I have a hero dream

Chapter 234 One Move Determines the Winner

That being the case, he didn't want to be courteous first, and take his time, instead, he spoke directly to him: "Are you counting ten? You don't need to count, and your condition is exempted."

"So, you don't agree!"

"I didn't want to take care of it at first, but you human beings take too much care of it. God Realm is not a place where you can play wild if you want. If that's the case, then I'm not someone to mess with."

"Oh, then there is nothing to say, so we can only fight."

"It's up to you, anyway, I'll take care of it."

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor made a gesture in his heart.

Seeing that this person was useless, the Skeleton Soldier had no choice but to hand it back. He kicked hard, and the Jade Emperor's ass blossomed. He screamed in pain, and the moment he handed it back, the Jade Emperor was kicked It looked like a dog eating shit.

At the same time, the two sides also turned into a tense scene.

Skeleton Warrior vs Apocalypse Daxian

These two people just looked at each other, and they probably knew how much each other was.

It's just this look at each other that makes it clear that both of them are people of the same level.

This also made the two of them look at each other and smile. After all, it is very difficult to meet people of the same level, especially at their level.

"It seems that your strength is comparable to mine. This kind of thing is all about fate, but it's a pity that you and I are not in the same camp. Otherwise, we may be friends and we may not be sure."

"Oh, maybe."

The two talked for a few words, and the battle was imminent.

Others retreated one after another.

After all, in a battle of this level, it is best to retreat far away, or it may be affected.

The Great Immortal Apocalypse holds a compass pan on his left and a Qianyun sword on his right. Wearing a silver cloak, he looks immortal.

The Skeleton Soldier condensed the magic knife in the hands of the void, and the two collided together in an instant. The collision of the sword and the knife produced bursts of sparks, and the huge counter-shock force shook the entire world.

As if the sky and the earth were vibrating, although the people who had retreated far away, they couldn't help but gasp in amazement when they heard this sound.

The fingertips of the Luoxian Pan in Tianqi Daxian's hand continued to rotate, and soon turned to the southwest direction, which also corresponded to Tianyuan Shenhuo.

A burst of intense fire gushes out continuously, and it is also full of skeleton soldiers.

It's just that the Skeleton God Soldier originally had the fire of the underworld flame, which was bestowed by Ning Tianyu to burn the world under fire.

Therefore, when the fire of Tianyuan touched his body, it immediately burned up completely, and this kind of flame coming out of the Luoxian pan disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this, the Skeleton Soldier became even more fearless. He had a magic knife in his hand, as if the Emperor of Heaven had mine.

"How is it possible? It's unbelievable that he actually has a flame that is stronger than my Tianyuan's fire. No wonder you have the capital to be arrogant, but that's all."

The Qianyun Sword in Tianqi Daxian's hand struck with a bewildering power like a feather, and the skeleton soldier's mind suddenly seemed lost, which also gave Tianqi Daxian an opportunity to take advantage of.

It's just that although this confusion is very strong, just as Tianqi Daxian planned to sneak attack, the skeleton soldier immediately calmed down, which also caused the opponent to have no effect.

The fight between the two is like a top master, with back and forth.

The Skeleton Soldier swung his sword, and the Immortal Tianqi blocked it with a sword, but a powerful energy erupted between the two, enveloping the entire world.

It's just that the two of them were unharmed. The fight between the two was like a fight in the market, but it was unexpected and meaningful.

The Skeleton Soldier waved from high to low, and Tianqi Daxian's footwork was light, and every move was murderous, and the Qianyun Sword seemed to transform everything in his hands.

The two fought more and more courageously, but neither could do anything to the other.

When everyone saw it, they knew that it would not be over for a while, my lord.

The reason why Ning Tianyu wanted to quickly unify into the God Realm was because he didn't want to waste time, but seeing that his top master and the number one master in the God Realm seemed to be unable to win at all, they could only be tied.

Seeing this, he, who originally wanted to make a quick decision, could only sigh, because he used this trick, which caused the relationship between the human world and the god world to deteriorate sharply.

But there is no way, after all, there is no if in the world.

Now that you have done it, you can't think of any way to regret it.

The Skeleton Soldier saw that he would not be able to take down the opponent for a while, and at the same time admired this opponent in his heart.

The mood is the same for both.

"You and I are about the same strength, why not use one move to decide the outcome?"

"I think your proposal is feasible, so let's do it."

The sword is eternal, and the world will be destroyed.

Gods and demons can't stop what the sword does.

One is the existence of the top of the sword.

One is the existence of the tip of the knife.

The two are like a fateful duel.

Where the sword is located, not a single blade of grass grows.

Where the knife is, there are thousands of miles of dry bones.

The two interlaced and changed positions, but at the same time, they paid a great price.


The bodies of the two are full of countless sword marks and knife marks.

Countless blood spilled from many festering wounds.

One move determines the outcome, but in the end the battle ended in a tie.

"My lord, I have a heavy entrustment, if I can't complete the task, please punish me, my lord."

"Hurry up and invite the Skeleton Soldier, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid this journey will not be smooth."

"Great Immortal Tianqi, thank you so much, I am really ashamed of your past mistakes."

"Guys, who hasn't? The past has disappeared, we have to care about the present, although I was very resentful when you fell into trouble once, but if you keep holding grudges in this world, then the demons will come from your heart."

"Once this infects the heart demon, then this cultivation base will stop and go backwards. I will understand my mistakes! It is also good. Knowing mistakes can be corrected. There is nothing good about it. I have realized this sentence a long time ago. What happened to you today! you are welcome."

When the three of them heard this, they burst into tears. They understood the path that the other party had been in all along, and they also knew that it was not easy for the other party to forgive themselves.

The battle between the two came to an end, and Ning Tianyu saw that he could not gain power, so he knew he couldn't stay here anymore.

But when he wanted to leave, all the immortals in the God Realm set up a maze and surrounded him with millions of immortals. Long before the war, those three people had already laid a net.

After all, if the opponent is allowed to leave, then if they fight again later, the God Realm will be in chaos. Knowing the result, they have no choice but to act like this. After all, no one wants to let the tiger go back to the mountain, and nothing will grow.

Therefore, he could only cut the grass and root out the roots. As soon as the Immortal Apocalypse knew what the Jade Emperor had done, he cursed at the villain, and then Ning Tianyu, who stood on the opposite side, just because he admired the skeleton soldier in the previous battle.

So I don't want to be misled by this villain, so I plan to help Ning Tianyu and others.

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