The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 569: Xiaobailong stops acting, Guanyin can't escape the nightmare!

When Guanyin Bodhisattva saw Tang Sanzang bowed his head, he didn't need to pay attention to whether he was convinced, anyway, Xitian was innocent.

Sun Wukong sneered in his heart, but said to Guanyin Bodhisattva:

"I don't know what to do when the great master comes here?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva said lightly:

"I passed by here and saw the chaos, so I came down."

"As soon as I came here, I saw you guys beating the golden head Jiedi, did something happen?"

Sun Wukong laughed, not cooperating at all,

"It's nothing, it's just that my master is gone."

Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned,

"Oh, are you talking about the monsters of Yingshoujian?"

Monkey King disagrees,

"It doesn't matter, we have decided to take a detour now."

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face darkened: "It's been a long journey to the west, and you have to slay demons and demons before you can reach the Lingshan Mountain in the West Heaven. If you want to get the scriptures, don't take detours!"

Tang Sanzang couldn't stop for a while, and said angrily:

"If a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, what should we do?"

Be confident!

Guanyin Bodhisattva twitched the corners of his mouth,

Your uncle, you are from Buddhism, how did you become a gentleman?Confucian intrusion?

But Guanyin Bodhisattva still comforted him calmly:

"Since you have come, you will be safe, and you will listen to me."

"The monster here is not a big monster."

Sun Wukong interrupted:

"But my master's horse is gone, it's not a big problem!"

Tang Sanzang looked helpless, "My good apprentice, can you stop the things about my horse? The main reason is that there is no need for it."

Sun Wukong didn't understand human etiquette, and he didn't know what Tang Sanzang was hiding, so he couldn't help but cast a blank look.

"But your horse was eaten!"

Tang Sanzang: "..."

Don't say anything.

This monkey is suspected of personal assault!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was very contemptuous of the noisy teachers and disciples, and said to himself:

"This monster of Emperor Yingchoujian is not someone else."

"This guy was originally the son of Aorun in the West Sea. He set fire to the jewel in the temple, and his father accused him of disobedience. He committed a capital crime in the heavenly court."

"It was I who saw the Jade Emperor in person, begged him to come down, and taught him how to do kicks with Tang Seng."

Guanyin Bodhisattva specifically emphasized that I was the one who saved him.

My Buddha's mercy is here!

Sun Wukong sneered and said:

"This thing is ridiculous, why did you send that sinful evil dragon here to become a spirit, and taught him to eat my master's horse?!"

"This is another indulgence to evildoers, isn't that a slap in the face of you?"

The Bodhisattva said lightly:

"That dragon didn't do anything harmful.

He was originally a descendant of the dragon clan who committed crimes in the West Sea. When he was about to make a big mistake, I stopped him.

How do you think that ordinary horse from the east has experienced such thousands of rivers and mountains?How to get to Naling Mountain Buddha Land?You must get this dragon horse before you can go there. "

But at this moment, Yingchou Jian suddenly exploded, and a huge and extremely haughty figure rushed out from the bottom of the ravine,

"Deceiving the world and stealing your name, Guanyin Bodhisattva, you are really shameless!"

Suddenly, at the bottom of the stream, there was a white dragon rolling up with big waves. Ao Lie stood in front of Guanyin Bodhisattva, pointing at Guanyin Bodhisattva solemnly.

Ao Lie originally wanted to follow Xitian's arrangement anyway, wait for Guanyin Bodhisattva to call, transform into a white dragon horse, and then he can walk.

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva dared to deceive the world and steal his name, and he even stole Chu Hao's name, so the little white dragon couldn't bear it!

You can say anyone, but don't say my big brother!

So Xiaobailong decided to stop the performance and rushed up to confront Guanyin Bodhisattva!

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked confused,

"Why did you come up?"

What the hell, didn't I agree that I would only come out when I should call you, so that I would appear to be my Western Heaven face?

Why did you jump up all of a sudden?

It's very uncomfortable!Why doesn't this group of people like playing cards according to routines!

In the end is which part of the problem?

Pointing to Guanyin Bodhisattva, the little white dragon said to Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang:

"Don't listen to this stinky sister. I was on the shore of the South China Sea. I lost my mind and almost killed everyone in the city."

"It was the law enforcement and prison gods in the three realms of the heavens who prevented me from making big mistakes, and also carefully persuaded and persuaded me, which made me wake up."

"Kansai shit!"

Tang Sanzang looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva with disdain.

Sun Wukong grinned,

"Slapped in the face?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva doesn't feel blushing at all, it's just a group of chess pieces, so what if you lose someone?

Monkey King smiled again and said to Little White Dragon:

"Brother, are you also blessed by the Prison God?"

Xiaobailong didn't intend to pay attention to Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong at first, after all, he is the heir of the Dragon Clan, and he is superior.

But when I heard the name of the prison god, I was excited at that time.

"Hey, you too?" Xiao Bailong was a little excited.

Sun Wukong gave a thumbs up, "Me too!"

Tang Sanzang next to him jumped over,

"Me too!"

So the three of them didn't know each other at first, and instantly felt like they were fighting against each other.


A common enemy?That hatred is me?

Difficult, very uncomfortable!

Obviously, the whole process of Journey to the West was arranged by Xitian, and she made great efforts from Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But now all three of them turned against Chu Hao, the God of Hell!

Although Chu Hao is not here, Journey to the West is his legend!

Guanyin Bodhisattva decided to swallow this breath,

"Now that Yingchoujian's misunderstanding has been resolved, Ao Lie, it's time for you to return to your place and become Tang Sanzang's horse."

Tang Sanzang said with a dark face, "Can you stop attacking me personally?"

"You have to work hard to pay off your karma. After you succeed, you will surpass Fanlong and return you a golden body."

Guanyin Bodhisattva ignored Tang Sanzang, so he wanted to cast spells on Ao Lie.

This difficulty is finally over...

No wonder!

Xiao Bailong suddenly turned around, dodging the spell,

"Hey, I can't hit it!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva twitched the corners of his mouth,

"Don't make mistakes, return to your position quickly!"

Ao Lie is extremely arrogant,

"I'll just listen to what you say? You cheat the world and steal your name. If you don't apologize to my big brother, I can't get over this matter!"

Ao Lie didn't like to see that cowardly Tang Sanzang, and Guanyin Bodhisattva dared to steal Chu Hao's name.

How can Ao Lie bear it!

Ao Lie turned around and turned into a little white dragon, and flew away.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was in place, collapsing and going crazy!

This is too difficult for him!

Tang Seng is a horse, why is this difficult so sad!

Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang looked at each other.

Sun Wukong scratched his head,

"Master, your horse is gone again..."

Tang Sanzang's head was full of black lines: "It's almost done. Is it interesting to talk about me over and over again? Are you going to fight?"

Sun Wukong smiled resentfully.

At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva chased the little white dragon, shouting all the way:

"Ao Lie, you should be Tang Sanzang's horse, go back quickly!"

However, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva found Little White Dragon, his face instantly turned black, as black as carbon!

Because, at the moment, Xiao Bailong is on the top of a certain mountain, lying respectfully beside him, waiting silently.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva saw clearly the white clothes——

It was Chu Hao who had been sleeping on the top of the mountain!

Avalokitesvara was desperate, why did he circle around him again!

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