The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 535 Boss, I'm greedy for your stolen goods, I'm cheap

Chu Hao is not in a hurry to upgrade the nine-story prison powerhouse.

Now, you have to go to the Jade Emperor first.

Lingxiao Palace.

Chu Hao stepped forward and found that the gods had been waiting here for a long time.

There was a faint smile on Chu Hao's face, the long-lost court meeting, this is just a happy life of leisure and blandness.

When Chu Hao came in, all the Wenxians and Martial Gods became serious in an instant, no more nervous than meeting the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor sat on the dragon chair, looked at Chu Hao, and couldn't help showing a behavioral smile on his face.

The most important minister of my heavenly court, no matter how you look at it, how comfortable it is.

"Ahem, good morning, everyone."

Chu Hao found that when he came in, everyone was silent, so he couldn't help coughing.

All the gods are full of reverence,

"Morning Prison God!"

Even the Jade Emperor laughed cheerfully and said:

"Morning, dear."

"Aiqing, do you know what's the purpose of coming to you this time?"

Chu Hao shook his head,

"I don't know."

Don't you want to buy something with me?

Jade Emperor grinned,

"Actually, I heard that you hunted for treasure in the Western Paradise and got some good things. I want to do you a favor."

"Get rid of those bald... robbers."

In fact, it is not easy for the Jade Emperor to speak directly: Boss, I am greedy for your stolen goods, I am cheap.

After all, he is the Jade Emperor, so he needs to hold his arms when he speaks.

The Jade Emperor added:

"Of course, Ai Qing, don't think too much about it. I will never lock men up by force. As long as it is something that you find difficult to handle, you can leave it to me to arrange."

Simply put,

The stolen goods that you can't deal with, come, I will help you deal with it, and I will definitely not let you suffer!

All the gods present thought about it, good guy, Jade Emperor has now become an accomplice of a treasure hunter?

You are familiar with the road.

Chu Hao now only has 60 merits and divine water left on his body.

Drinking all of the 60 meritorious water by oneself is definitely the biggest waste.

Because the most powerful effect of merit and virtue is to enhance the strength of the weak, and directly let others feel the fun of cheating.

But Chu Hao wanted to improve his cultivation and strength. After all, he had to be physically strong to make an iron.

The best situation is that you can get another 20 wish power merits from whoring for nothing.

This is the best case scenario.

[Congratulations to the successful check-in at the Lingxiao Temple

[Task: Take out 50 merits and deities, and exchange vows and merits with the Jade Emperor

[Reward: One hundred thousand merits and divine water!


This system is really afraid that it is not activated enough, so do whatever you want!

Chu Hao originally planned to keep 20 merits and divine water for the Nine-Layer Heaven Prison, after all, too much is too late.

Now it seems that I want all the merits and virtues, the merits and virtues, and the blessings!

Immediately, Chu Hao didn't hide it, and took out a gourd bottle that was as tall as a person,

Chu Hao lazily said:

"It just so happens that Weichen picked up a gourd that no one wanted on the side of the road. If His Majesty doesn't dislike it, he can accept it."

The gourd fell on the field, and the needle could be heard on the field, and everyone was frightened stupid on the spot.

Because, at this moment, the aura of wish power and virtue swayed in the field, sweeping over the bodies of every fairy.

Even just by smelling it, all the gods felt refreshing and so refreshed that they took off!

The strong flavor of meritorious water in the field made everyone salivate!

It can't be wrong, this gourd is filled with the divine water of merit and virtue, the divine water of merit and virtue that everyone is coveting!

The faces of the gods are full of shock,

"My god, the prison god really hunted for treasure in Lingshan? Could it be that he found it in the merit pool?"

"This gourd... let's say less than 40 to [-] merits and divine water, or even more!"

"As a Daluo Jinxian, I have never seen so many meritorious waters in my life! Damn it! Tears flowed from the corners of my mouth in spite of myself!"

"At least two big Luos can be rebuilt, so I'll give it away? Is it so extravagant?"

"It's not bad that a Yuanhui in Heaven can get thousands of karmic come to Chu Hao, the karmic waters are the same as the ones you snatched!"

"Yeah, it's like stealing the Eight Treasures Merit Pool!"

"Nonsense, His Majesty the Prison God has a great source of blessings, he picked it up on the side of the road...Cao, why don't I believe it!"

The gods looked at the virtuous water of the big gourd, and suddenly doubted life.

This is really taking Xitiandi|pants off!

Isn't there such a god of hell, such a big gourd of merit and divine water?

Let alone us, even the Jade Emperor...

The gods looked at the Jade Emperor, just in time to catch a drop of crystal liquid hanging from the corner of the Jade Emperor's mouth——

Ah, the Jade Emperor is drooling too.

Now, who isn't a litter picker?

In the barren heaven, who can control himself in front of this divine water of merit?

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty?" Chu Hao asked tentatively.

The Jade Emperor sucked back his saliva, quickly sat up, his face became solemn, and the traces of saliva at the corner of his mouth could still be vaguely seen.

"Aiqing is truly blessed. I found such a gourd on the side of the road. I am very pleased."

"I don't know how much merit and divine water Aiqing can sell in this gourd. Don't worry, I will definitely not let you suffer."

The Jade Emperor's face was full of sincerity.

No, there are some pleadings.

If it weren't for the embarrassment, the Jade Emperor would have thrown himself in front of Chu Hao right now, and asked Chu Hao to give him a hundred and eighty thousand meritorious water!

The heavens are pitiful, even if it is the Heavenly Court, even after hundreds of robberies, they will not be able to receive so much meritorious water!

Although Tianting has a great reputation now, His Majesty knows that all of this is due to the nine-storey Heavenly Prison.

Because there are a lot of strong people in the nine-story prison who are willing to sacrifice their lives for Chu Hao, and even Nezha, who is half a quasi-sage, works day and night.

The Jade Emperor thought about himself again, not to mention being called a half-step quasi-sage, but calling a Taiyi Jinxian would take a lot of effort.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor really urgently needs some meritorious water, at least to promote himself a few usable gods.

Because the Prison God is too busy now, law enforcement in the Three Realms, and often rushing to the front line to fight against Xitian.

The Jade Emperor didn't dare to disturb Chu Hao when he had any missions, let alone borrow someone from the Nine-story Prison.

Because the Jade Emperor respected Chu Hao from the bottom of his heart, although this may sound nonsense, since ancient times, which virtuous monarch would yell at his confidants?

The sky is pitiful, and the Jade Emperor is too late to praise him, because he really doesn't want to add trouble.

He didn't even want to borrow someone from the Nine-story Prison, because it was like digging Chu Hao's corner, and he couldn't do it.

Secondly, it is a shame.

As a Jade Emperor, he had to speak to his confidant's subordinates for any job, which would be embarrassing to his grandma's house.

The Jade Emperor only wanted a few men who could run errands and have face.

Of course, even if you think about it with your ass, it is impossible for the Jade Emperor to give up on Chu Hao even if he comes up straight.

Because, in this heavenly court, Chu Hao seemed to have become the most admired and valued courtier by the Jade Emperor, not one of them.

Facing the Jade Emperor's request, Chu Hao smiled,

"Of course it's all for you!"

Jade Emperor suddenly choked up.

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