bead the size of an orange appeared out of nowhere in the void. He threw it on the ground, and the surrounding area was filled with fog in an instant, and his figure completely dissipated in it. not see.

When Jing Lie came back to his senses, he saw that phantom mist slowly disappearing. As for the fugitive's Dongfang Court, it was no longer here, but a jungle a hundred miles north of a wilderness outside the Heavens Dynasty. Show yourself.

He was heavily wounded, with his left hand clutching his chest, he fell down in front of the old tree a little unsteadily, his vision was blurred, and then he drank a bottle of Huiyuan Pill from the void, which made him feel better.

Looking at the unfamiliar environment in front of him, he looked around vigilantly and walked away slowly.


"Hmph, the day of the burial?

Old thief, even if you run fast, the next time I meet you, it won't be as simple as your death, and I will definitely torture you when the time comes. "

He glanced fiercely at the place where Dongfang Court had disappeared before him, and then his expression softened a little, his figure was like the wind, and he came to the safe zone just ten thousand miles away, where Xiao Zhuofan and others were all injured.

However, when His Royal Highness saw Jing Lie returning safely, the worry in his eyes turned away, and he said in a concerned tone: "General Jing, are you alright?"

"Your Highness, I'm fine. Now the time is imminent. I can't wait any longer. After all, Your Highness, you don't want other princes' schemes to succeed, do you?"

The two reached a consensus and set off quickly in a short time.

Fortunately, the treasures they transported were all right, and they happened to arrive before the time limit arranged by his father.

This also established Xiao Zhuofan's position as the crown prince, so there is no longer any wavering.

The other princes watched the group return safely and soundly!Very puzzled, this also completely disrupted all their plans.

One scolded the great power of Transcending Tribulation Realm in his heart, and finally accepted the truth with hatred.

"Prime Minister...Prime Minister."

Prime Minister Lu kept hearing Jing Lie calling him, and he came back to his senses, and calmly replied: "It's okay...it's okay."

It was exactly as the prime minister had expected.

His Majesty Xiao Zhuofan really stopped the Five Tigers!

"Your Majesty, are you looking for us?"

One by one, dressed in armor, knelt on the ground and bowed down, then knelt down on one knee, looked at Xiao Zhuofan suspiciously, and said respectfully.

"It is really a matter of state to call you here this time."

"National affairs, isn't it a matter of frontline warfare?" Ke Cangchao said.

"Tianzhanguan, that's great. I can finally play with my opponents. It's too boring to stay here. There is no one who can fight, of course, except for you brothers." After Ling Xuanyuan heard His Majesty's words, his whole body Excitement appeared on his face, and he laughed and told, without any trace of etiquette of the five tiger generals.

His Majesty saw this person, but did not respond.

It's just that Pei Ming, who is the leader of the Five Tiger Generals, also had a headache when he saw this guy, but even though he didn't say anything when he saw His Majesty, he also knew it was time to show his might as the boss: "Xuanyuan, why don't you let him go?" Don't hurry to shut up, speaking like this in front of His Majesty is really out of character.

Your Majesty, the fifth younger brother is ignorant, I hope you will not blame me. "

"What General Ling did was a trivial matter. As General Ke said, calling you back this time is a battle on the front line. I hope you can defeat the enemy army and return triumphantly. After the battle, you will be rewarded."

Pei Ming held Ling Xuanyuan's head with one hand and kept pressing down, saying: "Thank you Your Majesty, this battle will definitely kill the opponent! It will definitely shake the wind of our heavens and dynasties.

Fifth brother, why don't you thank His Majesty for your kindness! "

"Understood, brother, don't scratch my head, I will be bald."

Ke Cangchao's eyes flashed coldly, and everything was clear in his heart.

The five bowed their hands together and then left.

The five tigers will gather again and set off for Xiongguan.

"Hey! Jing Lie, don't blame me. This is a state matter. Once the army is involved, it will give the other three dynasties a reason to send troops to my celestial dynasty." Xiao Zhuofan blamed himself a little. After all, in the past 2000 years, his good Brother Jing Lie has helped him too much since he saved himself, and he can't owe him enough.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the leaving figure of the five tiger generals, and kept praying in his heart: "I hope the cultivators of Tianzhanguan can hold on for a while."

It's just that this prayer is of no avail after all.

The front line has happened.

"Eight Immortals, how long is it before we reach the front line?"

Ning Tianyu asked anxiously.

"There are still about three hours, but it will be soon."

The Eight Immortals didn't understand why the other party was so eager, after all, there was only Leng Yueru on the front line!

He thought of this person, and after thinking about it for a while, he felt that this person might be related to his master.

But these things are out of his control.

He looked in the direction of Tianzhanguan, and secretly laughed in his heart: "Is it the Netherworld? I'm afraid you will bear the anger of the master.

Now I seem to have seen the end of the netherworld. "

It's just that as the distance got closer and closer, both of them also saw the scene of fierce battle.

The city of Tianzhanguan is like an old man who is dying, and it will soon be unable to support it.

There were corpses strewn all over the field, and there were countless stumps on the ground.

Huyanlie's seven orifices were bleeding, and Bailifeng, a disciple of the ancient clan, was also having a hard time. His meridians were completely abolished, his golden core was destroyed, and he looked like he was about to die.

One person on the field barely survived.

That person is Leng Yueru, the Great Elder of the Fire God Palace. Her complexion is pale and bleak, and her clothes are vaguely revealed. She hangs on the city wall, looking very embarrassed and desolate, without the charm of the past.

All the representatives of cultivators who went to the front line were buried here.

This is the loss of the fairy world, and it is also the loss of the people of the heavens and dynasties.

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