The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 550 A big knife cuts through the world of mortals, six physical cleans?

The six thieves were magical illusions, and they only obeyed orders.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang came over with a simple knife, and the six thieves were not afraid, and even shouted to Tang Sanzang:

"Hey, that monk, hurry up and send you over!"

"Yeah, I want you right away!"

Sun Wukong froze for a moment, then suddenly looked at Tang Sanzang.

But he saw Tang Sanzang lowered his head, and at some point, his face was already full of ferocious killing intent.

Sun Wukong hurriedly stopped him,

"Calm down, master, calm down, we are monks, and monks talk about saving sentient beings! Don't kill!"

However, Tang Sanzang threw off Monkey King.

Tang Sanzang walked resolutely, his face was full of compassion,

"Wukong, you are wrong, can't you see it?"

Sun Wukong was stunned.

Tang Sanzang stepped forward step by step, with a peaceful and compassionate expression on his face,

"How could there be so many thieves jumping out of this barren mountain? What's more, the name is so weird? Don't you know the meaning of their existence?"

"let me tell you!"

There is more Buddha nature in Tang Sanzang's eyes,

"These six thieves, take the first letter of their names, and when connected together, they are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. If these six roots are not cut off, there will be no fruit for pure cultivation!"

Monkey King was surprised, "Master, what you said seems to make sense. But how to cut it off?"

After Monkey King finished speaking, he was suddenly stunned.

Because when he saw Tang Sanzang rushing over with a plain knife suddenly, he roared angrily:

"Namo Amitabha!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva stared wide-eyed, terrified,

"don't want!!"

However, it was too late.

Tang Sanzang slashed out.

In the next second, one of the thieves split in two on the spot, fell to the ground, and died on the spot.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's little heart was beating, his face was full of despair,

The old lady stopped playing!

Killing people, come here, Tang Sanzang killed people!

It doesn't make sense, this was originally used to deceive Monkey King into killing people, and then took the opportunity to punish him.

But now... people were slaughtered by Tang Sanzang!

What kind of outrageous plot is this?

Tang Sanzang laughed loudly in the field, suddenly enlightened to the Dharma, and the Buddha's light shined brightly,

"Hahahaha! The poor monk's six roots have been cleansed, one was cut off just now, and now there are five."

"Even if it is Guanyin Bodhisattva, I would never have thought that the poor monk has such a talent? This is the fastest way to purify the six senses! The Buddhist teachings of the poor monk are really useful!"

Sun Wukong gave a thumbs up and shook his head,

"Awesome! Master, your Buddhism is really advanced, and my grandson has been taught."

Tang Sanzang killed someone for the first time, and he didn't feel much feeling.

Maybe it was because the evil spirit was still in his body, or maybe Tang Sanzang didn't think the six thieves were human beings, so Tang Sanzang killed people like killing chickens and cooking fish.

Let's start, that's a ruthless one!

"Hahahaha! The poor monk can feel that the Dharma is improving rapidly, disciple, this is a special way to cultivate the Buddha!"

"The poor monk's six faculties are pure, and he cuts off his six desires. The Buddha Dharma is indeed unbroken and unestablished. It is always cultivated and always renewed!"

Tang Sanzang is addicted to killing.

The remaining bandits saw it, they were terrified, they turned and ran away!

"Stop it, my name is just outrageous, you cut off the world, cut me | why?!"

"Help!! Kill the bandits! The monk is about to purify his six roots!"


Who can not be afraid?

Who would have thought that this innocent, tender, gentle monk would actually be a murderous lunatic!

Tang Sanzang was merciless, roaring angrily,

"Stop for the poor monk. Today the poor monk needs to cultivate his six senses to cleanse himself. You are not allowed to leave!"

Tang Sanzang is really merciless,

Sweeping across with the big knife in his hand, one person was chopped off in half and died on the spot.

Another backhand knife, the big head flew high.

Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't want to stop her anymore, she turned her face to the sky, and her mood was very complicated.

Buddha, I really can't control this anymore. Where did Tang Sanzang learn to cut off the world and clean the six roots?

Is it really a big knife to cut through the world of mortals, and the six physical organs to be purified? !

Chu Hao was amazed when he saw it, good guy, Tang Seng's comprehension ability is still very strong after all,

Only after Chu Hao briefly told him some clues, Tang Sanzang directly comprehended the ultimate meaning of the six roots of cleanliness!

It is definitely not an accident that Tang Sanzang will host the Water and Land Conference.

[Congratulations on changing the cause and effect of Journey to the West, allowing Tang Sanzang to break through the boundaries of killing, please continue to work hard, and cultivate Tang Sanzang's attitude of independent thinking, breaking the old and establishing the new

[Reward: [-] merits!

Once again, when helping others, I received rewards from the system and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Sure enough, good people are rewarded.

And Chu Hao glanced at the maddened Guanyin Bodhisattva, and couldn't help but feel a little bit impatient.

Chu Hao comforted softly beside him:

"Hey, don't discourage Tang Sanzang's enthusiasm for practicing Buddhism. In essence, he is only practicing Buddhism."

"It's just practice Buddhism, it's just a little crooked, it's not a big problem."

Guanyin Bodhisattva grabbed Chu Hao's shoulder, shook it crazily, and said frantically:

"It's not that big! If it weren't for the fact that these six thieves were created by my spell, Tang Sanzang would have already lost six lives!"

"This outlaw fanatic is not that capable of killing!"

"Prison God Chu Hao, what did you say to him!"

Although Chu Hao was shaken, he didn't think there was any problem.

After all, he was still kind, Chu Hao didn't want to let Guanyin Bodhisattva continue to be so sad.

Chu Hao secretly reminded,

"I think you should pay more attention to Monkey King and Tang Seng. It won't help if you shake my head off."

"It's better to go to Tang Sanzang to talk about Buddhism. I think it's more reliable. What do you think?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva grabbed Chu Hao's collar, his face was full of fury,

"You, you have kind!"

Chu Hao blushed slightly, a little shy,

"Shh, don't say it..."

Guanyin Bodhisattva was furious, turned and left.

Chu Hao has been rather tired recently, especially because he spent a lot of time thinking about going to the west to hunt for treasure.

However, now the days are gradually leisurely,

And as long as you mess around with the form of Tang monk and apprentice, and then help Guanyin Bodhisattva create some problems by the way.

Chu Hao will be able to receive a lot of merit.

There is nothing so good in the world!

Of course, it was mainly because Chu Hao was willing to help others and was willing to help Guanyin Bodhisattva create troubles and mess up his plans.

But these are what Chu Hao should do. Chu Hao never asked Guanyin Bodhisattva for any reward.

Chu Hao is really a nice person.

At this moment, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva stepped into the field and began to seek a solution to the problem.

Using her rich experience, she immediately thought of a solution.

In the next second, Monkey King in the field suddenly raised his head, his face was full of guard,

"Where is the evildoer!"

After killing people, Tang Sanzang was in a turbulent mood, but when he suddenly heard Monkey King's cry, he couldn't help being startled.

In the shadow of his heart, Tang Sanzang thought that he would also join the luxurious lunch.

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