I have a hero dream

Chapter 235 In charge of the God Realm, the strong join

"What are you doing, Immortal Apocalypse? Are you going to help outsiders deal with our God Realm?"

"You villains dare to besiege them. This move is not done by the gods of the gods. Since you insist on doing this, then I have no choice but to help them."

Seeing this, the Skeleton Soldier admired him even more: "You are indeed a hero! Why don't you hang out with our son, after all, your strength is equal to mine, and you can be reused in this round of Islam."

"Well, let's talk about it after this battle is over."

As soon as Ning Tianyu saw his top master shaking and pulling, he immediately gave a thumbs up in his heart.

Sure enough, after this battle, you can get a top expert, and this trip to the God Realm is worth it.

"Apocalypse Daxian, you and your group will be completely removed from the God Realm, do you really want to do this?

Before this battle begins, let me ask you one last question, do you really want to help outsiders deal with our God Realm? "

When the Jade Emperor saw the most powerful person in the God Realm going to sit on the enemy's side, he already vomited blood in his heart, but he still had the attitude of giving it a try, so he asked again.

However, the reply he waited for really made him extremely dissatisfied, and it also made the immortals in the entire God Realm seem to have been betrayed.

"Since this is the case, then the Great Immortal Tianqi will be removed from the position of the Immortal of the God Realm from now on, and at the same time, he will be labeled as being killed by the immortals of the God Realm."

After one sentence fell, Tianqi Daxian didn't have any regrets at all, but resolutely stood on the side of outsiders. He had no feelings for the God Realm, but at this moment, he seemed to have put the newly heard title of Reincarnation Teaching first in his heart. one.

Ning Tianyu's eyes glowed, which made him completely joined by a top expert, and he was extremely happy in his heart.

He didn't expect that when he first came to the God Realm, he would be joined by the most powerful person in the God Realm, and it was the most stupid decision made by the God Realm to make him do this.

Originally, he only had the Skeleton Soldier, but now the Reincarnation Sect has another super strong general, which is like adding wings to a tiger.

The Jade Emperor gritted his teeth and looked at the traitor, and with a heartbreak, he led millions of soldiers and generals and Guanyin Bodhisattva Tathagata Buddha to charge forward.

The chilling aura condensed slightly, and the tyrannical aura filled the entire God Realm.

When all the troops came, the Skeleton Soldier did not change his face, and he swung down the magic knife in his hand, spreading the frenzied murderous aura in front of him, breaking the formation of the army of the God Realm with just one blow.

Immortal Apocalypse is not to be outdone, the Qianyun Sword in his hand is gorgeous and has an endless abyss-like murderous aura. With that move, it is more than enough to swim among thousands of troops, and the one who kills is seven in and seven out. The realm of people.

After all, the title of the number one powerhouse in the God Realm is well-deserved, and now the two top powerhouses have joined forces to directly break through the mighty army of the God Realm.

The blood shadow Ning Tianyu was behind him, and the two powerful men took off the powerful coercion together, and created a huge force like a gust of wind, which also caused the two to avoid the direct attack of the heavy soldiers of the gods.

The four teamed up and no one could stop them.

Even Erlangshen, the Four Great Vajras, the Eighteen Arhats, the Queen Mother of the West, the Daozu of the Three Purities, the Taishang Laojun, the King of Hades of the Ten Temples, the Dragon King of the Four Seas, etc., are not his opponents.

One face to face, a million soldiers were directly defeated.

How powerful is the combination of two top powerhouses, one of whom is the number one powerhouse in the God Realm, and this level of combat power can instantly kill the immortals.

Such a spectacular scene is really rare.

The crowd of immortals gathered together, and the scene was magnificent, but none of them was an enemy with one move.

In addition, the God of Apocalypse, who was originally the most powerful person in the God Realm, turned his back on the water in the end, but caused the gods with a luxurious lineup to be defeated one after another.

This scene was out of control. The two joined forces for the first time, but they formed a rare friendship, which also made it easier to join the Reincarnation Sect.

"Brother Tianqi, your strength is really extraordinary, you deserve to be on par with me.

By the way, how did you feel about joining the Reincarnation Sect?After all, our Dongzi is in urgent need of employing people, and Ruxian has such talent and strength. It is indeed my blessing to reincarnate. "

The Skeleton Soldier said again that Tian Qi knew what he meant. When he thought about the embarrassment of the current situation, he thought of various factors and decided to join.

With his joining, Samsara is even more powerful.

Due to the successive defeats of the immortals and soldiers in the God Realm, this also led to the fact that the full power of the God Realm can only be handed over to Ning Tianyu.

They have been here for less than a day, and they directly possess all the powers of the God Realm, and they can also dominate this world at the same time.

When the Jade Emperor saw that his rights were deprived, although he held a grudge in his heart, he had no choice but to have no ability to stop it from coming, so he could only accept it calmly in the end.

Most of the power of the immortals was sealed because Ning Tianyu knew about it.Although this place has been controlled by himself, he will not stay here forever, so he has to seal most of the power of these gods.

And because of the seal, a regulation was added, that is, if anyone among the gods dares to betray, then this person will lose his divine power forever and be deprived of his status.

And this also put a binding agent in the hearts of all the gods, and this was out of sincerity and trust in Ning Tianyu who took over as the Lord of the God Realm.

"Apocalypse, it is an honor for my Reincarnation Sect to join you. From now on, you will have the same status as the Skeleton Soldier, that is, the position of my Reincarnation Sect Guard."

"Tianqi, I would like to thank you son!

From now on, let the young master lead the way. "

After Ning Tianyu got his loyalty, he smiled in his heart, but after being happy for a while, he changed the subject and asked, "By the way, Tianqi, will you use clone?"

"The tactic of clone is quite simple. I don't know what the young master ordered."

"I want you to use your avatar to take over the position of Lord of the God Realm with your avatar body, and take care of all the affairs of the God Realm with one hand. Of course, because of this, I still trust you very much."

"Apocalypse is here, thank you son!

The matter of the young master is the matter of the apocalypse. I will definitely complete the matters of the Lord of the God Realm. "

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he knew that his position would be forever deprived of his position by the Immortal Tianqi.

After all, she has been in this position for 1000 years, so she is full of emotions.

The Skeleton Soldier was also a little envious. After all, this good buddy who just joined directly received the same treatment as him, and even had a better job position.

Soon the affairs of the God Realm came to an end. After the important figures of the Reincarnation Sect were rectified, they followed Ning Tianyu to the next world, which was the Immortal Realm.

What is fairyland?

That is to say, it was ascended to the gathering place by the practitioners.

What kind of existence is a cultivator?

This identity is after the warrior.

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