"Father, this is...simple."

As soon as the words fell, Ning Xiaoke turned into a black beam of light, and quickly returned to Ning Tianyu's right hand bracelet. There was a faint dim light in the bracelet, which quickly disappeared.

Seeing this, Ning Tianyu raised his right hand and bent it in front of the bridge of his nose, stared at the bracelet carefully, and then whispered: "Xiao Ke, Xiao Ke, are you inside?"

Ning Xiaoke stuttered when she heard the words, and she spoke in babble obediently, but her accent was a bit wrong: "Father, that's right, Xiaoke is in the bracelet."

Ning Tianyu couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief, as if he had resigned to the appearance of this self-named demon, but he was not unhappy at all, but was still very interested in this demon.

The sense of loneliness that he felt before gradually began to decrease with the addition of Ning Xiaoke, and his life became more fun and companionable in the future.


In the north of Nanding City, a small and poor area.

It is a place composed of less than a hundred poor families. Most of the houses they live in are made of thatched huts, while a few are wooden huts. The people inside belong to the lowest level of ordinary people in society.

Most of the people who live here don’t have enough to eat and don’t wear warm clothes. As for the source of income, they go out. Of course, due to their low status, their monthly salary is cut to the minimum, and it’s also a matter of whether the other party hires you or not. big problem.

And going out to make money and holding a monthly salary has no dignity at all.

In one of the thatched huts, the interior space is quite large, and there is a small bag of moldy thin rice by the door.

There is a family of four among them. They are happy and harmonious. Although the family is poor, the parents still work hard. As for the pair of children, they stay at home.

In the second bedroom, the four wounded people lay disheveled and quietly on the haystack.

Ning Yunfeng opened his eyes, coughed a few times, looked at the surrounding environment, and found that this was a brand new place, so he touched his head in doubt and said, "Where am I?"

But when he moved a little, the wound on his body burst suddenly, and the blood in it continued to flow out, which caused him severe pain for a while.His originally pale complexion was twitching again, his hands were covered with cold sweat, and his chapped and colorless lips made him feel weak besides a little thirsty.

However, when he found that the three people around him were still not awake, a bit of panic flashed across his face, he was panting heavily from time to time, leaning his body to the right, slightly raising his left hand, gently covering his chest, while holding his right hand. The half curve supports the grass.

There was no voice around him to answer what he said, he raised his head slightly, looked at the thatched hut with a harsh environment and shook his head, recalling the scene of his men and horses fighting with Li Chengchao not long ago, he couldn't help feeling extremely regretful.

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world, so he shifted his gaze back to the three motionless people in front of him, looked at them quietly, and only after a long time, he let out a long sigh.

He struggled to move his body to lean against the poorly made cabinet next to him, and after carefully observing the environment here, he remembered that a few days ago, he and Bu Junwu were carried behind Ren Jueningkuang. To this poor ghetto.

At that time, he hadn't had time to focus on his eyes, and after Ren Jue's persuasion, a family finally kindly took them in.

That's why I came here. After Ning Yunfeng finished his treatment, his head became much clearer, but when he saw that there were only four of him left, he felt that it was not worth it. He just comforted himself slowly. People are better.

Lee Seung-chao?I want you to look good next time.

Outside the second bedroom, a woman walked in, about thirteen or fourteen years old, ordinary-looking, a little fair-skinned, dressed in commoner clothes, with an indescribable temperament on her body, holding a bucket of water and The towels had a few holes in them.

When she found that a boy woke up in the grass, she looked a little surprised, but soon saw that there were burst marks on the other's wound.

The whole person is like a tigress, completely disregarding the girl's image, his face quickly turned sullen, walked over quickly, and cursed: "Hey! You...you woke up.

You are not in good health yet, how can you move around casually? You see that the wounds on your body are bursting. I really don’t know what to say about you. Don’t be brave about these things! "

Ning Yunfeng seemed confused by the other party's scolding. After seeing the other party's actions, the first reaction that popped out of his head was why the other party was so anxious about him.

The second is why the other party cares about him, just because they take him in?

The third is have we chatted?

Before he opened his mouth to speak, the other party continued. When he saw the pile of wounds densely packed in the other party's body, and he hadn't received emergency medical treatment, he continued to talk at length on his own.

But seeing that Ning Yunfeng still didn't respond, she pointed to the other party's clothes. Although her complexion began to rosy, she was extremely bold, as if she was not afraid of the sky and the earth, and sighed at the end: "You said you are very I'm old, why is it still like this, these wounds bursting are not good for your health, don't you know? This is all common sense!

Also, take off your clothes quickly. If the wound on your body is not treated, it will be infected. Why are you still standing there, hurry up.

I'm a girl, so I'm not ashamed. Are you afraid that if I eat you, you won't succeed!

You still don't take it off, do you have to wait until I take it off you before you react. "

Ning Yunfeng let out a few "oh oh" before he realized that he saw that the girl in front of him said so, so he had no choice but to ignore his status as the prince, and then took off the tattered top on his body, set aside.

The upper body covered with blood and gunshot wounds was clearly seen by the woman, and the woman's complexion became more and more red, like a red apple, but he didn't pay attention, but said slowly: "It's okay, then you What are we going to do now?"

The woman looked serious, and while she was talking, she did not forget to tell Ning Yunfeng again and again: "I will use a white cloth to dye water first, and then I will scrub your body first. It may hurt a little during this period, but remember not to move around.

Then later I will cover your upper body with the ancestral medicine for golden sores, and then wrap it up with a cloth. "

Ning Yunfeng saw that the other party's eyes didn't seem to be lying, so he believed the other party. After the woman put the white cloth into the bucket and wet it, she wrung it until there was still a little moisture, and then rubbed it on him.

At this time, Ning Yunfeng didn't know why there was a feeling of rapid heartbeat. It was not because of the beauty of the other party, but because of the actions just now, and the current skin touch, which was a cold and exciting feeling.

It's just that this idea was quickly extinguished by him, and the time of this skin-to-skin closeness passed quickly.

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