The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 536 Thinking about the last breakthrough, as if it was just a few days ago

The Jade Emperor took a deep breath, his face was full of excitement,

Although he is the Jade Emperor, it is difficult to calm down when facing this situation.

There was a little tremor in the Jade Emperor's voice, but it was like that young girl who pretended to be calm,

"Aiqing, is what you said true? Here, but, there are 50 merits and divine waters. Can I really want them all?"

"I mean, buy from you."

Chu Hao agreed without hesitation: "That's the case."

When the group of Wenxian and Martial Gods heard this, they were petrified.

Oh, it turned out to be 50 merits and deities, this is too awesome!

The Wenxian and Martial Gods in the meantime all understand the concept of 50 merits and gods, which basically symbolizes several new recruits.

Chu Hao actually directly took out the 50 merits and divine water. The level of this local tyrant has already broken through the sky!

"Your Majesty the Prison God, I admire you for your majesty!"

"Master Prison God, I have to ask seriously, when will the Nine-story Prison recruit new ones? I have been looking at your toilet for a long time, and I must clean him!"

"Good guy, that's the end of the story, this is what you do."

In the words of all the gods, there is endless yearning for the nine-story prison. One thing to say, they really want to work in the nine-story prison!

It's really not because of the extravagant salary and bonus of the nine-story sky prison, it's just to help the righteous way of the Three Realms!

The Jade Emperor took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"Ai Qing understands righteousness so deeply, I am very grateful."

"I can peel off from myself, sixty... no, 70 merits will be given to you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Chu Hao's face was calm and calm. You can earn blood, but I will never lose money.

Originally, if he drank some merit water, basically he could only increase his merit by 50, but the price of the Jade Emperor was really acceptable.

For Chu Hao, the 50 merits and divine water suddenly appreciated by 40.00%. There is no business that is more profitable than this.

Of course, it was mainly because Chu Hao didn't think that the divine water of merit was particularly rare, that's why Chu Hao gave out the divine water of merit so casually.

Be grateful to Xitian every day.

The Jade Emperor's opening also startled all the gods present.

"Splitting off the virtue of wish power requires taking a huge risk, Your Majesty can't do it!"

"Your Majesty, the dragon's body is the most important thing!"

However, the Jade Emperor didn't say anything, and directly peeled off a ball of light from his body, and slowly handed it to Chu Hao.

After Chu Hao absorbed it, he really felt that 70 merits had been credited to him.

[Congratulations on completing the task, rewarding one hundred thousand merits and gods!

50 merits and divine water will directly produce 80 effects.

Chu Hao felt that this business was quite profitable.

Especially because of the 50 merits and divine water, he came here for nothing.

Thinking of this, it is even more fragrant.

After the Jade Emperor stripped off the virtues of his vows, his face turned pale and seemed a little uncomfortable.

The Jade Emperor waved his hand,

"50 merits and divine water, I have my own arrangements."

"Today's court meeting is over, everyone go back."

Chu Hao looked at the Jade Emperor with some emotion. It seems that the Jade Emperor really paid a lot.

"Your Majesty, take care, and I will leave."

All the gods looked at the Jade Emperor worriedly, but they didn't dare to talk nonsense, and they all retreated.

It wasn't until the Lingxiao Palace was empty that the Jade Emperor sat slumped on the ground with exhaustion written all over his face.

"I didn't expect stripping merits to be so painful. This is the first time I stripped merits."

The Jade Emperor thought again,

"The Tathagata Buddha's big bald donkey also stripped once, 500 million, he must have suffered more than me!"

Jade Emperor got better all of a sudden!

In fact, the practice of stripping away merit is extremely outrageous.

Even if it is just stripping off a little bit of merit, it may lead to a decline in the realm.

As a last resort, there is no quasi-sage who is willing to strip away merit to improve others, which is thankless.

