I have a hero dream

Chapter 236 The Immortal World with Technology

That is to say, after the three realms from the realm of gods and demons to the realm of ecstasy.

To be precise, these three realms are the watershed between warriors and cultivators, that is to say, only after the first three realms have been cultivated can one step into the Qi Refining Realm of a cultivator.

When they were planning how to get to the fairy world, a god from the god world took them to the heavenly shuttle door leading to the fairy world.

When the little fairy told how this door leads to the fairyland?

All four listened patiently.

After speaking.

The four of them took a step forward, and when everyone stretched out their hands to grab the shoulders in front, the sky shuttle door vibrated violently, followed by a flash of white light, and the four of them arrived at the gate of the fairy world as if they were being taken away.

There are countless cultivators lining up in long lines, waiting to pass.

Even the four who just came here are the same.

There is a golden door at the door.

Two cultivator guards on both sides are responsible for checking whether there is any suspicious person. If there is no one, they will register and let them go.

Just because of the people from the God Realm and the Mortal Realm from the world of warriors, the four seem a little different.

It's just because the cultivators in front of them are all dressed in fashion, and there are many of them with mobile phones, laptops, and comprehension residence permits.

The fairy world here is a completely technological world.

Although there are some similarities with Mortal Realm in it, that is, there is a realm, but it is somewhat different.

Although the realms of the Mortal Realm are extremely powerful, they are still not enough compared to the technologically advanced Immortal Realm.

Because the realm of the practitioners inside is to integrate technology.

Ning Tianyu and the others' eyes lit up as soon as they arrived here, looking at the surrounding environment like country bumpkins.

There are technological rockets, artificial robots, and databases for analyzing technological practitioners.

In front of them is a woman, she is wearing a technical suit, which is a type that can be changed at will, and there are many combat suits and first aid suits inside.

She wears a pink bunny helmet on her head, an invisible watch in her hand, and her outfit is extremely fashionable.

It's not like their quack clothes at all.

As time went by, after registering their names and household registration certificates in the hands of the guards, each cultivator entered the golden gate and came to the fairyland of science and technology.

Soon they arrived at Ning Tianyu and the others. The two guards looked at the group of outsiders with wide-eyed eyes. They all wore tinted glasses to look at them.Disdainful eyes, but more disgusting.

"Where did you come from? Did you bring your cultivation account card and four Tianyuan coins!"

After the two guards took a look at their poor clothes, they didn't choose to take another look, as if looking at them would bring bad luck.

The two of them seemed to want to call it a day, and said anxiously with a rushing tone.

"Uh, the three of us came from the Mortal World, and he is from the God Realm.

As for the cultivation account card you mentioned?Tianyuan coins?None of us know. "

Upon hearing this, Ning Tianyu took a step forward, and said with an ignorant look, after all, they had never heard of what the other party said.

"Oh Nope.

Old Liu, these four are illegal citizens, take them to the illegal citizen area to go through the formalities later. "

The guard named Lao Liutou just paused for a moment, then nodded, put down his work, and led the four of them to the illegal citizen area.

"This guard brother wants to ask, what is the illegal citizen area?"

The four were full of doubts, but when they heard a few passages from some cultivators behind them, they became even more suspicious that they seemed to be taken to a cruel and inhumane place: "These four guys are really miserable. In that place, life is like this, it is even more difficult to find a job, I am afraid that after staying for a month or two, they will basically go crazy."

"That's right. After all, if you don't have a cultivation residence permit, you'll be like this for the rest of your life."

"Yeah, not to mention the future, it can basically be judged to be over."

"I really don't know how these outsiders don't have these cultivation residence permits.

Normally, it will be present at birth. "

"That's not what we're in charge of. Let's take care of ourselves and do what's right now, and their lives will be left to fate."

The four followed the vicissitude-faced old Liu in front of them, and Ning Tianyu was the first to ask his doubts.

"You outsiders may not know this place, so I'll make a long story short, after all, you will have shadows if you talk too much.

In this area of ​​illegal citizens, the reason why you want to enter is because you do not have a cultivation residence permit.

In this area, it is a three-way zone, and there are not many cases of crime and theft here.

At the same time, for those who do not have the identity of the cultivation residence card, it is basically impossible to find a job, so most people can only do illegal work, which is what the market calls "secret work".

Of course, once these are caught by the comprehension police, the crime will be quite severe.

At the same time, this kind of people is the most basic existence in the society of self-cultivation. Just because this kind of people have a bleak future, they are the most hated existence in the society, and they will basically suffer extremely unfair treatment.

But there is no way for you outsiders, this society is like this.

As for fighting, it is more normal, but from just now to now, it can be seen at a glance that you do not have energy balls on your body, so I am afraid that you will suffer even more miserably when you get there.

When you get there, you have to be mentally prepared. After all, you have nothing and your strength is very weak. If you are angry and extremely poor.

It's normal to be beaten to death, so please do your best. "

Old Liu Tou sighed, it was a bit inappropriate to say something, but when he looked back and saw the young man's thirst for knowledge, he also understood that these outsiders didn't know this place, so he had no choice but to tell it, without warning.

"Senior, what energy ball are you talking about?"

Ning Tianyu was a little confused, after all, after listening to what Old Liu said, his mind became more and more confused.

Of course, not to mention, people like the Blood Shadow Skeleton Soldier Apocalypse Great Immortal, they are also full of doubts now.

Old Liu stopped. At first he didn't want to say so much, but after all, the young man asked again, so he had no choice but to tell him. After all, as a guard, he had seen too many people from other places, so he did his part. inform.

However, many foreigners just came to this illegal citizen army, and many people died on the first day.

Because they really can't accept this environment, and there are many villains bullying it.

So it's been like this for the rest of my life.

"The so-called energy ball refers to something that is born on a person's body. This thing calculates the value and attributes of a person."

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