The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 199 The collapse of Zhu Gangman, there is no way to retreat!

Only when there is great joy and great compassion can one achieve great enlightenment.

But if there is no great joy and great compassion...then create great joy and great compassion!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has already noticed Zhu Ganglu's heart towards Buddha, and she also saw that Zhu Ganglu's heart seemed to be settled at the moment.

Hmph, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is watching Zhu Ganglu coldly in the dark, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is already impatient with this person who only knows how to enjoy comfort.

However, if Zhu Gangli is at ease, then who will ask her for the scriptures taught by the West?

Who will take the road of learning from the scriptures?

What a wedding day!

Guanyin Bodhisattva sneered and cast a spell slightly in the dark, which no one could know.

At this moment, the Gao family is decorating with lanterns and festoons, laughing and laughing, very festive.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

Zhu Ganglian and his wife-to-be Gao Cuilan happily bowed to heaven and earth.

Many spectators nearby applauded and smiled.

"Okay! Hahahaha, golden boy and jade girl!"

"A man of talent and beauty, I didn't expect Mr. Gao to find such a good son-in-law!"

"Sister Gao, Brother Pig, you must always be happy."

The laughter of the crowd was uninterrupted, and there were lively laughter everywhere.

Zhu Gangguan was also very satisfied in his heart, and happily went around to salute.

But suddenly, a bad premonition rose in Zhu Gangli's heart.

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

Zhu Gangli hurriedly stretched out his hand, wanting to hold Gao Cuilan's hand.

However, when Gao Cuilan touched Zhu Ganglian's hand, she suddenly retracted, and even lifted her hijab to see.

"Sanggong, you... why are you still holding a pig's trotter?"

Gao Cuilan looked at Zhu Ganglian suspiciously.

This shocking change caused everyone present to suddenly become suspicious, and looked over one after another, involuntarily surprised.

Under the eyes of everyone, I saw Zhu Gangman's hand protruding from the sleeve, covered with long hair like steel needles, and dirty dirt, it was a living pig's trotter!

"Ah! This? On this wedding day, why did you bring a pig's trotter in your hand?"

"Could it be this husband's special hobby? But, why does that pig's hand look... like it's alive and can move!"

Zhu Ganglian's eyes widened, not looking confidently at his own hand.

But I don't know when, my hands have changed back to their original shape, from human hands to pig hands!

Zhu Gangli was terrified, and kept begging in his heart, no, don't, don't be on my best day, don't hurt my woman again!

Even if it's death, please let me get married, I just want to be a lover for a day, even if it's just for a second!

Zhu Ganglian suppressed the panic in his heart, retracted his hands into his sleeves, and pretended to explain:

"This is... this is the wild boar I just caught on the mountain. I wanted to make some pork knuckle stew for everyone to eat, but I forgot to put it away... Well, husband and wife say goodbye, husband and wife say goodbye!"

The people present didn't have any doubts. After all, Gao Laozhuang was far away from the mountains and rivers, and there weren't so many monsters doing evil, so naturally they didn't think of monsters at the first time.

"It turned out that I just forgot to put it away, hahahaha, what a naughty groom!"

"Old Gao, look at how virtuous your son-in-law is, he will bring you a dowry when you get married, hahahaha!"

" come the more I look at that pig's hand, the more I feel...alive?"

Everyone at the scene laughed cheerfully and didn't care too much.

On the contrary, old man Gao's face darkened, making such a joke on a good day?

"Go ahead and pay respects..."

Zhu Ganglu was extremely anxious, even if it was just a name, he liked Gao Cuilan, even if he turned into a wild boar in the future, Gao Cuilan would still be his woman.

"Husband and wife pray to each other, husband and wife pray to each other!"

Zhu Ganglian hurriedly urged.

However, Zhu Gangli suddenly noticed that the eyes of the people around him suddenly changed.

Even the woman he loves, looking at him, became gradually panicked until panicked.

Zhu Gang was startled and touched his cheek.

Long hair like steel needles, rough skin like sandpaper, and the iconic fangs...

"Monster, pig demon, you are actually a pig demon!"

Gao Cuilan backed away again and again, even knocking over the table and falling to the ground, she tried her best to move back, her face was full of horror.

Zhu Ganglian stared wide-eyed, froze on the spot, the expression in his pupils was lax,

"'s not true, it's not true..."

Zhu Gangli is sure that he has been in human form for many years, and he will not easily show his flaws in front of mortals!

Unless there is a fairy family doing it secretly, his transformation technique will never fail, let alone on such an important occasion!

At this moment, the high hall of marriage is in chaos!

Everyone could see Zhu Gangman's appearance clearly, with a look of incomparable horror on his face, running around, howling everywhere.

"It's a monster! The Gao family's son-in-law turned out to be a monster, a pig monster, and he's coming to eat people!"

"It's no wonder he has such strength on weekdays, he can pull a small cart with one hand, there really is a problem!"

"Run, the monster is going to eat people, the monster is going to eat people!"

Old man Gao sitting on the high hall was old and frail, but he still stood up in horror, turned around and wanted to escape.

However, Zhu Gangli stopped Elder Gao and said nervously:

"Father-in-law, father-in-law, I am your son-in-law, don't go, let me get married first, please!"

However, Elder Gao was so frightened that his face turned green, and he desperately beat Zhu Gang's face with the crutch in his hand in fear.

"Don't come here, who is your father-in-law, get out! Get out!"

Zhu Gangli was extremely nervous, "Father-in-law, you promised me that you will marry Gao Cuilan to me!"

However, Gao Cuilan escaped on the other side, screaming:

"Come and save me, the pig demon wants to eat me, save me!"

Zhu Ganglian waved his hands helplessly, "No, I am your husband-in-law! How could I eat you, really I..."

Gao Cuilan and Gao Lao thought for a moment that this pig demon really had humanity.

After all, he has also stayed in Gao Laozhuang for at least a few years, and he has never seen anything harmful to nature on weekdays.

For a moment, a hint of hesitation appeared on Gao Cuilan's face.

The next second, Zhu Gangli suddenly felt a kind of primitive hostility in his body using his brain, and then Zhu Gangli felt that his body seemed to be out of control.

Zhu Ganglian tried his best to suppress the impulse of the body, but the body was involuntarily destroyed everywhere.


The entire Gao family's wedding scene was directly destroyed by the evil wind blowing over from Zhu Gang's mane.

Under the ruined walls, many innocent people were even suppressed.

At this moment, the last trace of trust left in the hearts of Gao Lao and Gao Cuilan completely collapsed, and they fled out in panic.

"no no!!!"

"Ahhhh!! Why!"

In the empty lobby, Zhu Gangli's eyes were red, seeing his last happiness destroyed, at this moment, Zhu Gangli's heart was completely shattered.

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