I have a hero dream

Chapter 277 Joining, Elder Token

The three-character gang name of Huoshen Palace was deeply imprinted in his heart like an imprint.

In this short week, he didn't waste his time because of this, instead, he tried his best to improve the first level skill of Shenlong Wanfa Sword in the president's training room.

The surrounding aura has been continuously surrounding him.

And this week, in addition to strengthening, it also increased a lot of wind power.

Since the first level of his cultivation, he has been helped by God like the son of the wind.

He already mastered the power of the five elements, and he also acquired the wind attribute other than the five elements, which added another layer to his already quite a lot of attributes.

On this day, he arrived at the lobby of the Adventurer's Guild early on time.

The morning sun shines in from the side window, but the atmosphere here is very heavy, adding a trace of unknown tension to this heavy brilliance.

The four seniors sat opposite to Ning Tianyu, their expressions were calm, as if everyone was waiting for an answer.

The next moment the answer surfaced, some were delighted, while others were naturally regretful.

The mature woman on the far right has a smile on her face which is rare in her life. Now she looks like a winner and turns her head to look at the three acquaintances who are extremely unwilling.

The three acquaintances sighed and said together: "Miss Leng, you have won."

After finishing speaking, he said to Ning Tianyu: "Are you really sure you want to join the Fire God Palace?"

Leng Yue still didn't give up when he saw them, but he also wanted to listen to the young man's answer again, in case the other party didn't take it as a joke.

"Three seniors, my answer is to join the Vulcan Palace. During this period of time, the three seniors are here to wait."

Ning Tianyu looked at them seriously, and said his answer again, and finally sent them away respectfully.

After they turned into natural water and left.

Only then did Leng Yueru hand over one of the elder tokens of the Vulcan Palace to the other party, and said, and this time it was rare for her to talk so much. After all, she used to keep short stories, not as much as she does now. Words: "A day later, wait outside the adventurer's guild, and you will see me then, and within this day, you should prepare the things you want to bring as soon as possible.

In the future, if there is nothing to do, I will not come here again.

As I leave, let me reintroduce.

My name is Leng Yueru, you can call me Great Elder.

The token I gave you just now contains the contact information of me and the three seniors just now.

As for how to use this token, it is actually very simple. You only need to run the energy ball in your body to contact us immediately. "

Ning Tianyu nodded, digesting what the Great Elder said just now, and when he was about to ask something, the figure of the other party had already disappeared.

The Great Elder of the Fire God Palace?

Her strength can be described as unfathomable, coupled with her extremely charming ability, if she is an ordinary cultivator, she may have already died in hell.

Fortunately, he is determined, otherwise he may die soon.

On the same day, he asked Xiaoya to help him pack all the necessary luggage, and told him about joining the Vulcan Palace.

This also made the other party overjoyed. During this period of getting along, the two also opened their hearts and helped each other.

And when he left here, he also regarded the other party as his partner.

However, Xiaoya realized her ability and failed to catch up with the other party, so she set her identity as a housekeeper.

After all, she knew that the other party was such an extraordinary person that she couldn't rely on herself in everything, especially in daily life. She also told Ning Tianyu this.

This was not a cold to him, but he was ecstatic, after all, he couldn't trust other people, but this person was an exception.

Soon one day later, the two of them were waiting outside the Adventurer's Guild with a large bag of luggage.

Whether it is bronze, silver, or gold, all the adventurers looked at it with jealous eyes.

After all, the resources of the Vulcan Palace spread throughout the entire southern region, and it is basically the leader in this place.

Moreover, its power status is also unattainable to everyone, and they can only look up.

Leng Yueru just glanced at the woman next to Ning Tianyu lightly, and stopped looking.

A majestic Shenmu flying spaceship stopped not far from them. The area of ​​this ship was very large, as large as hundreds of square meters, and there was no one in it. It was purely self-driving, and this ship was full of aura.

After all, the most powerful feature of this ship is that it can travel thousands of miles a day in a quarter of an hour, just because it is a low-level means of transportation for the gods.

Everyone focused their attention on this ship, which was also the main means of transportation to reach the Vulcan Palace in the past.

Basically this ship can accommodate 1 people.

Of course, it mainly depends on whether there is a need.

A group of three came to the middle of the boat.

When you go up, the ship rises slowly, then adjusts its direction, and the ship vibrates continuously. When the vibration reaches the extreme, the ship suddenly disappears, because it is traveling at the speed of light and traveling through space.

From the outside world, it seems that it only takes one second, but in fact, the ship took a quarter of an hour to move, and it is only less than [-] miles away from the Vulcan Palace in the place of the Adventurer's Guild.

It only takes less than five minutes than the Shenmu flying ship.

(Some people may ask here, why don't you use your own extraordinary ability to go there, because 5 miles is a very long distance, even if you rely on the cultivation base of Jindan stage, it will take a day's journey.

Of course, in the Nascent Soul Stage, it only takes less than three hours, but the Great Elder has to wait for these two, so the flying ability of the Nascent Soul Stage was not used)

Ning Tianyu held Xiaoya's hand with his right hand. After all, although the other party had cultivated, his strength was not enough, and he was still very weak. In addition, the speed of the Shenmu flying ship was extremely fast, which also caused a huge gust of wind.

If you are not careful, you may fall and die.

This also made her, who was already in the Qi refining state, appear to be in a very dangerous situation.

Fortunately, Ning Tianyu held her hand tightly, otherwise she might fall with the wind.

You can't enjoy any scenery along the way, because the speed is too fast. This ship starts from time and space, and then travels at the speed of light, which also causes the nearby landscape to be like a vast universe.

Leng Yue looked at the front blankly, but there was still a warm feeling in her heart.

After all, they came here this time to accept a peerless genius.

Possessing the power of the five elements is not an easy task. To be precise, there is almost no possibility, and it has never been possible since ancient times.

But this kind of young man did it. Although the other party only has records of these dozens of days, the previous years are all blank, so at the beginning the other party also suspected whether he was a spy.

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