City Lord's Mansion.

Standing outside the door were two dark-skinned, tall and straight guards with spears in their hands.

There are many troops stationed in the mansion, including patrol teams, guard teams, main forces, logistics teams, etc., which can be described as extremely strict and comprehensive.

In the room, sitting on the rightmost seat in the first row was a middle-aged man, handsome in appearance, with a pair of wise eyes, dressed in an official uniform, 1.7 meters tall, and neither fat nor thin.

This person is 'Xiang Zongqi', the city lord of Nanding City, but his expression was a little anxious, and he held his hands firmly, making prayer gestures.

On a large bed, lay a handsome man with severe injuries, pale complexion, purple lips, no clothes on his upper body, and extremely weak.

This person is Li Chengchao who fought against Ning Yunfeng and others alone a few days ago, but now he is seriously injured and does not have the heroic appearance of the son of the four great generals.

In front of him sat an old man, dressed in white, with a wine gourd around his waist, and a medicine box beside him.

It's just that now he is frowning, his face is full of solemnity, and he is holding a long black cloth in his hand, in which are stored more than a dozen silver needles of different thicknesses.

The old man's eyes were glowing blue, and after seeing the many wounds on Li Chengchao lying on the bed, the blue light disappeared. He sighed slightly, turned his head to look at Xiang Zongqi, and said, "Master Xiang, Since General Li has serious internal injuries, even Gu is less than [-]% sure that he can be treated.

As for the trauma, it doesn't matter, but before the treatment, I ask City Lord Xiang to move outside the door and wait. "

When Xiang Zongqi heard this, his anxious expression quickly turned into surprise, because he knew the name of the ancient miracle doctor, and also knew how superb the other party's healing methods were.

The ancient miracle doctor, named Gu Wenlai, is a well-known miracle doctor in Nanding City. He has been treating people for 29 years, regardless of whether the person is rich or poor, and heals them one by one. Also known as the ancient miracle doctor.

But instead of being proud, he focused on healing instead. The reason why he didn't leave anywhere was because this was his birthplace, and he was still setting up medical management and teaching disciples here!

Although this medical regulation was proposed by Xiang Zongqi, both parties agree on it, so there is no difference.

Of course, Xiang Zongqi proposed that there are conditions for this medical management. In addition to helping him establish it, if some people in his mansion are sick or seriously injured, they will also be treated in other ways.

However, it doesn't matter what the ancient text is, on the contrary, I am very happy to accept all this.

Xiang Zongqi agreed without saying a word. He bowed his hands solemnly, then glanced at Li Chengchao, turned and left, but he still felt a little uneasy. After all, the genius doctor in front of him didn't have a 100% guarantee: "Okay, ancient genius doctor It's all your trouble."

When he left, there were only two people left in the room.

Gu Wenlai didn't care about Li Chengchao's upper body which had already been stripped off. Instead, he stood up, squatted slightly, put the black cloth beside him, and then took out silver needles from it. Connect the points with both hands and insert it into the acupuncture point on the opponent's upper body.

It's just that when he was running for a moment, he was fully focused on the moment, and his strength was very accurate, and the position of his hands immediately put him under tremendous pressure.

But he was still able to deal with it skillfully, and the stitches fell on the exact position. When seven or seven 49 stitches were inserted, cold sweat began to break out all over his body, and his feet were still trembling slightly. Hit it, it's much better.

Gu Wenlai glanced at the opponent, reassuring himself that it will be over soon: "There are still 21 sticks, so we can start collectively."


Two hours passed, and the 21 roots were finally dropped. At this time, his face was flushed, he was panting heavily, and the beard on his face was also blown by his exhalation. Wipe the sweat off your body.

His hands trembled a little, but he still made several gestures and pressed them on the ground. Only then did the silver needles inserted into Li Chengchao's body vibrate continuously, and then glowed with a faint blue light, combining together to illuminate the entire room.

It quickly turned into wisps of green light and quickly entered his body, constantly swimming around.

Gu Wenlai continued to cast spells, and as time passed, the blue light in the room slowly disappeared until Li Chengchao's body was filled with all the green light.

But after a while, Gu Wenlai stopped his hands when he saw this, his face turned pale, like a person recovering from a serious illness, without any strength in his body, he threw his body forward and knelt down on the ground.

His pair of old hands supported the ground, and the sweat on his face could not help but flow down again. After a few ticks, the ground was covered with his sweat.

He was exhausted, his body was weak, and his whole body was quietly maintained like this.

Outside the door, Xiang Zongqi kept pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back, his eyes looked into the room from time to time, and his expression flashed a little anxious again, because nearly five or six hours had passed since Gu Wenlai's treatment .

Xiang Zongqi secretly guessed in his heart: "I hope the ancient genius doctor can save him, otherwise, if he dies in the place under my jurisdiction, his father will come and be furious, and he will very likely claim my life." .

Now he can only wait for the ancient miracle doctor to heal him. "

After another two hours, Gu Wenlai finally recovered a little bit of strength. After seeing Li Chengchao's injury recovering quickly, he took the medicine box and black cloth and left towards the door.

The moment he opened the door, Xiang Zongqi noticed it immediately. He looked back, and the two just looked at each other.

In Xiang Zongqi's eyes, there was a look of wanting to ask. Gu Wenlai understood, and of course he knew what the other party wanted to say. It will heal within a month and a half. Besides, this is a medicine for external application. Remember to apply it to the wound on General Li's upper body three times a day.

And remember to let General Li eat some nutritious food, not food that gets angry, this must be kept in mind, and finally let him not make too much movement.

After all, if he continues to practice martial arts all day after he wakes up, it may affect his healing time, and it is very likely that the internal injury will worsen again. "

Xiang Zongqi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and seeing the several medicines handed over by the other party, he held them tightly and put them in his trouser pockets, then cupped his hands and said: "Thanks to the ancient miracle doctor, I will follow up on these instructions." Keep it in mind."

Seeing this, Gu Wenlai didn't catch a cold, but nodded and said: "Well, that's good, that's good, if there's nothing else, then Gu will leave first."

Xiang Zongqi also understood, so he let the other party go. When he remembered to give the money, Gu Wenlai's figure had disappeared. He shook his head with a smile, and looked back at the room.

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