The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 552 Tang Sanzang: I know, but I refuse!

Finally, Guanyin Bodhisattva was still defeated by his own humbleness, and called out the name of Hell God.

As long as Sun Wukong is forced to wear this tight band, everything will be easy to talk about!

At that time, in Journey to the West, I will be the big daddy!

God knows what you did.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva stole Chu Hao's name, and Chu Hao could see it clearly.

[Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva committed the crime of impersonating a state official and bluffing and deceiving!The circumstances are serious and must be fought back!

[Chain task [-]: How can a mad monkey be a lackey of the Western Paradise?How can the tight band bind the Monkey King!Don't let Sun Wukong put on the tight band

[Reward: Tie hoop (special props), [-] merits

Chu Hao frowned, why don't you give me a tight band, then there are two tight bands in the world?

What does this mean?

Pure tossing people?

Chu Hao thought for a while, and suddenly he had a bold plan in his mind!

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth couldn't help but smirk. It seems that this journey to the west should be a unique skill all the time!

Guanyin Bodhisattva has completely given up face in order to continue the westward journey.

After using Chu Hao's name, Guanyin Bodhisattva was also a little uneasy. He thought he would be hit by Chu Hao, but after waiting for a long time, nothing happened.

That Guanyin Bodhisattva has more confidence,

Seeing that Tang Sanzang seemed to have listened for a while, the old woman gathered her energy and shouted,

"Come back quickly, this is left for you by the white-clothed fairy!"

Tang Sanzang stopped immediately, and ran back cheerfully,

"You should have said earlier, as for those who hide their heads and show their tails?"

"Come, come, we can have a good exchange today!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was expressionless. Although he tricked Tang Sanzang back, Guanyin Bodhisattva still felt uncomfortable.

It was as if he had been slapped in the face, but this time he slapped himself in the face!

Even more uncomfortable.

Seeing that the old woman was silent, Tang Sanzang grabbed her coat and hat,

"The two magic weapons you mentioned were left to me by the white-clothed fairy?"

Tang Sanzang flew up with joy, holding the tight band and the ragged clothes, with an excited smile on his face.

Tang Sanzang still remembered what the Prison God had just told him before, that he was with Tang Seng.

Moreover, the prison god boss also made it clear to himself that he would give himself some magic weapons...

Isn't it coming now? !

Tang Sanzang turned around and was about to take it with him.

When Guanyin Bodhisattva saw it, he was startled, and stopped him quickly.

"Wait a minute! Calm down!"

Tang Sanzang frowned,

"You old lady, you are so ugly, why do you want to prevent me from wearing the magic weapon?!"

The old woman tugged at the corners of her mouth, but there was a fake smile on her face,

"This thing is a personal treasure given to your disciple by the fairy in white clothes. As a master, you can't take what others like."

"Actually. I also have a mantra here, called Mantra for Reassurance, also known as Tightening Mantra."

"You can read it secretly, keep it in your heart, and don't let anyone know. When he comes back, you will wear this coat and hat with him."

"If he refuses to obey your order, just recite this mantra silently, and he will never dare to commit any violence, nor will he dare to leave again."

The old lady has a smile you know on her face,

She is teaching Tang Sanzang that this spell can control Sun Wukong.

Chu Hao stretched his ears in the sky,

There is one thing to say, Chu Hao has memorized everything.

Good guy, from now on, Chu Hao can act as an exploiter if this tight band is put on anyone's head.

This tight band is bestowed by the Tathagata Buddha himself, the most powerful magic weapon that can hurt Daluo Jinxian and the monsters below him!

Once you put on the tight band, you will be bound forever by the tight band, and no one in the Three Realms can untie it except Tathagata Buddha!

In other words, unless Sun Wukong converts to my Buddha, he is qualified to unlock this magic weapon.

Which mortal can refuse to control an extremely powerful Da Luo Demon King?

If Tang Sanzang is not stupid, he must choose to accept it!

However, Tang Sanzang suddenly raised his head,

"But I refuse!"

Tang Sanzang sneered, I've seen through everything a long time ago!This is testing me!

Prison god boss, you underestimate my belief!

Tang Sanzang had long regarded this old woman as the messenger of the prison god to test him.

If I show my distrust of my apprentice at this time, then I will lose!

Tang Sanzang was upright and strict, and refused:

"How could Wukong be a traitor? Just a few days ago, he saved my life!"

"You actually said that this thing is going to hurt him, I can't accept it!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's face turned black immediately,


Why does Tang Sanzang seem to be very defensive and superstitious about the God of Hell?

It doesn't make sense, why isn't he a little gentle when he talks to me?Damn double standard!

Guanyin Bodhisattva took a deep breath,

"You, you can think clearly, this thing will allow you two, master and apprentice, to work together and go west together!"

Do you even want to control Monkey King?Are you looking for trouble? !

Take it for my wife!

Tang Sanzang showed indifference on his face,

"Sorry, I can't be sorry to my apprentice, he is a good monkey, he respects me very much."

"We will go all the way to the west, for our dreams."

"We are people who come together because of our dreams, and we can't be united just because of this tight circle!"

"At first glance, you are a cold-blooded animal without any emotion. How can dreams be bound together by magic treasures?"

When Tang Sanzang preached to Guanyin Bodhisattva, he should not be too upright and awe-inspiring.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was spitting stars all over his face, and he didn't react for a long time.

This Tang Sanzang, he also awakened the attribute of righteousness?

Don't be so scary, okay?

A single Chu Hao made Guanyin Bodhisattva feel dizzy. If there is another righteous and awe-inspiring Tang Sanzang, what is the way forward?

Just as Guanyin Bodhisattva was struggling, he suddenly felt a powerful aura flying from a distance.

Apparently, Monkey King is coming back!

Guanyin Bodhisattva has not yet made arrangements for Tang Sanzang to understand, and this big trouble came again, which made Guanyin Bodhisattva so anxious that he couldn't breathe.

In desperation, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva laughed out loud and said:

"Okay, okay! Monk, you have such great ambitions, and you are so considerate to your disciples, what a blessing!"

"Actually, he didn't use this hat to restrain others at all. It was, yes, to protect others!"

"This is the treasure of body protection, what the white-clothed fairy said, um, that's it!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva doesn't care about anything, anyway, as long as Monkey King can bring such a thing, everything is easy to talk about!

Sure enough, Tang Sanzang instantly had a smile on his face,

I knew this was Xian Jun testing me, fortunately I was witty!

Tang Sanzang was very excited, he felt that he had overcome the test of Xianjun!

This thing sent by Xianjun must be to protect himself and Sun Wukong?

That monkey's strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, and he brought this thing is just icing on the cake!


A treacherous smile appeared on Tang Sanzang's face, and it disappeared in a flash.

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