The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 567 Little Guanyin is happy without Chu Hao's interruption!

Tang Sanzang was still in shock, terrified,

Huddled in a corner and shivering!

When he reacted, Tang Sanzang looked around in shock,

"My Cao, where is my horse?! Why is my horse gone!"

"What kind of monster is that that ate my horse?!"

Sun Wukong pulled the corner of his mouth and said:

"What a fuss, isn't it because the horse is gone?"

"Let my old grandson see who killed your horse."

Tang Sanzang really wants to ask Sun Wukong, can you stop being so rude, I'm just a dead horse...

Forget it, I really seem to have no horse.

Sun Wukong poked his head out and looked at Yingchoujian.

But Yingshoujian is narrow and shrouded by a mysterious force, even if Sun Wukong's eyes widened like a tomb, he couldn't see the monsters below.

Tang Sanzang asked tentatively,

"See my... that monster?"

Sun Wukong frowned, looked at it for a long time, and finally said impatiently:

"You don't know my skills. My eyes often see the good and bad of a thousand miles in the daytime.

Like within a thousand miles, dragonflies spread their wings, and I can see them too!

However, only your dead Malaysia, I will not see you!You said where is your horse?Why did the monster eat your horse? "

Tang Sanzang: "..."

Listening to Sun Wukong's utterances, Tang Sanzang felt that there was something wrong with Monkey King.

This is not what people should say!How rude!

Although he is not a person.

Tang Sanzang said cautiously:

"How about we stop discussing about my horse first, and let's calmly think about how to deal with this monster?"

"Wukong, you are very capable, 72 changes, become a kun, go down and swallow it."

Sun Wukong pulled the corner of his mouth,

"Master, you don't know something. My old grandson was born in a stone. He is not compatible with water, and his combat power in water is greatly reduced."

"Go down rashly, I'm afraid I will have a hard time."

"How about we continue to discuss your horse?"

Tang Sanzang's face darkened, "Cao! Quality! You broke the precept!"

Monkey King: "How are you doing?"

Tang Sanzang: "..."

never mind.

Tang Sanzang's face was full of despair, "How can I go to Xitian without a horse? Really just trotting all the way?"

Walking over here, the feet are directly cracked!

Monkey King also thought it made sense, but said:

"Why don't you let your horse go first, and let's go around first? The big deal is just being stabbed twice!"

Tang Sanzang felt even more uncomfortable. He sat on the ground with his buttocks, his face full of discomfort,

"No, I want my horse, I want my horse! How can I get there?"

Ao Lie, the little white dragon who had been hiding under Yingshoujian, looked unhappy.

Back then in the Dragon Palace, he was arrogant, extravagant, violent|violent, and the most unsightly thing he could do was this kind of waste who was always crying and begging for this and that.

Apparently, Tang Sanzang met Ao Lie's contempt by accident.

Sun Wukong was also a little annoyed, if he hadn't brought Tang Sanzang with him, he would have flown directly there, so he wouldn't need to take care of so much.

But at this moment,

The Guanyin Bodhisattva who watched everything from the sky raised a controlling smile,

"It's right to know that there is nothing you can do. The next step is to Jiedi to tell the little white dragon's problem, and then you can come and beg me!"

"When the time comes, I will subdue the little white dragon and shock the audience, and I will naturally earn back all of Xi Tian's face!"

Smiling and laughing, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva suddenly felt something was wrong.

But for some reason, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva instinctively glanced at Chu Hao who was dozing off, instinctively afraid.

During the lunch break, Chu Hao was on the top of the mountain, touching fish with his legs crossed.

Since he arranges the time for work tasks by himself, it is obviously normal for a person like Chu Hao to set himself 10 minutes of work time a day.

Work is an attitude.

The main task of the first stage is obviously not a big problem, so let's not count it as attendance.


Anyway, touching fish can also complete the task, how wonderful.

For tasks like this kind of system that don't give specific content, it doesn't matter whether you want to do it or not.

Guanyin Bodhisattva saw that Chu Hao didn't seem to intend to participate in this matter at all, and even went to sleep on the top of the mountain so far away.

This is a good thing!

In this way, Chu Hao will not get involved in the matter of Xiao Bailong, and everything will be much better!

Guanyin Bodhisattva only felt happy for a while, as if he had let go of a big rock.

At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva placed the sound transmission for the golden head Jiedi below.

Jintou Jiedi and other gods moved naturally and rushed towards Tang Sanzang.


When Tang Sanzang was thinking about running away, he heard someone in the air shouting:

"Don't be upset Sun Dasheng, brother Tang Yu, don't cry. We are the gods sent by Guanyin Bodhisattva, and we are here to secretly protect those who learn the scriptures."

Tang Sanzang and Monkey King raised their heads suddenly, only to see a group of gods staring at them in the sky, a lot of them.

Sun Wukong frowned, his strength was at least at the level of a true immortal, and Wufang Jiedi was the follower who had been staring at him near the Five Elements Mountain all those years ago.

Sun Wukong cursed secretly, Xitiangou, although he knew they were watching him, he didn't expect so much!

When Tang Sanzang saw so many gods coming, he immediately hid behind Monkey King.

If you can't beat it, don't try to be brave!

Sun Wukong's face was indifferent, and he even took out his golden cudgel, staring at the gods full of hostility and said:

"Who are you?! Why are you following my grandson!"

The gods looked at each other, and Jintou Jiedi, as the leader, took the initiative to say:

"I am Jintou Jiedi. We are Liuding Liujia, Wufang Jiedi, four-valued meritorious Cao, and [-] protectors. We are ordered by the Buddha of the Western Paradise to wait on duty every day... Great Saint, don’t blame me .”

Sun Wukong frowned, with resentment on his face,

Damn it, you still use the Tathagata Buddha to suppress yourself!

However, after the previous battle, Sun Wukong finally understood that recklessness is absolutely useless. If you want to avenge your shame, you must plan well!

Even if you go to Xitian and find a way to do it, you are not in a hurry.

Tang Sanzang looked at it carefully, suddenly he seemed to recognize something, pointed to the golden head and said:

"Wukong, do me a favor and beat down that golden-headed Jiedi!"

"This bastard, he was the one who caused my brother to die at the hands of monsters. I still haven't forgotten the scene of tearing the chicken with my hands!"

"We must avenge our teacher!"

Sun Wukong's eyes lit up,

It's hard to find you, but it's easy to do Jiedi!

Coupled with the fact that Sun Wukong didn't like this group of monitoring boys, it would be easy to cause accidents if he did it for nothing.

But now that Tang Sanzang has spoken, he is obeying orders, and that Tang Sanzang is to blame!

Monkey King's murderous intent came instantly, and he rushed to Jintou Jiedi,

"Hahahaha! My old grandson is here to kill you!"

"Don't blame me, the teacher's order is hard to break!"

Jintou Jiedi looked at Monkey King rushing over, and was stunned for a moment.

How did the plot become like this?

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