I have a hero dream

Chapter 275 Treatment Conditions, Exploration

At the same time, the water-attributed softness was continuously displayed in his hands, the two swords moved with the wind, and the first layer of the Shenlong Wanfa Sword also burst out to the extreme at this moment.


The earth and stone walls were broken again and again, and with the two swords out, he unloaded the defense and turned into a rush attack instead.

At this moment, the power of the violent wind continued to magnify, and the extremely violent wind blades continued to strike out, with awe-inspiring killing intent, and the collision of the two swords and the two knives produced a strong spark.

It's just that Ning Tianyu still underestimated the opponent's skill with a knife. It was just a dagger, which broke through the opponent's heart in a split second. At the same time, the shadow in front of him suddenly disappeared behind Ning Tianyu, and put the dagger on the opponent's neck.

But at this moment, Ning Tianyu was unwilling to admit defeat so quickly, his figure turned into a pool of clear water and quickly flowed away to the other side, and quickly formed himself again.

The extremely dangerous blow was completely dodged by him.

After all, the golden core stage can have the ability to control the world.

For example, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

It can be turned into flames, springs, mist, etc. at will.

"Oh? It seems that your adaptability is good, but if you only have this kind of strength, it's not enough."

The corner of Ye Fan's mouth was raised, revealing a wicked smile, he licked the two knives in his hand, and said.

When Ning Tianyu heard this, he became extremely defensive at the moment, crossed his swords and blocked them in front of his chest, and the surrounding sword energy continued to surge up, turning into a sword array, forming a defense.

Outside the sword array, there is a layer of earth and stone walls, water arrows are aimed at the top, and the gold and stone are continuously connected, turning into golden swords, and countless thorns burst out from the ground.

It seems that as long as the opponent makes a move, these aggressive forces of the five elements will follow.

"You want to block me based on these, although you are very good at controlling the power of the five elements, and you are also the first person in history to have the power of the five elements, but your understanding of these is only at the first level.

It is the so-called source of all living beings.

Although with your aptitude, it is expected to be promoted to the true source of all living beings, but now, with your current strength, it is not enough. "

Ye Fan was a little reluctant to admit the other party's strength. After all, the power of the five elements was in front of him, and this could already be called a rare genius once in ten thousand years.

But after living for hundreds of years, he still retains his arrogant personality.

Now his shadow attribute has been cultivated to the extreme, which is the holy source of all beings as the saying goes.

However, the rank of his attribute is only the fourth rank.

It can only be said to be at an upper-middle level. Once you have it, it will be difficult to give up. Of course, you can realize another ability, but it will take a lot of time.

Ye Fan's figure is fast, and his two knives are waving quickly in his hands. Now he is more like the tricky and ruthless killer that is rumored to be called.

With a thought of Ning Tianyu, water arrows, golden swords and vines came out.

It was only when Jing Teng came to the opponent.

"Follows like a shadow."

Ye Fan disappeared without a trace in just an instant, as if he had never been here before.

The vines hit the ground, there was a burst of sound, the golden sword fell, flying sand and rocks, and water arrows shot wave after wave, but they didn't hit anyone at all.

The big stones were completely broken down and turned into piles of small stones, scattered on the ground.

Strange where did he go?

When this question appeared in his mind, that person had already arrived in front of him, and the earth and stone wall was broken in an instant, leaving a pile of yellow sand behind.

The sword array made a huge neighing sound, and at the same time it was trembling constantly. Only then did Ning Tianyu realize that the opponent was getting close.

Fortunately, he was full of backhands before, otherwise he would have been defeated long ago.

The sound of the sword array made him a little alert.

"Death-killing wind."

His twin swords were swinging, and a frenzied tornado was blown up from it, and the fierce sword energy traveled with the wind.

The incomparably domineering sword move seemed to be struck out with a deadly move.

Since Ye Fan was approaching at a very close distance, he already held the posture of a winner, but he didn't want to become extremely embarrassed at this moment, but fortunately he had many years of experience, which led to his urgency. retreat.

He narrowly escaped, but the remnant's windy aura still touched his left shoulder, and the cold aura directly penetrated it, and a wisp of sword aura created a huge tearing sensation on his left shoulder.

The man let out a scream, and hurriedly backed away. He clutched his left shoulder, his complexion was a little pale, and the Yin knife fell off weakly because of the wound on his shoulder.

The mountain sky quickly turned into sunset, and the pink sky seemed to have a scene of galloping horses, which seemed to express strong anger.

It seems that there is no need for real effort, it will not work.

When Ye Fan was about to do something, suddenly there was a shout from not far away: "Brother Ye, do you still want to show some face? You have fought this junior for so long, and you are still at a disadvantage. It is simply you! Shame on the tavern.

But this junior is really powerful, he was able to force Brother Ye to such a point, it really is a hero born a boy, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead! "

A middle-aged uncle with an epee on his back, wearing a black robe, with a bit of vicissitudes on his face, and a four-inch beard under his chin, approached slightly and said.

This person is the inviter of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, and a master of the Golden Core stage, a powerful swordsman known as Wan Yue, named Mo Feng.

When Ye Fan heard it, blood seemed to spurt in his heart. His face was very gloomy. After all, the man with a bright smile in front of him was his deadly enemy.

As for Ning Tianyu, he bowed his hands and didn't say a word.

Ye Fan knew that he couldn't do anything anymore, so he took out a scroll from his arms and threw it at the other party: "Boy, you are lucky today, this is the list of treatment I issued to you from Yeying Tavern.

It contains detailed records of our conditions. "

So the Yeying Tavern has been established for less than 1000 years, but the secret techniques inside are very strong. The reason for saying this is because the founder of this tavern is also an extremely powerful existence in the entire fairy world.

It is also one of the top ten masters in the fairy world.

Ning Tianyu smiled awkwardly. He looked at the scroll that was thrown over, and then looked at it. There were no words in it, and there were words in it. The conditions were written in great detail.

God-level mystery.

Ten bottles of cultivation improvement pills.

Rare medicated bath for 10 years.

Choose one of the god-level equipment.

One colorful sky fruit.

"I have doubled the treatment here by five times. Consider our tavern carefully. After all, we are very free here, and we don't have to be subject to the rules of the Immortal Dynasty."

Ye Fan said.

Looking at the list above, Ning Tianyu was also tongue-tied.

After all, a seven-color sky fruit is priceless, even if you want to buy it, you can't buy it.

Just one pill will directly improve a small realm. Of course, it will be effective only below the Nascent Soul stage.

The secret techniques and equipment of the god rank are also extremely attractive.

This moment made him fall into thinking.

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