The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 585 The Dharma, the Buddha made it up, and I can make it up too

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is planning to continue preaching, to completely dispel Tang Sanzang's sense of justice, and let him learn to obey.

But at this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly felt the aura of a demon king.

Familiar breath!

It is the black bear spirit!

Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes lit up instantly.

Recently, I heard that the black bear spirit is thinking of going to work in the nine-story prison. Even Tathagata thinks that this matter can't be so outrageous.

This black bear spirit has been watched by Xitian for a long time, and it has been arranged for a long time. It is to be collected in Xitian and contribute to Xitian during the journey to the west.

Originally, in Xitian's estimation, this demon king could draw a tie with Monkey King, earn Xitian, and definitely earn money.

But a while ago, the Nine-story Heavenly Prison recruited new recruits, and the black bear spirit ran away, no matter how much Xitian tried to persuade him to stay, he failed to keep him.

Even after returning, Xitian asked someone to contact the black bear spirit, but the black bear spirit ruthlessly refused to contact him, saying that the nine-story prison is better than Xitian.

I haven't been able to touch it many times, but now I suddenly feel the breath of this black bear spirit, and Guanyin Bodhisattva is also eager to subdue him!

This is the demon king, he has been trained well, and he is another big Luo!

"Both of you, go west, especially you, Tang Sanzang, you must keep the teachings of Buddhism in mind."

"If you violate the teachings of Buddhism, you will be finished!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva threw down a threat and quickly put it aside.

She was still rushing to subdue the black bear spirit, she knew very well that it was not worth wasting so much time persuading Tang Sanzang.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is very confident, and Tang Sanzang has a certainty in his heart, and he will not resist the mission of traveling west.

Especially after Guanyin Bodhisattva personally taught, Tang Sanzang will definitely be obedient, and it is even more impossible to commit murder and arson.

Tang Sanzang, he is a smart man.

As for Sun Wukong, he knew better that he had no power to resist.

Guanyin Bodhisattva went after the black bear spirit, ignoring the pair of desperate master and disciple.

After Guanyin Bodhisattva left.

Tang Sanzang was holding a torch in his hand, his face became cloudy and uncertain in the dancing flames.

He is not willing!

The sense of justice in his heart has been stinging Tang Sanzang.

This group of monks and gangsters set fire to kill people, if they are not punished, how can Tang Sanzang hold back in his heart!

However, at this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva threatened Tang Sanzang not to hurt the bandits.

This made Tang Sanzang very angry.

Sun Wukong shook his head beside him, sighed and said:

"Master, just save yourself, anyway, it's just a group of ants and mortals. They kill and set fire, and they are also in the boundary of Xiniu Hezhou."

"At that time, it will only be the people who come and go in Xiniu Hezhou who will be harmed. What does it have to do with you?"

Sun Wukong can take it easy, if this is his own business, he will kill people directly.

But what happened to Xiniu Hezhou?

He's just an innocent little monkey!

Tang Sanzang Yaoyao head, with a compassionate look on his face,

"Wrong, everyone has malice in their hearts, but they also have a sense of justice."

"Buddhist scriptures say that all living beings are equal. If I see all living beings suffer, if I don't save them, my heart will be uneasy!"

Tang Sanzang was never an evil person, he insisted on Chu Hao's eight precepts, not because he was really easy to be fooled.

It is because he has an undiminished sense of justice and the most primitive kindness in his heart.

It has not been smoothed out by resignation and karma in the Buddhist scriptures.

Tang Sanzang hopes that the wicked will be punished, and the righteous will be promoted!

But there is not a word in the Buddhist scriptures that mentions how to uphold justice, and there is not a word that says to help each other when seeing injustice.

It's just telling mortals that you must endure, how the outside world treats you is a test for you.

As time went on, the sense of justice in people's hearts and the dignity of being a human being were all obliterated.

Then you can obediently obey Xitian's arrangement and become a qualified production tool for wish power and merit.

Tang Sanzang didn't want to be Tang Sanzang, he wanted to be Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang was confused,

He needs advanced and righteous Dharma!

Now he only feels isolated and helpless, the torch in his hand flickers on and off, and the sense of justice in Tang Sanzang's soul can't be settled.

Could it be that you really have to be obedient and let them do harm to the world?

Tang Sanzang clenched his fist, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

He was caught in a cloud of fog and could not break free.

All the Buddhist knowledge in the past flooded in like a tide, and surrounded Tang Sanzang, making him breathless.

Those Buddhist words admonishing Tang Sanzang to be patient, be merciful, and believe in karma lingered in Tang Sanzang's ears, and Tang Sanzang could not escape at all.

The torch in his hand gradually went out.

In just one second, Tang Sanzang will put down the torch, let everything return to tranquility, and let the righteous heart take refuge in my Buddha.

But at this moment, Tang Sanzang's eyes lit up with a pure white light.

Holding a torch in one hand, he handed it to Tang Sanzang,

"Didn't you want to order this sinful monastery? Use this, this is fierce!"

A gentle voice sounded in the room.

Tang Sanzang was so shocked that he suddenly raised his head!

Even Monkey King, who had been ignoring it all the time, looked over in surprise!

A gentle and elegant fairy in white clothes, with a faint smile on his lips, stood in front of Tang Sanzang holding a torch.


"Brother Hell God!"

The monk Tang and his disciples became excited and exclaimed.

Chu Hao smiled slightly,

"I know what you want to ask, don't worry, I said I'm always there, they can't stop me."

Guanyin Bodhisattva, at this moment, he should negotiate with the black bear spirit somewhere.

As for those Jiedi Jialan and so on, under the talisman that covers the sky, can they see a hammer?

Tang Sanzang's face was full of bewilderment, and the feeling of suffocation just now like a tide has not subsided.

Tang Sanzang raised his head and asked Chu Hao in pain,

"Xianjun, there are wicked people here who use the Guanyin Temple as their residence, cruelly set fire to it, and murdered people for money."

Sun Wukong added a sentence next to him,

"Guanyin Temple, there are more than three hundred corpses in front of and behind the door!"

Although he just said that he didn't care about Xiniu Hezhou, Monkey King didn't really care about it!

He was just helpless.

Tang Sanzang looked at Chu Hao firmly, and said loudly:

"The poor monk wants to kill them, for the righteous way of the world!"

"However, in the Buddhist scriptures, this matter has never been encouraged, please let the fairy give advice!"

Once again, Tang Sanzang asked Chu Hao for advice on Buddhism!

Chu Hao smiled slightly,

"What is Angry-eyed King Kong? You should know, right?"

Tang Sanzang nodded,

"There is a saying in the third volume of the Great Nirvana Sutra. There was once a boy among the pure people who was not good at practicing body, speech, and mind karma. He stole the precepts at the screen. Like dust..."

Tang Sanzang quickly read out the contents.

The general idea is that there was a boy who stole the precepts and was hammered to death by Angry King Kong. Then Kassapa asked the Buddha, isn't this bullying honest people?

The Buddha said: Hehe, because of the vajra transformation of people, it is no problem for people to kill people, and in order to tell the world that all living beings who slander the Dharma will have retribution, so beating to death is appropriate.

As Tang Sanzang talked, he shut up.

Chu Hao asked back, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Tang Sanzang lowered his head,

"It's so outrageous!"

Chu Hao smiled slightly, "Let me tell you some new Buddhism."

Just made it up, hot!

Since the Buddha said, everyone is a Buddha.

The Buddha Dharma was made up by the Buddha, why can't I make it up!

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