The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 568 What happened, why is it different from what I imagined?

Obviously they came to give Sun Wukong advice, why did they suddenly become victims!

It doesn't make sense!

The five directions Jiedi look at each other without saying a word,

Run away!

Moreover, he was very experienced, and ran in five directions without saying a word.

He has been an expert runner for many years, and he has real experience in uncovering the truth in five directions.

Although I don't know why Tang Sanzang holds grudges so much, but if someone is chasing him, he must run away!

The six Ding Liujia, the four valued meritorious service, and the eighteen Jialan also looked dumbfounded.

I really don't know what happened.

Tang Sanzang was still shouting:

"Don't let him go, if you want to cross Yingshoujian, you must take something to sacrifice to the sky! That's it!"

"If I don't avenge this revenge, I will not be buried!"

Sun Wukong showed a hostile and arrogant smile on his face,

"Little Jintou Jiedi, how could he escape my old grandson's pursuit!"

"Take your life!"

Sun Wukong chased after Jintou Jiedi without hesitation.

The golden head revealing the truth is not uncomfortable,

Why me!

Isn't it just killing a mortal?It's not a big deal!

Didn't Tang Sanzang read Buddhist scriptures?Only by letting go of hatred can one improve one's Dharma practice!

"When is the time for retribution!" Jintou Jiedi shouted.

But Tang Sanzang had a ferocious face, full of killing intent,

"Kill him!!! Wukong, kill him!! No one will be left alive!"

Sun Wukong speeded up even more, and he didn't intend to play a game of cat and mouse. He picked up the stick and poked at Jintou Jiedi with one stick.


Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva saw this scene in the sky, and his face fell instantly.

Damn, why did the contradiction shift in an instant?

Obviously you are going to deal with Ao Lie, why did you suddenly become chasing Jintou Jiedi?

There is no such reason!

What went wrong?

But Guanyin Bodhisattva can't sit idly by, after all, these are not ordinary subordinates.

In particular, the five directions of Jiedi belong to the most high-end...cannon fodder.

It's just that the talent is not good, the skills are not good, and there is no magic weapon, but the cultivation level is very high, so Xitian didn't intend to waste it, so he asked Wufang Jiedi to come over to do this work.

They don't need to pay combat power, they just need to monitor, and they have to do this, because no Jinxian is willing to do this.

So, they cannot die.

Extremely helpless, originally planned to appear as a strong man, but obviously there was no chance.

Seeing that Monkey King was about to stab Jintou Jiedi to death with a stick, suddenly there was a bright light in the sky.

Guanyin Bodhisattva stands on the lotus, faintly appears above the sky, looks at Monkey King indifferently,

"Monkey King, stop quickly!"

Sun Wukong showed a violent look on his face,

"Stinky bitch, what are you! My old grandson just won't listen to you!"

Monkey King has no respect for the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for a long time, and Guanyin Bodhisattva even designed a tight hoop to harm himself,

Sun Wukong wished he could poke Guanyin Bodhisattva to death, so why would he listen to her more?

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face turned black in an instant,

Don't listen to me? !

you are done!

Immediately, Guanyin Bodhisattva recited the mantra, with a sneer on his face.

Sun Wukong was pressing the golden head Jiedi violently, and suddenly felt the refreshing feeling of massage from his head, and suddenly Monkey King groaned in comfort.


what's going on?

Monkey King suddenly reacted, quickly pretended to have a headache, and rolled on the ground in extreme discomfort.

But there is one thing to say, the first time he enjoyed a head massage|massage, Monkey King was so comfortable that he wanted to read by himself.

The magic weapon given by the prison god boss is really very useful!

What was supposed to be a splitting headache that could make Da Luo Jinxian kneel down and beg for mercy, has now become a ruthless massaging machine.

It's kind of wonderful.

Guanyin Bodhisattva sneered when he saw that the magic spell worked, but he didn't intend to stop at all.

This time, it is necessary to teach Monkey King a hard lesson, and let Monkey King know what cruelty is!

This is another great opportunity to subdue Monkey King, Guanyin Bodhisattva chanted the magic spell crazily.

Sun Wukong felt that the strength and technique of the head massage|massage were at the level of gods, and he couldn't help being happier.

"Read, keep reading!"


I always feel that something is wrong!

Is this Monkey King shaking m?Is it so much like to enjoy the abuse?

Monkey King reacted, quickly changed his attitude, and cried:

"Ah! Don't chant, Bodhisattva, don't chant! My head... hurts! It's about to burst!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded in satisfaction, that's right, otherwise there would be a problem with the mantra.

Guanyin Bodhisattva recited the mantra three times, but still didn't stop.

keep reading.

Monkey King was also lying on the ground in pain, but his curled up movements became weaker and weaker, and he gradually stopped moving.

Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned, shocked,

"You won't let me read to death, will you?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva took a look, but luckily, he was able to breathe.


Still feel a little wrong.

If you are dizzy from pain, you should have bruised veins on your face, feeling uncomfortable and painful, but...

Why does he seem so comfortable?

Drooling in sleep?


What happened?

Is it my delusion?

Could it be that Monkey King would fall asleep when he was in extreme pain?

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva didn't have much doubts, after all, there can be no problem with what the Buddha gave.

Guanyin Bodhisattva stopped chanting the mantra and decided to let Monkey King go.

Sun Wukong was sleeping comfortably, he didn't feel the power of massage|massage, he couldn't help shouting in dissatisfaction:

"Go on! Don't stop!"

Guanyin:? ? ?

Sun Wukong suddenly woke up from a big dream, jumped up quickly, pretending to stare at Guanyin Bodhisattva in great pain,

"Shut up, Bodhisattva, I won't kill Na Jiedi! Please don't chant!"

After all, Monkey King is not Chu Hao, and the tricks and abductions are not so in place.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sees Sun Wukong admit defeat, also decides to let Sun Wukong go.

After all, to be forgiving and forgiving, all you need to do is surrender to Monkey King.

Guanyin Bodhisattva said coldly to Sun Wukong:

"You were asked to escort Tang Sanzang to the west, why did you suddenly attack Jintou Jiedi?"

Tang Sanzang jumped out and shouted:

"The murderer, he is the murderer who killed my brother! If he can't beat him, the poor monk will do something!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva twitched the corners of her mouth, but she could only pretend to be compassionate:

"My Buddha is merciful, you have no evidence to say that Jintou Jiedi killed your brother, so don't wrong anyone."

"This is the envoy sent by me, Buddha, to help you travel west without hindrance."

Tang Sanzang was furious, staring at Guanyin Bodhisattva and said:

"Let's go..., sir, don't be fooled by this devil, the poor monk is convinced that he is the beast that killed my brother..."

"There is no need to mention this matter again. All my people in the Western Paradise are compassionate and kind-hearted. There is no evil or evil deeds." Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at each other coldly.

Tang Sanzang was speechless for a while, gritted his teeth, but could only bow his head in resentment!

But Tang Sanzang's eyes were filled with endless anger!

Covering criminals, is this Xitian? !

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