I have a hero dream

Chapter 108 Jiang Yiliang, Emperor Ai

March 27, noon.

Nanjiang Inn, in the second room on the far right on the third floor.

Ning Xiaoke was beside the bed, stroking her belly, looking at Ning Tianyu who had just finished training, and said, but when she said this, she looked very cute, her eyes twinkling with expectation: "Father, Xiao Ke Hungry."

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Ning Tianyu, who was originally indifferent like snow, seemed to become very gentle when he saw Ning Xiaoke's appearance. He touched Ning Xiaoke's head very approachable, and said with a smile: "Xiao Ke, Then let's have a good meal at noon, shall we!"

Hearing this, Ning Xiaoke laughed and jumped up and applauded: "Yeah, father is the best."

Ning Tianyu held Ning Xiaoke in his arms with one hand, facing a figure outside the door, he said boldly: "The waiter, please prepare the meals, remember that I want the best."

The clerk had a white towel on his shoulders, and when he heard a voice in the room, he responded in a polite tone: "Okay, Mr. Ning, I'll go right away, please wait here for a while, immediately just come."

But within an hour, the clerk, with several colleagues behind him, brought in plate after plate of meals, which looked extremely rich, including fish, meat, vegetables, and rice, as well as delicacies such as abalone and seafood.

Ning Xiaoke looked at the plate after plate of food on the table, her eyes widened and sparkled with light, and she could smell the fragrance of different dishes, after a quick glance, Immediately, halazi flowed out of his mouth, like a demon who hadn't eaten for many days.

The waiter also understood that the other party was eating, so he took a few colleagues and retreated.

Seeing this, Ning Tianyu just turned his eyes back to Ning Xiaoke, and lowered his head, covering his mouth and giggling.

But Ning Xiaoke's eyes were all on the food in front of him, and he didn't notice the snickering of his father next to him.

Soon the two of them wiped out the food in front of them, their stomachs swelled like a ball, and they ate several times in satisfaction.

Ning Tianyu asked people to clean up the dishes in front of him and wiped the table, and the shop assistants stepped back again.

At this time, after he looked at Ning Xiaoke, who was always full of positive energy, the suffering in his heart was no longer so uncomfortable, and his mood was slowly recovering.

Ning Xiaoke felt that her stomach was no longer hungry, and her face was full of bright smiles again. A sense of drowsiness hit her, and she quickly fell asleep leaning on the chair.

Ning Tianyu shook her head with a smile on her chubby face, and then continued to practice on the bed.


Located in the east of Xuanzhou, above the imperial palace and the main hall.

The young Emperor Aidi sat on the dragon chair, his face was a little unnatural, and his eyes seemed to be avoiding something.

Standing next to him was a personal eunuch, Eunuch Li, who shouted Shanhuosheng.

As his sharp voice fell, the civil and military men of the court, dressed in official uniforms, knelt on the ground, performed the ceremony of prostration, and shouted loudly and neatly, the voices kept overlapping and echoed: "Long live my emperor!" Long live."

Emperor Ai listened to the people below saying the same thing day after day, but he still timidly yelled out the five words "All Lovers Pingshen" as usual because he was very timid.

In fact, most of the civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty could not hear Emperor Ai's words. The officials at the front got up slowly when they heard the words, and the people behind followed suit.

Emperor Ai looked at the officials in front of him, and only wanted to go down quickly, return to the harem to play and fight crickets.

Since he was very young, he was only bored with the boring time of going to court, and he was controlled for a long time, which made him want to go to the outside world to see the world, but he didn't want to stay here at all.

A middle-aged man in the prime minister's uniform stepped forward, with a treasured sword hanging from his waist, he half-bent and cupped his hands.But there was a sly look in his eyes: "Your Majesty, I have something to report."

This person is Jiang Yiliang, the prime minister who is currently in power. He is only 36 years old, and he is also one of the youngest prime ministers in the dynasty.

Emperor Ai looked at this person and didn't have any good impressions at all, because he knew that once the other person came out, nothing good would happen, but on the surface he still dealt with it casually: "Jiang Aiqing, I wonder if you have something important to report?"

Jiang Yiliang walked up and down the court hall with a dignified look on his face, his eyes seemed to be filled with grief and indignation as to why the people could not be saved, he said a lot in a calm manner: "Report to Your Majesty, I want to report something Big thing, there are many people in the world who don't have enough to eat, don't wear warm clothes, and are homeless.

Therefore, I implore Your Majesty to put the first storehouse in the world under the jurisdiction of my ministers, and I will fulfill the task without disgrace to the envoy. "

When the other officials heard this, they kept murmuring in their hearts, but after seeing the expression of Emperor Ai on the dragon chair, several rather bold second-rank officials stepped forward and kept retorting to Jiang Yiliang: "Prime Minister Jiang, this The first storehouse in the world comes from the foundation of the imperial dynasty, which is only used in extraordinary times, how can it be so easy to take out? Could it be that you want to annex this imperial grain."

"I think this is due to Prime Minister Jiang's selfishness!"

"I think that this imperial warehouse must not be handed over to Prime Minister Jiang. If one day this extraordinary period comes and Prime Minister Jiang cannot hand over this first warehouse in the world, then the world will be in chaos."

Aidi watched these three people question Jiang Yiliang, and knew that the other party might say something similar to threats.

Now he is almost in a dilemma. Although he is young, he has been a puppet for a long time, so he has no right to speak as the emperor. Even if he wants to do a thorough job with Jiang Yiliang, the final result is very likely to be deposed directly.

He is very clear about the opponent's methods!So I also understand that only by doing my best to dissuade other officials at the moment can I ensure that I can sit safely in this position.

Aidi kept looking at the four people, and then kept pushing forward with both hands, as if he was trying to dissuade them.

Immediately afterwards, the complexions of the four officials changed slightly, and the whole person began to have a headache. Soon he thought that retreating from the court was not an option: "Jiang Aiqing, Li Aiqing, Chen Aiqing, Lin Aiqing, you are all the pillars of the country, and you must not give up because of this matter." The contradiction is deepening! Let me think about this matter for a few days, how about it?

Ladies and gentlemen, what else do you need to report? If not, then retreat to court. "

The other officials looked at each other and shook their heads. When they retreated, they started whispering, discussing the behavior of the four people in the main hall, and the focus of the topic, the granary.

Jiang Yiliang looked at the three officials who had resisted him just now, with a ferocious look in his eyes, and thought to himself: "It seems that those who resisted have not been wiped out, so you three should disappear from this world!"

These three officials didn't know that today's move was actually the time for them to exterminate their clan.

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