The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 503 The first battle between the Dragon Clan and Xitian!

The atmosphere on the court was already full of fire|powder.

But Chu Hao was not polite at all.




How can come how come!

If it wasn't for the limited space, Chu Hao would like to write a full-length novel for him, called "I'm in the Western Paradise from Nine to Five".

The three thousand Buddhas were almost so angry by Chu Hao.

And the Tathagata Buddha was so angry that his face turned red, and he roared angrily:

"Enough! Hell God Chu Hao, you intend to oppose me!"

Chu Hao raised his brows high, his face was full of jokes,

"Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you alone, I'm targeting all of you in Western Heaven!"

"Seniors of the dragon clan, the little white dragon's primordial spirit has died, there is no hope of recovery, and there will be no second little white dragon. Journey to the West will no longer have the merits of the dragon clan."

"Don't bear it anymore, let's do it, will such a treacherous Xitian keep it for the New Year?"

This time, not only Tathagata Buddha couldn't stand it anymore, Amitabha Buddha also had a dark face.

"Chu Hao, the God of Prison, don't be a son of man! I believe in endless life in the Western Paradise, and live endless life in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss!"

"If something happens to Xitian, you can hardly absolve yourself of the blame. I, Xitian, will never give up with you!"

Chu Hao laughed out loud,

"I almost thought it was some kind of threat. You have done a lot of unrighteous things in the west, and you have suffered the consequences. There are so many walking corpses. What does it matter to me if you die?"

"Not only do I not feel bad about it, I even want to join them!"

Chu Hao is very naked|nakedly provocative.

Of course, it's not just once or twice. Xitian had endured it before, let alone now!

Amitabha hurriedly looked at the strong men of the dragon clan, and was about to speak to persuade them.

But suddenly saw the most powerful and oldest Mo Bai Dragon Emperor suddenly opened his eyes, his face was full of crazy killing intent!

His voice is shameless and old, but it has a killing intent to decide life and death!

"The Buddhas of the Western Paradise, betrayed their faith, and deceived our Dragon Clan, unforgivable! I want, Lingshan is stained with blood, and the Buddhas pay for their lives!"


Two words, do it.

In an instant, the entire Western Heaven was plunged into panic.

Chu Hao added, "Actually, you can't fight. Don't thank me. This is what I should do."

Then the Tathagata Buddha's mouth was crooked with anger!

Cao Cao Cao!

Quxiang Xiangtiancao!

Just now everyone was thinking that as long as the Mobai Dragon Emperor doesn't speak out, at most he can resist and delay.

After all, the life of the Dragon Clan is still the same.

But Chu Hao ran out and directly used the whole system of three-dimensional projection, going back to the past, and replaying the clip of ghosts and animals, which directly made the Mobai Dragon Emperor angry!

This dragon emperor was originally the most senior and most cultivated powerhouse, he said, the dragon clan doesn't even care about the cause and effect of contamination now!

Difficult, very uncomfortable!

The faces of the three thousand Buddhas were as black as ink, and even the smile of Amitabha Buddha disappeared completely.

I can't put it on anymore.

Amitabha looked at Chu Hao with a slight threat,

"Prison God Chu Hao, you..."

Even Amitabha, who is invincible and invincible, showed a little threat!

It can be seen from this that Chu Hao is very capable of manipulating people's mentality.

Chu Hao waved his hand,

"I've said the threat, Senior Dragon Clan, don't keep them for the New Year..."

Then, the Dragon Clan is really merciless.

Since we all know that Xi Tian intends to kill people, and Bai Lian boy's arrogant and arrogant attitude is even more unbearable for the powerful dragon clan.

Platinum Dragon Emperor said coldly:

"It is tolerable, which is unbearable? Do it!"

The Zijin Dragon Emperor was indeed merciless.

"I'll just swipe my dragon's tail and kill you bunch of stinky donkeys!"

But this time, it was no longer just the actions of the Purple Gold Dragon Emperor and the Platinum Dragon Emperor.

Under the order of the Dragon Emperor Mobai, the nine real dragons, let's do it together!

They are the supreme prehistoric powerhouses, and to this Western Paradise, they are seniors, and they are crushed by blood!

If it weren't for the suppression of the great way, in the era of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, the dragon clan might have already dominated the world.

That calamity was not accidental, but inevitable.

It is a way for the Dao to stop the boiling water and weaken the cause and effect of the three realms by measuring the calamity.

Therefore, the Dragon Clan was even indirectly targeted by Dao.

But even so, the Dragon Clan forcibly survived the baptism of calamity and survived until now.

And after countless years of calamity, Dao still hasn't completely wiped out the Dragon Clan.

This also shows from the side that the dragon clan is so powerful that it can even compete with the destiny!

But now, the Western religion of the second interpretation wants to cut off the dragon clan's retreat?

Can this be tolerated?

Certainly not!

The nine real dragons made a bold move.

The strength of the nine true dragons is immeasurable.

They shot at the same time, even before they touched the Great Leiyin Temple, the entire Lingshan Mountain was already shaking.

Even among the three thousand Buddhas, those who were weak and weak were directly suppressed and killed on the spot, and their flesh and blood exploded, turning into a ball of blood foam.

The strength is simply incomparable.

Amitabha was shocked, except for scolding Chu Hao in his heart, he could only fight obediently.

In an instant, Amitabha made a move, and directly sacrificed the Linglong Lotus Lantern!

This is the magic weapon that Amitabha relied on to achieve enlightenment, and its preciousness is far beyond the comparison of ordinary innate spiritual treasures.

Twelve pairs of lamps hang above the head of Amitabha Buddha, and they are magnificent.

The attack of the nine real dragons fell, but it seemed to hit cotton candy, and there was nowhere to exert force.

This Linglong lotus lamp has the supreme secret method. Under the light of the Buddha, the living beings will be diluted from joy, anger, sorrow and joy, and even convert to my Buddha on the spot.

Even Daluo Jinxian has to convert to Buddhism instantly.

But are dragons mortal?

The supreme and noble innate prehistoric true dragon, not to mention receiving the Buddha's light, even if a saint came in person, it would be difficult for the Dragon Emperor to convert.

However, Foguang is not friendly to the gods in the nine-storey prison.

The Jade Emperor didn't dare to be sloppy, and waved his backhand, the Haotian Tower was suspended above the strong men in the nine-story prison, protecting Nezha and others to death.

Nezha and the others said gratefully, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Even Mobai Dragon Emperor sneered,

"Small tricks, Amitabha, is that all you can do? Go!"

Suddenly, a piece of inverse scale shot out from Mo Bailonghuang's body, like a long sword, and shot at Amitabha Buddha.

Amitabha was shocked, and hurriedly protected and led the Linglong Lotus Lantern.

That Ni Lin hit Amitabha Buddha, and printed a white seal on the body of Amitabha Buddha.

This is the first time in countless years that Amitabha Buddha was hit by someone.

The war between the Dragon Clan and Xitian has begun!

At this moment, the instigator, the evil Chu Hao, was grinning wickedly beside him.

I don't know why, but it's cool to watch.

[Congratulations to the master for completing the task, Amitabha's mentality has changed a little

[Reward: rough stone (can restore the true spirit to Yuanshen), 20 merits

[Remarks: Master, please take revenge actively, warm reminder, once you fight, you can have other room for activities

Chu Hao frowned, he understood the whole point, don't play charades!

【Eh!clear!Task generation, please wait

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