The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 551 Poor monk is not a good person, don't keep me!

Sun Wukong turned his head and said to Tang Sanzang:

"Master, there is a demonic aura over there, and it is full of murderous aura. Just stand where you are and don't move!"

"My old grandson is going to treat him right now, and twist his head off to serve as a side dish!"

Tang Sanzang nodded obediently, his face was full of seriousness,

"Wukong, don't show mercy! I'm afraid of my teacher!"

Can you not be afraid?

Now Tang Sanzang is afraid whenever he hears that there are monsters!

Every night, Tang Sanzang could dream of the scene of that day, Monk Lu was torn to pieces of flesh and blood by monsters, and even his internal organs were not good.

The monsters ate the liver and licked the bones with great relish.

Until now,

Monk Lu's screams were still echoing in Tang Sanzang's ears!

Tang Sanzang was afraid for no reason. To be honest, if he hadn't heard that the fairy was still covering him, Tang Sanzang would have run away long ago!

Going to the fucking Westward Journey, the poor monk's life is at stake!

Monkey King didn't think too much, just swiped and turned to leave.

He has always felt strange,

The vicinity of these two boundary mountains has long been a piece of purgatory on earth, but along the way, Monkey King encountered too many bizarre things.

A fierce tiger jumped out of the ground, turned around and met an old man, and six bandits appeared inexplicably here?

No matter how stupid Monkey King is, he will feel that someone is doing something!

Therefore, as soon as Sun Wukong felt the existence of the evil spirit, he rushed over directly, trying to catch the current situation.

However, Sun Wukong fell into the plan of Guanyin Bodhisattva to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

At this moment, only Tang Sanzang was left in the field.

Tang Sanzang was very frightened by himself, looking left and right, afraid that something would suddenly come out again!

"The immortal blesses the immortal!"

"Bless you, the prison god, don't try to force the Bodhisattva to come out, those stinking fools will make people torment!"

Tang Sanzang was talking here, while Guanyin Bodhisattva, who was disguised as an old woman, turned dark.

Scold me again? !

Forget it, endure it!

Tang Sanzang found that the surroundings were dead silent, he was a little scared, and just wanted to go to a more open place.

Tang Sanzang had no choice but to pack his luggage and put it on the horse.

Not riding a horse, leaning on a tin staff with one hand and holding the rein with the other, marching westward in a desolate way.

After walking for a while, a very old woman suddenly came out, holding a cotton coat with a flower hat on it.

When Tang Sanzang saw the old woman appear, he turned around and left without saying a word!

"It's unlucky, could it be that I ran into a ghost when I went out?! She looks so ugly!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva wanted to rush over and trample Tang Sanzang to the ground for a moment!

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva still held back.

The old woman coughed a few times and shouted to Tang Sanzang's back:

"Where did you come from, an elder, walking here alone?"

Tang Sanzang didn't turn his head back, nor did he answer anything!

At this moment, Tang Sanzang secretly sneered,

"Hmph, fortunately, the poor monk is familiar with Buddhist scriptures and has profound knowledge! Knowing this truth - someone calls your name at night, don't easily agree!"

"Such ghosts, how can they confuse my mind? The poor monk is going to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures. I worship you!"

The old woman's eyes widened in anger,

you big | grandpa,

What kind of Buddhist scriptures are you reading?Liao Zhai Jing?

The old woman hurriedly shouted:

"Hey, monk, I'm not a villain, so don't leave!"

Tang Sanzang didn't look back,

"The poor monk is not a good person, so don't keep me!"

Tang Sanzang made up his mind to move forward, not planning to turn back at all.

After all, he is a person who eats vegetarian food and recites Buddhism, and is very particular about metaphysics.

When someone calls your name at night, don't say yes easily.

If the student agrees, he will have to delay the class!

If the worker agrees, he has to work overtime!

Isn't this a ghost story?It's scary!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the old woman suddenly had a quick wit and shouted:

"I... I was entrusted by a man in white to give you something!"

Tang Sanzang stopped at that moment, turned his head, looked sideways, raised his eyebrows,

"The man in white? What are the specific characteristics?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva pondered for a long time, thinking of Chu Hao's image, his language was very poor for a while, and he could only answer with the simplest emotions:

"I can't tell you about other characteristics, but she has a good appearance, which is unbelievably high."

Tang Sanzang turned around happily,

"Ah, such a simple and concise answer, that is the fairy king!"

"Let me tell you earlier, the poor monk and that stinky bodhisattva can't get along, but if the fairy calls me, I will agree a hundred times!"


why!Why do you want to stimulate|excite me so much?

Have you ever been beaten? !

Tang Sanzang came to Guanyin Bodhisattva and respectfully said:

"The disciple is the one who went to the west to worship the Living Buddha to seek the truth according to the imperial decree from the Tang Dynasty in the Eastern Land."

Seeing that Tang Sanzang had finally stabilized her mind, the old woman continued:

"The Western Buddha is on the border of the Great Leiyin Temple in Tianzhu, and there are hundreds of thousands of miles to go. You are alone, without a partner, and without a disciple, how can you get there!"

Sanzang grinned and said triumphantly:

"The disciple accepted an apprentice a few days ago, he is awesome! And he is very affectionate and righteous!"

"Now I feel the demonic aura in front of me, and I have defeated demons in the past."

Guanyin Bodhisattva twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to guide:

"Then your apprentice, is he particularly stubborn and disobedient to discipline?"

Tang Sanzang shook his head blankly,

"No! The poor monk thinks that Wukong is righteous! It's just that he doesn't learn Buddhism very well, but this poor monk will soon be able to teach it."

Guanyin Bodhisattva is a little crazy,

"Are you sure? But he has abandoned you!"

Tang Sanzang waved his hand, with contempt on his face,

"Wukong is here to protect me!"

"What's the matter with you, old woman? Why do you always try to provoke our feelings? If it weren't for the fairy king's card, the poor monk's tin stick will hit you later and smash your pelvis!"

"You have something to say!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was mad for a long time, but he could only take out what he had prepared for a long time, and said:

"I have this straight cotton collar and a hat inlaid with gold flowers, which belonged to my son.

He only served as a monk for three days, and unfortunately died shortly.Elder, since you have apprentices, I will give you this coat and hat. "

Yes, this hat is a magic spell!

Guanyin Bodhisattva is waiting for Tang Sanzang to wear it for Monkey King!

At that time, Journey to the West is under control!

Tang Sanzang: "It's unlucky, I don't want it."


At this moment, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva wanted to purify the six faculties.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said kindly:

"I just went to his temple, cried a lot, resigned his master, and brought these two coats and hats as a memory."

"It's really not..."

Tang Sanzang shook his head,

"Don't, it's too unlucky. You old lady, you can be poor if you are poor, and you still want to send things everywhere?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was furious,

"You've reached the end of your words, do you want to take it or not!"

Tang Sanzang turned his head and left!

All you need is a personality!

Guanyin Bodhisattva clenched her fists and suddenly shouted:

"Oh yes, this is what Xianjun wants to give you!"

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