The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 584 Ask the Bodhisattva why the wicked live so long!

Chu Hao's breath swayed around, but it was fleeting again, and he put away his breath.

Chu Hao didn't want to disturb the dormancy of the living beings here. The fleeting breath was intended to wake up those big monsters.

Monsters have a very strong sense of territory. If someone as strong as Chu Hao exists, they will definitely come to investigate.

Only by stirring up the muddy water can we find an opportunity to spread the fire.

Chu Hao looked down at Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva below. Avalokitesvara really worked hard.

At this moment, in the meditation room.

Tang Sanzang is persuading Sun Wukong to go out to kill and set fire.

Sun Wukong was noncommittal, but still took out the sleepy bug, and said to Tang Sanzang:

"Master, if you really want to save them, my old grandson will go out and stun them all right now?"

Tang Sanzang grinned,

"Excellent, excellent! What a meritorious disciple!"

"Are you in any trouble?" But at this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva came!

When Tang Sanzang and Monkey King saw the appearance of Guanyin Bodhisattva, they couldn't help but lower their faces.

Your uncle, why is it like a dog skin plaster?

Sun Wukong felt even more uncomfortable. What he hated the most was being tied up like a dog, even though Chu Hao had replaced the tight leash with a magic weapon.

But Xitian's surveillance is still so powerful!

Every move, nothing can escape Xitian's control, Sun Wukong gritted his teeth, and he has the urge to escape this journey to the West!

Compared with Sun Wukong's glaring eyes,

Tang Sanzang was more comfortable with it.

Tang Sanzang put his palms together and said respectfully:

"Disciple Tang Sanzang pays homage to Guanyin Bodhisattva, but I don't know why Guanyin Bodhisattva visits the poor monk at night, what is there to do?"

Tang Sanzang is also considered a veteran in the workplace, and it is very easy to deal with the inspection of the leaders.

Even though he was actively encouraging Sun Wukong to kill and set fire just now, Tang Sanzang was more than capable when facing Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva said lightly:

"Jintou Jiedi rushed to invite me just now, saying that you have entered a monastery of bandits and are about to be burned by fire."

"I'm here to rescue you today, you don't need to worry."

Sun Wukong couldn't help but sneered and shook his head coldly.

This reason is bad enough!

Not to mention that this flame has been stopped, even if it really started to burn, with Monkey King here, how could something happen to Tang Sanzang?

Everything is just a reason for Guanyin Bodhisattva to intervene here.

Sun Wukong saw it very thoroughly, but so thoroughly, he was just helpless.

Guanyin Bodhisattva doesn't need the ability to hide the truth, she just needs to have a decent reason.

Guanyin Bodhisattva glanced coldly at Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong, and said indifferently:

"I will lend you a magic weapon, even mortals can resist the attack of flames."

Guanyin Bodhisattva threw out a fire shield and threw it to Tang Sanzang like trash.

Tang Sanzang was also happy to take a magic weapon for nothing.

Although he was very unwilling in his heart, knowing that the matter might be exposed, Guanyin Bodhisattva came to interrupt on purpose.

There is no way to save those lost sheep, damn it!

Guanyin Bodhisattva saw the unwillingness on Tang Sanzang's face, with black lines all over his head, but said coldly:

"Punishing evil and promoting good is not the purpose of my Buddhist school. The cycle of karma and retribution is not good. They have done a lot of evil, and they will receive retribution."

"When you walk in the future, don't kill people and set fires, otherwise you will be entangled in karma, at least you will fall into the devil's way, and at worst you will enter the eighteenth level of hell and never turn over!"

Sun Wukong snorted coldly when he heard it,

"Will you be punished for doing a lot of evil?"

"They have occupied this place for 200 years, and countless people have been harmed. Is that their retribution?"

How can Monkey King fail to see the hideousness of these gangsters?

Just when I saw this group of young men in the Guanyin Temple, I already knew that this was a place protected by Buddhism.

These people offer merit and virtue incense, Xitian will definitely not kill them for nothing.

Xitian's consistent practice is that as long as the living people worship the Buddha and dedicate their vows and merits to Xitian, you will be safe while alive!

No matter if you are the overlord of the party you are doing harm to, or a gangster who murders and robs you, no matter what virtue you are, as long as you enshrine the merits of your vows, you will live a long life and respond to your requests!

But retribution does exist.

It's just that you have to wait until the wicked person dies, and there is no way to enshrine the merits of the power of vows. At that time, I will come to attack your ghost.

This is the reasonable posthumous retribution.

Then in hell, torture this group of trash, and if you find a few good souls, they will be transformed again.

I've been tormented by things worthless...

The hell of Buddhist scriptures may really exist.

It's just that it's a small world self-made by the Buddha, similar to... a private prison.

From death to life, from life to death, everything is clearly arranged, this is the closed loop of Xitian!

They have always lacked control over the real underworld and the world.

Therefore, the general direction of Xitian has never changed.

When Monkey King heard the word retribution, he basically knew that Guanyin Bodhisattva was determined to keep them.

Tang Sanzang was still not reconciled, staring at Guanyin Bodhisattva and said:

"Since we have encountered such bandits, why not bring them to justice?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva stared at Tang Sanzang coldly, and the atmosphere became serious in an instant.

"Tang Sanzang, my Buddha is merciful, good and evil will be rewarded, if you kill a living being, you will definitely attract karma!"

"Those gangsters, the world's government will punish them, you just need to take care of yourself, don't worry about it!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva had already given a warning, Tang Sanzang couldn't help but keep silent.

Tang Sanzang knew it was not good to pretend to be stupid, and this Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva had already fully heard his killing intent.

Guanyin Bodhisattva wants Tang Sanzang to suffer, and he can't resist, so he can only obediently be a burden!

As for handing over the gangsters to the government...

These have already crossed the Two Boundary Mountains for thousands of miles, and it has long been no longer the territory of Nanzhan Buzhou.


How can there be such a ghost thing.

In fact, except for Nanzhan Buzhou, which was under the governance of the Tang Dynasty and promoted enlightenment and laws, most places still use the simplest rule of man.

That is, whoever has the bigger fist has the final say.

Xiniu Hezhou is fine.

Because what people say doesn’t count, but what the Buddha says doesn’t matter.

Human beings are purely a tool for the production of merit and virtue, and per capita believers, naturally there will be no good or evil.

They are all tool people, who can see good and evil?

Tang Sanzang was very unwilling.

With the upbringing he received in Nanzhan Buzhou and the most simple sense of justice in his heart, he really wants to get rid of the gangsters in the Guanyin Temple!

Because there is a common sense of justice in the deepest part of people's hearts.

However, Tang Sanzang searched through the Buddhist scriptures, but he did not find any teachings about seeing injustice and upholding justice.

Moreover, there is Guanyin Bodhisattva who protects these gangsters face to face!

This made Tang Sanzang unable to express his sense of justice at all. Could it be that he could only let the wicked continue to be arrogant?Can the justice in my heart only be swallowed aggrieved? !

But at this time, an accident happened!

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