The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 586 Listening to the most advanced Buddhist teachings, the most ruthless enlightenment!

Tang Sanzang never believed in the words in the "Mahaparinirvana Sutra".

Tang Sanzang asked the Taoist eminent monk and got an explanation.

In fact, the boy who was killed by the angry-eyed King Kong in the "Mahaparinirvana Sutra" was actually very guilty of stealing the precepts.

The precepts of monks are similar to the exercises of practitioners.

If they read the precepts of monks and see that this monk broke the vows, which monks also broke the vows, and publicize it everywhere, it will make all living beings disgusted with monks!

Anyway, it was probably similar to hearing other people's cultivation techniques, and it was public in the industry, similar to the basic exercises in the sect, and then he was hammered to death by Angry King Kong.

Tang Sanzang was very puzzled, this has not been said, this has not been done, just eavesdropping on the precepts, the crime has not yet occurred, and he is directly killed.

It's similar to stealing a butcher's knife and being dismembered for no reason.

Injustice or not?

It is a complete abuse of lynching!

Tang Sanzang asked the Taoist eminent monk, but he said that this is Vajra doing good deeds.

Once that boy speaks out the precepts, he will fall into Avici Hell. Killing him is tantamount to saving him.

Tang Sanzang was dumbfounded.

There is no law, no crime, all relying on one's own thoughts, not even good or evil, just killing living beings?

Does that mean that in the future, anyone who wants to execute him will say that he eavesdropped on the precepts?

When Tang Seng thought about it, he was suddenly terrified: it's over, my eight major rhythms of Buddhism, I said it all the way, I deserve to die!

When Tang Sanzang read the "Mahaparinirvana Sutra", he was always a little apprehensive.

Tang Sanzang opened up other Buddhist scriptures to check. This Buddhist scripture has no date, and the words "My Buddha is compassionate" are written crookedly on each page.

I couldn't sleep anyway, and after reading it carefully half the night, I finally saw the words between the words. There were two words written all over the book: "eating people"!

But no one has ever explained the Dharma to him, even the Buddha could not explain it.

Buddha couldn't explain it, but Chu Hao could!

Chu Hao stared at Tang Sanzang, and said calmly:

"Do you think that the so-called Wrathful King Kong does things according to his heart, and all of them are just one thought, and there is no law?"

"This kind of practice is the rule of man in the barbaric period. It is the most barbaric ruler without the awareness of the rule of law. Come, let me tell you about advanced Buddhism."

"There are laws to abide by, laws must be followed, law enforcement must be strictly enforced, and violations must be punished. This is advanced Buddhism!"

"Let's not think that the Buddha is a perfect existence that can save people. We want to think of him as a ruler."

"Then the paragraph in the "Mahaparinirvana Sutra" is easy to explain. Now that someone has eavesdropped on the fundamentals of the ruler's brainwashing|braining the people, it will threaten the ruler and the tyrant will kill him. It is reasonable!"

"Because he is barbaric, he doesn't need laws or principles. If he insists, he will write it in the Buddhist scriptures himself, saying that there are laws to follow."

Tang Sanzang was stunned suddenly as if he had been swallowed by a bludgeon.

He, who has been influenced by Buddhism all the year round, resisted for a while,

"So, the Buddha is a so-called tyrant? No, this is impossible. The Buddha often saves all living beings. He is not yet at this level."

Chu Hao shrugged.

Only the Dharma can defeat the Dharma!

Chu Hao knows this well.

Chu Hao continued to be persuasive and persuasive,

"Not to mention whether the Buddha is equal to a tyrant, but the so-called angry-eyed King Kong who shows all living beings to slander the Dharma and all living beings will be rewarded, use your simple emotions to judge, has he violated the law?"

Tang Sanzang struggled for a long time before nodding his head.

"Even the laws of the world, there must be crimes to follow. The emperor of the Tang Dynasty was even more enlightened, and people are admonished. Now the Tang Dynasty is flourishing."

"But this angry-eyed King Kong kills people with just one word, there is no way to rely on it, it really can't..."

The Monkey King next to him was also fascinated by hearing it, and nodded quickly,

"That's right, that's right, and that Lao Shizi Buddha even defended him, and he was acquitted in the end. It can't be justified, it can't be justified!"

Chu Hao shook his head, sighed and said:

"Cover up, the behavior of a tyrant."

"Three burials, you then ask, are there many outrageous things in the Buddhist scriptures?"

"For example, in "Daviposha Lun", Datian adulterated his biological mother, murdered countless people, and knew he was guilty. He heard that Buddhism has a law to eliminate crimes. He went to Jiyuan Temple to become a monk and received precepts, and then he was pardoned."

"What else, you list it yourself."

Only the Dharma can defeat the Dharma, this is not a joke.

In fact, a certain part of Buddhism can be regarded as advanced pua, which is mind control, to put it more simply.

Find out the problems in your body, carry out amplified attacks, find out the problems and attack if there is no problem, let you struggle to find out your own problems in the midst of hesitation, and in the end you can only obediently obey the control.

The old way.

Chu Hao asked Tang Sanzang to find the problem by himself, and it was the same.

Trying to rely on normal logic to defeat Buddhism is tantamount to a scholar meeting a soldier.

Countless thoughts flashed through Tang Sanzang's mind,

The "Yuye Nujing" said that women are born with ten crimes, which discriminates against women;

The "Jataka" encourages cutting meat to feed eagles, throwing oneself into tiger feeding, amputating heads, and donating marrow and brain:


Etc., etc.

Too many to list, extremely disgusting!

Tang Sanzang bowed his head, not daring to speak out.

He is also afraid of the crime of slandering the Buddha and slandering the Buddha. This is a point that all believers must be firm from the beginning of their belief in religion.

However, Chu Hao also saw Tang Sanzang's vacillation. He knew that he had practiced Buddhism for more than ten years, and that Buddhism participated in the establishment of the Three Views, which was not something that could be blown up so easily.

But things like the Three Views, like Buddhism, cannot be broken or established, and are always broken and always renewed.

Chu Hao showed a cold expression on his face, and said:

"The truth that cannot be questioned is the false truth!"

"You only need to look at the world with your eyes in the future, and you will naturally know what hypocrisy is."

"But that's for the future, let's not mention it for the time being. Now that the crime is rampant in front of you, you need advanced Buddhism, and I will tell you!"

"Listen to me!"

Tang Sanzang sat upright, listening attentively.

Even Monkey King sat up and listened respectfully!

Chu Haolang said:

"All living beings are Bodhi fruit, and the wicked will be punished by the wicked. Killing thousands of wicked people, the world's most merciful devil!"

"Saving thousands of ants is worse than killing one villain!"

"There is no limit here, I will do justice for the sky!"

Chu Hao's voice was deafening!

Sun Wukong was impassioned and hot all over,

"That's the reason! That's the reason! Evil people can't be eradicated in this world, and people's hearts are unhappy. Killing a wicked person can save the common people!"

Monkey King is just impassioned, and he only hears blood.

But Tang Sanzang heard this for the first time, killing evil people is actually doing good deeds!

According to Buddhism, killing people is karma.

But their own killing is also karma, so why doesn't King Kong go to hell?

If I had to explain it, it would be that they killed the wicked!

But their villains have no basis, they just have no laws, and they are self-talking tyrants who conclude that whoever is the villain is the one.

But Tang Sanzang has a very clear concept when he judges the wicked!

That is justice in the world, and the result of justice, the law!

Tang Sanzang looked at Chu Hao firmly,

"Xianjun, I understand!"

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