Don't you see, Tathagata Buddha stripped away his merits that day, and his cultivation almost collapsed. If he hadn't returned to the merit pool, he might have disappeared.

The reason why the Jade Emperor proposed to repay by stripping off the merits was because the Jade Emperor didn't want Chu Hao to suffer.

The Jade Emperor was able to repay the gods of merit and virtue, but he could not find anything else except merit.

magic weapon?

Which magic weapon in the hands of the prison god is not better than you?

Even, the Jade Emperor exchanged 70 wish power merits for 50 merits and divine water, and the Jade Emperor still felt that it was a blood profit and felt very sorry.

However, Chu Hao didn't care too much.

It's a big deal to talk to Xi Tianna.

The Jade Emperor looked at the 50 merits of the divine water and felt even happier.

With this 50 merits and divine water, the Jade Emperor can guarantee that he will never fall into a situation where no one can use it again.

Jade Emperor is really uncomfortable.

Daozu threw himself in the Heavenly Court. Although it is said that there is a group of gods guarding the Heavenly Court, there are too few who can really be used by the Jade Emperor.

Moreover, the Taoist ancestor never appeared in the world, and the Jade Emperor was actually an orphan.

If he hadn't met Chu Hao, a confidant and important minister, the Jade Emperor would definitely not have a face in the Three Realms now.

The Jade Emperor secretly swore in his heart that there would be no repayment, that he would not give Chen the throne even if he came back!

Emperor Gouchen made a reservation for tea and cold tea.


Chu Hao was in a good mood as he walked on the way to the ninth floor prison.

After this treasure hunt, Chu Hao gained so many benefits that he was soaring.

【Chu Hao

[Realm: half-step quasi-sage consummation (70 million merits from the next realm)

[Cultivation method: Nine-turn Pangu Zhenshen Jue (5.9 turns)

【magic weapon:

Chaos Treasure: Chaos Green Lotus Seed (semi-ripe)

Heavenly Dao Rare Treasures: Killing God Spear (Heavenly Dao Killing Rare Treasure), Rank 36 Good Fortune Qinglian (Heavenly Dao Supreme Rare Treasure)

The best congenital spiritual treasures: Qinglian Treasure Color Banner, Immortal Slaying Sword, Seven Treasure Tree, Immortal Execution Sword, Immortal Execution Sword, Immortal Trapping Sword, Immortal Slaughter Sword;

Congenital treasures: Fantian Seal (gifted as a gift from Xiaoqiong), Duobao Pagoda, Lingxiu Piaoyi (given as a gift), Qingyun Golden Lantern (successfully repaired), Nine Nine Red Clouds Scattering Soul Gourd, and a sun trap;

Merit and Virtue Treasures: Shennong Ding (super-enhanced version of merit and virtue), Xuanyuan Sword, Kyushu Ding (gongde Lingbao);

Acquired Treasures: 33-day Golden Linglong Pagoda (by Nezha), Yaohuang Sword, Holy Spirit Cloak, Nuwa Blood Jade, Blood Eye Sword, Nameless Sword;

Acquired Spirit Treasure: Flying Smoke Sword

[Remarks: The following magic weapons have not yet unlocked the restrictions, including:

Houtian Lingbao: Qiankun Bow, Three Shocking Arrows, Eye-Poking Beads, Throat-Sealing Needle;

Acquired Treasures: Taiyi Teng Snake Scissors, Muni Dingguang Pearl;

Innate Spirit Treasure: Winged Sword;

The treasure of merit and virtue can measure the sky!

[Sorcerer's supernatural power: ...

Thinking back to the last breakthrough, it seemed to be just a few days ago.

And now, Chu Hao is about to face the trouble of promotion again.

70 merits, more is more, less is less.

For Chu Hao, in many cases, merits come too fast like a tornado, and Chu Hao has no room to dodge.

Really, this system made Chu Hao worry too much.

Now Chu Hao just wants to relax with some perverted things.

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