The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 537 Wrongly filling up all the driving skills, writing the paper full of absurdity

Chu Hao thought about how he had been running around with the law enforcement brigade of the nine-story prison up to now.

Everyone has been tired for so long, if there is a beautiful woman suddenly, they are willing to come over and throw themselves into their arms.

This person's identity is best if she is a beautiful woman with a special identity, otherwise she won't have that kind of perverted pleasure|sensation.

Anyway, it's probably time to relax.

Of course, this is just a thought, Chu Hao is really not abnormal.

When Chu Hao was walking to the ninth floor prison, he suddenly saw Nezha and hurried over.

Chu Hao frowned,

"Little Nezha, what happened?"

Nezha hurriedly said to Chu Hao:

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is here, just in front of the gate of the nine-storey prison, and wants to see you. Boss, is she here to Xingshi to inquire about sins?"

Chu Hao laughed dumbfoundedly,

"Thinking too much, she came here to ask the teacher? She is called a self-inflicted trap."

"She knew she was coming, it should be Tathagata Buddha Na Hanhan remembered that he was going to travel to the west, but Sun Wu forgot to mention it."

Nezha slapped his forehead and said in surprise:

"Yeah, why did I forget that there is still this stubble."

"Then boss, what should we do?"

Chu Hao was about to ask Guanyin Bodhisattva to take Sun Wukong away.

But at this time, he started.

[After being tired for so long, it's time to take a break and indulge your perverted selfish desires!

Chu Hao's eyes burst into light instantly!

As soon as the system said something like this, Chu Hao knew that something perverted that couldn't pass the trial was coming!

[Mission: Singing songs during the day requires drinking too much, so you can return home with your youth.Please Avalokitesvara sing and dance for the princes in the nine-storey heavenly prison!

[Reward: One hundred thousand merits!

Improper person. Improper person.

This system is going to place Chu Hao in the name of injustice!

It turned out that Chu Hao used Sun Wukong to blackmail the Guanyin master, and let the Guanyin master sing and dance for the nine-story prison.

Nezha looked at Chu Hao in confusion. He always felt that there was an indescribably strange look in Chu Hao's eyes.

how to say.

There is that kind of worldly desire|desire.

The pure Nezha asked, "Boss, what shall we do next?"

Chu Hao thought for a while, then smiled slightly:

"Come on first, the red silk dancer has a soft waist and limbs, and the weaving dance clothes are dyed like a palace.

Then lightly palm the slender waist.

Then again, look horizontally as a ridge and as a side as a peak?

Let's go seven in and seven out to get holy water, nine shallow and one deep to see the black dragon?

Ten years of skill in hand, 3 minutes on the battlefield.

In the end, the grace of dripping water will be repaid by the spring...

After that, the sages and sages can be lonely, and the little one can be alone. "

"Understood? Little Nezha."

With a smile on his face, Chu Hao said warmly to Nezha.

He is as gentle as a neighbor's innocent little brother.

"What?" Nezha was confused, he seemed to hear something, but there was nothing!

It's like in Wushan's cloud | rain, occasionally a real dragon pokes out, but it's just that the dragon sees its head but doesn't see its tail.

The end is magical!

What kind of means is this?

Nezha looked at Chu Hao with admiration on his face, he didn't expect that his boss's strength value was full, and now his driving skills were so good.

Chu Hao chuckled,

I mistakenly filled up all my car skills, and wrote the paper full of yellow.

In order to pass the trial, why bother to force Chu Hao into a poet?

Chu Hao told Nezha:

"It's fine if you don't understand, you're still young. I'll teach you perverted things when you grow up.

Let our law enforcement brigade gather|gather, it happens to be the end of the year, and we will have a good program to watch this year. "

Nezha looked puzzled,

"There's still a show, why don't I know about it?"

Chu Hao chuckled lightly,

"It's just been decided. Anyway, it's right to go. By the way, let the master wait at our door."

Nezha tilted his head, not knowing exactly what kind of medicine Chu Hao was selling in this gourd.

But Nezha still complied with everything.


In front of the Nine-story Heavenly Prison, there were crowds of people, and all the law enforcement brigades who were strong above the Golden Immortal came.

They looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva at the gate of the nine-storey prison as if they were facing an enemy.

If Chu Hao and Nezha are not here, this Guanyin Bodhisattva is a great disaster.

Although Chu Hao always despised Guanyin Bodhisattva strategically and tactically, it was only Chu Hao.

Even Nezha couldn't guarantee that he could beat Guanyin Bodhisattva.

After all, this is a half-step quasi-sage powerhouse.

Nezha has just stepped into the half-step quasi-sage realm.

Master Guanyin didn't see Chu Hao coming, but only saw a group of small fish and shrimp in the nine-story prison, and couldn't help frowning.

She exudes a cold breath, and the powerful coercion makes many Jinxian experts feel fear.

No one dares to forget that this is a super strong man who has lived from the Conferred Godhood to the present.

Especially the cruelty of Cihangdao people back then was feared by the gods and Buddhas of the Three Realms.

But now, the dragons have no leader, and none of the law enforcement officers in the nine-story prison can compete with Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The pressure that everyone feels is also very great.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is arrogant and indifferent to the law enforcement officers in the nine-story prison.

"Stinky fish and rotten shrimp, dare to stop me?"

"Don't let your prison god come out again, and if you are one minute late, your lives will be lost."

Taikoo Skyhawk stared wide-eyed and said in disbelief:

"Hey, you dare to be arrogant before my law enforcement?"

"Don't you take yourself too seriously!"

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva just glanced coldly at the Primordial Sky Eagle,

"You deserve to talk to me too?"

In the next second, Taikoo Skyhawk felt a strong pressure.

All the pressure of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, which belongs to the half-step quasi-sage alone, was on top of the ancient sky eagle, and the ancient sky eagle suddenly felt heavy and uncomfortable.

Although he is already a Daluo Jinxian.

But it is still very uncomfortable to resist the quasi-power of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looks down on weak people, and this ancient sky eagle is only a mere giant, not worth a glimpse of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Nezha came from afar and was shocked to see Guanyin Bodhisattva oppressing everyone so much.

"Before the nine-storey dungeon, dare you be presumptuous!"

Nezha hurried forward, jumped in front of the ancient sky eagle, and fought against Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Nezha coldly,

"Successful children, dare to imitate others and act fiercely?"

Nezha was in a hurry and was about to argue with Guanyin.

But Guanyin Bodhisattva said coldly:

"If you are sensible, you should retreat, don't ask yourself to be humiliated!"

The law enforcement officers in the nine-story prison were secretly ashamed and angry.

Since Chu Hao took charge of the sky prison, no one dared to be so arrogant in front of the nine-story sky prison!

Even if there is, it has become a handful of loess.

The hearts of the law enforcement officers in the nine-story prison have also been raised, and they are even a little complacent.

But when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva stood in front of the nine-story prison, everyone realized their own shortcomings, and their vanity was greatly shocked.

Avalokitesvara sneered secretly in her heart, without Chu Hao present, the nine-storey prison is nothing to fear.

She made up her mind to suppress the aura of the nine-story prison first, and then use the conditions of the Tathagata Buddha to frighten the law enforcement officers.

In this way, Monkey King can be easily taken back from the nine-story prison!

If Chu Hao wasn't around, it wouldn't be a big problem.

However, at this moment, a cold laughter was suddenly heard,

"The tone of the master is not small."

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