The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 504 What is the matter of scholars called stealing?it's called a treasure hunt

The system knew that Chu Hao didn't like unnecessary guesses, so he arranged this move clearly.

[Mission: Take advantage of the chaos, take advantage of the current battle between Xitian and the Dragon Clan, sneak into the interior of Lingshan, and have an adventure trip

[Reward: Do it yourself and have enough food and clothing!Take what you want!

[Remarks: Master, please remember to turn on the sky-shielding talisman seal, which can hide the secrets of the sky, disturb the cause and effect, and avoid being missed by the bad guys.

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth raised a satisfied smile, right, this is what the system should do.

But suddenly, Chu Hao felt the earth shaking.

Looking over suddenly, he saw that the Great Leiyin Temple was already crumbling.

The nine real dragons are fighting fiercely.

Although they are only nine in number, they are powerful.

Even Amitabha Buddha, Tathagata Buddha, and three thousand Buddhas present were barely able to withstand it.

Even Amitabha's succession of lotus lanterns became somewhat flickering.

In fact, it's not because Xitian is too weak, it's because the enemy is too strong.

The sky is pitiful, the nine real dragons that came, in Chu Hao's opinion, their strength may have reached the upper level of the quasi-sage realm.

Chu Hao was just short of stepping into the quasi-sage realm, and Chu Hao had a vague idea of ​​the quasi-sage's strength.

Also being a quasi-sage, Boy Bailian could easily crush Chu Hao, even forcing Chu Hao to retreat steadily, and even his magic weapon collapsed.

This is because there is a huge gap between quasi-sages and half-step quasi-sages.

Similarly, after entering the quasi-sage realm, the gap between each step becomes even greater.

Except for Chu Hao, the Mobai Dragon Emperor who didn't know what his cultivation level was, the Zijin Dragon Emperor and the Platinum Dragon Emperor were also in the quasi-sage realm, but there was a gap in strength.

And the strength of the other six real dragons was also a little weaker than that of the Zijin Dragon Emperor.

However, they still maintain the strength of the quasi-sage upstream.

However, the three thousand Buddhas claim to be powerful, but there are not many who can really have the upper reaches of quasi-sages.

Even the Tathagata Buddha only barely, extremely reluctantly reached this strength.

And others were even worse.

Not to mention, every step in the quasi-sage realm is difficult to reach the sky, and many of them are like the white lotus boy, barely reaching the quasi-sage realm.

Therefore, in the quasi-sage realm, it is more than enough for one Zijin Dragon Emperor to beat ten Bailian boys.

Although it is said that there is Amitabha Buddha as the guiding body, the quasi-sage powerhouse who is open and hanging is here, but it is still difficult to drive these three thousand Buddhas.

The people in Xitian could only barely resist the attack of the nine real dragons by relying on the majestic Buddha spirit of Lingshan Mountain.

But it's enough...

Especially the Mobai Dragon Emperor, his gestures made Chu Hao feel as if the whole world was under the Mobai Dragon Emperor's claws.

Every attack seems to split the sky, and even Amitabha has to rely on the power of all Buddhas to resist!

Chu Hao only felt this kind of existence when the Houtu sage attacked.

But it is not the same, because the supreme control of the Houtu sage is not comparable to the Mobai Dragon Emperor.

Chu Hao vaguely grasped the concept. It seems that the cultivation base of the quasi-sage is quite different.

But Chu Hao was not worried. As a positive energy cultivator, Chu Hao secretly made up his mind.

"I, Chu Hao, can achieve today's state because of my own hard work. In the future, I will definitely climb to the top of the Dao with the spirit of arduous cultivation!"

Then take down the Queen Mother's flat peach!

Of course, arduous training is inseparable from Chu Hao's seizing every opportunity.

For example, at this moment, Chu Hao needs to hunt for treasure in Lingshan, which is a very exciting|thrilling thing.

Chu Hao increased the output of the sky-shielding talisman, which made him appear to have no sense of existence, and Chu Hao's eyes began to search for treasures in Lingshan.

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor next to him couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and said in a low voice:

"At this time of the battle between Xitian and the Dragon Clan, what's Aiqing's advice?"

Based on his own understanding of Chu Hao, the Jade Emperor thought that Chu Hao would choose to blackmail Xitian, and then help Xitian calm down the Dragon Clan.

However, the Jade Emperor obviously hadn't reached Chu Hao's deep thought realm yet.

Chu Hao whispered softly: "Your Majesty, I found that the treasure of Lingshan is calling me. I think the treasure of Lingshan is destined for me. I want to find it."

The Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses, and secretly exclaimed:

"My Cao? You are going to steal..."

Chu Hao waved his hands frantically, and said with an aggrieved face:

"Your Majesty misunderstood me. How do you call a scholar's business stealing? I call it—treasure hunting!"

The Jade Emperor was stunned for more than three seconds,

ah?Is there such a fresh and refined saying?

As expected of you, prison god boss!

It took a long time for the Jade Emperor to react, with a kind of encouragement and relief written on his face, and said in a low voice:

"Since this Lingshan treasure is destined to be with Aiqing, I think it will be very gratifying even if Xitian is taken away. After all, the three thousand Buddhas are very generous."

Jade Emperor's face was full of excitement, and it was also the first time he experienced this kind of excitement.

Hunting for treasures in other people's homes is a new feeling that the Jade Emperor has never experienced before!

Sure enough, Aiqing can give me some new tricks every day.

As the noble and powerful Jade Emperor, facing Chu Hao's treasure hunt, he naturally chose——

"It's okay, Aiqing, just go, I'll help you watch!"

The Jade Emperor joins the treasure hunting army!

Chu Hao nodded, leaned forward, and went quietly.

He was completely unfamiliar with Lingshan Chuhao, but this didn't affect him.

Haven't eaten pork, haven't seen a pig run yet?

Can Chu Hao still not recognize where Baoguang is?

Chu Hao cautiously moved forward quietly.

A huge boulder fell from Daleiyin Temple and landed directly next to Chu Hao, but Chu Hao ignored it.

What kind of treasure hunter is a treasure hunter if he is scared off by difficulties?

Don't be afraid of hardships and dangers, come on, treasure hunters!

And the battle between the Dragon Clan and Xitian has been fierce.

The desolate Lingshan was also involved in an extremely powerful attack.

A wag of the dragon's tail, a poke of its claws, and a breath of the dragon can make Amitabha be in a hurry.

On the field, the three thousand Buddhas led by Amitabha Buddha are struggling to support.

The most precious treasure in the hands of Amitabha is already dimming the lotus lantern.

At this time, Amitabha basically believed that even if he handed over the white lotus boy today, it would be difficult to do good.

Since surrendering or not surrendering is a fierce battle, it is better to save the Bailian boy. After all, the strong man in the quasi-sage realm is extremely precious, and even Xitian can't bear to sacrifice him.

So, taking advantage of the confusion, Amitabha Buddha sent a message to Bailian Boy:

"Bai Lian, you go first, leave quietly, don't be discovered by the dragon clan!"

Boy Bailian was already in a panic, but when he heard Amitabha's voice transmission, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Without further ado, Boy Bailian would naturally run away on the spot.

But at this moment, Chu Hao saw this scene!

Chu Hao: Coincidentally, isn’t it?New Year's Eve, everyone is here, so don't leave!

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