I have a hero dream

Chapter 276 Choice

But on the other hand, the inviter of the Wanjian faction was not idle either. As soon as he saw his rival brought out the list of benefits, he quickly threw out the list of benefits in his arms, for fear of being preempted by the other party.

The treatment conditions are also 5 times higher, exactly the same as Yeying Tavern.

Ning Tianyu looked at it, and it was exactly the same.

He couldn't make a choice for a while, so he told the two to think about it for a few days.

The two inviters had no choice but to give up.

After all, they both know that each other needs time.

In a large room, there were two people living, Xiaoya arranged a sumptuous meal beside him, while Ning Tianyu looked at the two invitation lists in his hand in silence.

Here, due to the good development of technology, these rooms have all kinds of daily necessities, such as light bulbs on the ceiling, washing machines next to the door, and vacuum cleaners on the other side.

Things big and small really made him seem to be cut off from the world.

During the dozens of days I have been here, although Xiaoya has been busy explaining the technological tools here, I have gained more and more knowledge from me.

But still didn't get used to it so quickly.

While he was still thinking, there was an anxious knock on the door. Ning Tianyu stood up and followed the sound, then quickly stepped forward and opened the door.

Facing him was the president alone. He was in a hurry, but he was delighted, and he was panting heavily.

After he had a short rest and his breath stabilized, Ning Tianyu asked inexplicably: "I don't know the president, what is this for?

Fast forward fast forward. "

The president laughed, holding the other party's shoulders tightly with both hands, with a look of disbelief, but just now he heard a big news, which caused him to laugh like a child.

At this time, he was eager to share the news with this person: "Ning Shaoxia, you don't know! The other two inviters are actually the deputy leader of the Blood Wolf Demon Gang and the great elder of the Vulcan Palace who came to meet you in person. Discuss the terms of treatment.

Now these two people are waiting in my guild for a long time. "

Vice leader?

Great elder?

Ning Tianyu didn't know these two people.

It's just because the current cultivation base of this deputy gang leader is a middle-level master of the Nascent Soul Realm. With such a cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Realm, his status must be extraordinary, and in addition, from the perspective of the fairy world, he is already a superior existence.

As for the cultivation of the latter, he is half a step into the Nascent Soul Realm, and his strength is not weak.

It seems that the other party also values ​​me very much.

Seeing that the other party was silent, the president thought he was frightened by the name.

At this moment, as soon as he thought of the identity he said, he quickly invited him to meet the other two. At the same time, he had already made arrangements to temporarily leave everyone in the guild and return to his residence to stay. task and so on.

Ning Tianyu greeted Xiaoya and left with the president.

At this moment, an old man and a young man were sitting in the guild. The old man had silver hair, his right eye was sealed by a black mask, and he looked ferocious. He was playing with a pair of iron gallbladders.

This person is the deputy leader of the Blood Wolf Demon Sect.

The young one looks young, but she is a very seductive, overwhelmed woman with a perfect skill in controlling fire. This woman is the Great Elder of the Vulcan Palace.

When the president invited Ning Tianyu in, the two people looked at him directly.

And their first feeling was so young.

"I have seen two seniors."

Ning Tianyu cupped his fists and saluted.

The two stood up and looked at this person seriously.

Without further ado, they each created a scroll out of thin air, and this thing was the promised treatment within the gang.

In the scroll, various resources emerge in endlessly, but they are limited to the Vulcan Palace.

As for the conditions offered by the Blood Wolf Demon Gang, they are also extremely attractive.

In addition to the selection of artifacts and secret techniques, there is also a column for selecting earth-level pets.

And pets are rare in the entire fairy world, let alone one that can be turned into one's own combat power.

And the Vulcan Palace didn't lose him. One of the conditions can directly kill the other three parties, that is, you can practice on Xianpeng Island, and the resources inside are absolutely unique.

And if you want to cultivate on this island, you are usually a member of the Vulcan Palace who is praised as an extraordinary combat power, that is, a leader who represents the next generation of the fairy world.

In addition, the Adventurer's Guild is one of the Vulcan Palace's banners, and of course the president wants it to join, so he will also make great contributions.

In addition, there is also an option of a god-level refining furnace and the ability to break through the skyfire tower.

Once it breaks through, its own fire attribute will also be greatly enhanced.

"Seniors, let me think about such an important matter for a few days before I tell you."

Ning Tianyu said.

"In this case, I will give you a week to think about it. Afterwards, in this adventurer's guild, I will wait for you to make a decision."

Li Wudao.

As soon as the words fell, the two left with the wind.

As for the president, he didn't say much, but he kept praying in his heart that the other party would choose the Vulcan Palace.

Ning Tianyu took 4 scrolls and returned to his room. After eating, chatting with Xiaoya, he went back to his bedroom, lay on the bed, and read scrolls one by one.

The Blood Wolf Demon Gang is mainly known for its evil fighters, and the evil skills in it are amazing, but it doesn't have much effect on me.

This can be ruled out directly.

The Ten Thousand Swords Sect is mainly swordsmen. Although I also practice swords, a copy of Shenlong Wanfa Sword is enough.

This can also be ruled out.

Yeying Tavern is mainly a place for killers. Money can make ghosts grind. Although it is freedom, it conflicts with the belief of Wanjian Sect, and the founder is a powerful god.

Among them, the secret technique is the most authentic, and it is much deeper than the other two parties.

It's just that although it seems to be free, it is not. There are still many rules in it.

As for the last Vulcan Palace, its background is unmatched by the other three gangs, and it is also the one with the most abundant resources.

In addition, Xianpeng Island is cultivated by the next generation of leaders of the fairy world.

Resources can be many and many.

In addition, the technique of controlling fire is a must, and it is also the best choice in the entire fairy world.

And the refining furnace is even more perfect, after all, it is a god-level thing.

This also led to the practice of alchemy in it.

It seems that the price/performance ratio is much higher than the other three gangs.

However, the life-and-death battle of Jindan at that time will be participated by top gangs from all over the fairyland. Although there is a period of relaxation of half a year to a year, I urgently need a breakthrough now.

The mission of the savior can only be carried out a little faster, otherwise it may be counterproductive.

Immortal World is just one of the places, although there are very few wars in this place now.

No, to be precise, I haven't learned about other places.

It seems that it is not too late to ask after arriving at the Vulcan Palace.

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