The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 505 I Report, Boy Bailian is Running Away!

Bai Lian boy is very happy at the moment, with a smug smile on his face:

"What bullshit dragon clan, what bullshit prison god, no matter how awesome you are, you can't do anything to me!"

"Amitabha Buddha covers me, I am a saint boy, how could something happen to me?"

"Hahahaha, anyway, the Dragon Clan is going to flee back today, I just need to survive a day without dying, and I will be happy in the future, no one will stop me!"

"Ye Ao, what can you do to me! Hahahaha!"

Bai Lian boy's face was full of ecstatic excitement. When he thought of offending the dragon clan and being able to escape, Bai Lian boy felt deep disdain for the dragon clan!

Especially for Amitabha Buddha, even more blind worship!

Seeing the boy Bailian who was sneaking away there, the smile on Chu Hao's face gradually turned sour.

Under the chaotic battle, no one noticed Chu Hao and Bai Lian boy.

In particular, Chu Hao still had the sky-shielding talisman on his body, so he was even more unscrupulous and no one cared about him.

Boy Bailian ran towards the back mountain of Daleiyin Temple, with an excited smile on his face,

"No one can stop me anymore, I'm finally alive!"

But at this time, a bad laugh suddenly came from the side,

"Really? How happy are you, describe it?"

Bai Lian boy froze for a moment, his eyes filled with horror.

He turned around like a zombie, only to find a fairy in white looking at him gently.

Chu Hao, standing in front of him, he looks a bit like before!

"You, you, why are you here!" Boy Bailian turned pale.

"Son, where are you going?"

Chu Hao is a gentleman, gentle as jade, as gentle as the big brother next door.

His eyes were extremely gentle, as if he wanted to weave the most beautiful flowers in the world into a wreath and send them to him.

For a moment, boy Bailian wanted to report him. He felt that it was not very righteous for him to run away like this.

It's not that he's afraid of Chu Hao, it's really not.

Although it is very likely that Chu Hao will report it next, and then be discovered by the Dragon Clan, who will be dragged out and beaten violently by the Dragon Clan on the spot.

But Boy Bailian was not afraid, he didn't leave only out of benevolence and righteousness.

Chu Hao looked at Bailian boy tenderly, and reached out to touch Bailian boy's head, and said warmly:

"I think you should know what's going to happen next, right?"

Boy Bailian swallowed, and looked at Chu Hao solemnly,

"Can you let me go? Make a good relationship!"

"Let me ask you, do I look like a good person?" Chu Hao asked with a smile.

Bailian boy shook his head.

Chu Hao slapped Bailian boy over with one slap, until the left half of his face was swollen.

Bai Lian boy was furious, impatient!

Chu Hao said leisurely:

"It's you who said that I'm not a good person, so how can I save face for you?"

Bai Lian boy instantly put on a face and clenched his fists angrily.

Chu Hao jokingly said:

"If you want to shout, I can shout with you. I believe that the senior dragons also want to hear your voice."

Boy Bailian let go of her fist, with a flattering smile on her face.

Simply put, I'm afraid.

Chu Hao smiled slightly,

"Ask you again, do I seem like a good person?"

Boy Bailian nodded.


Chu Hao slapped him mercilessly again, don't be too irritable!

He is still a child!

If you don't take advantage of this time to fight, should you stay until the Chinese New Year?

Bai Lian boy's face was swollen on both sides.


Crying and chirping.

It's not good to be like a good person, or not to be a good person, what do you want from me, what do you want from me!

Chu Hao looked at Bailian Boy's aggrieved expression, with distressed expression on his face,

"Don't cry, bear, does Uncle Prison God hurt you?"

Chu Hao slammed his bow left and right, making Bailian boy's cheeks slap.

That guy, if Chu Hao hadn't controlled his strength, he would have blown Bailian boy's face off!

"It hurts, hurts... stop hitting, Your Excellency the Prison God, stop hitting, and talk if you have something to say!"

Bai Lian boy showed timidity on his face, he had never seen such a violent uncle.

Boy Bailian got into trouble before, anyway, there was a sage who helped him wipe his ass, and he was always outside the Three Realms, so he was not humane.

So his behavior is arrogant and surly, don't you see, even many kings of the Ming Dynasty have nothing to do with him.

But now the big uncle Chu Hao is really ruthless.

No mercy at all!

This left and right bow, so that Bai Lian boy's face almost turned into a meat sandwich.

If this was on a normal day, Boy Bailian would have fought Chu Hao long ago.

But not today, all the dragon clan powerhouses were watching, Bai Lian boy's life was hanging by a thread, once he was found dead on the spot, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Aggrieved, really aggrieved to the point of crying!

There were two teardrops in the corners of Bai Lian boy's eyes, in the quasi-sage realm, even Chu Hao cried violently!

Chu Hao was concerned about the 10,000+ unjust souls in the border city of Tang Dynasty, so he was merciless towards Boy Bailian.

After all, Chu Hao is not a devil, he just whipped Bai Lianzi into a pig's head, and then stopped.

"Your Excellency, Prison God, you can let me go..."

Boy Bailian said sadly with a pig's face on her face.

Chu Hao shook his head,

"Just kidding, have you forgotten what I do?"

"If you want to survive, keep the money for your life, um... just the Qinglian Baose Flag, children, don't take such a dangerous thing, bring it quickly."

Chu Hao's face showed a strict father-like sternness.

Boy Bailian was a little out of breath,

"The Qinglian Treasure Color Banner is a gift from my teacher. If you take it from me, how should I explain to the teacher... Wait!"

Seeing Chu Hao making a gesture to shout, Bai Lian boy was so frightened that he quickly stopped Chu Hao.

Boy Bailian didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly handed the Qinglian Baose Banner to Chu Hao.

Chu Hao looked at Bailian boy helplessly, shook his head,

"Why did you go early? What's wrong with learning, learning integrity? You deserve it too?"

Bai Lian boy's face was gloomy, he also wanted to hide his emotions, but all the expressions were almost written on his face.

After this crisis, I will definitely kill you!

Chu Hao read the intention of revenge from Bai Lian boy's face, but Chu Hao didn't pay much attention.

The Qinglian Treasure Color Banner was obtained, which is a magic weapon to attract saints, Chu Hao thought about it and took a chance to crack it.

It's a pity that it's been a long time since I've seen cheap master Tongtian leader, otherwise it's perfectly fine to let him unlock it.

Tongtian leader and tools are scheduled.

Boy Bailian looked dissatisfied, and said in a dark voice: "You can let me go now!"

Chu Hao looked Bailian Tongzi up and down, "I remember you used a pretty good Houtian Lingbao last time, take it out."

Bai Lian boy's eyes widened, furious,

"Are you robbing?!"

Chu Hao had a weird face,

"That's how you know?"

Boy Bailian: "..."

In the end, Boy Bailian still didn't dare to take the risk, and handed over the Houtian Lingbao to Chu Hao.

Chu Hao patted Bailian boy's head.

Then Chu Hao suddenly shouted:

"Zijin Dragon Emperor! Boy Bailian is about to run away, catch him quickly!"

After Chu Hao shouted this, he disappeared in an instant.

The Bailian boy with a broken face was left alone in the wind!

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