The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 200 In a desperate situation, anger is ignited, and the heart of the pig is just hyena

That night, the whole Gao Lao Village knew that Gao Lao's son-in-law turned out to be a pig demon.

That Gao Cuilan actually married a pig.

For the simple and honest Gao Laozhuang, this is definitely an absurd thing from the Arabian Nights.

Gao Lao suddenly changed from a tall and virtuous elder to a joke among everyone.

But this matter did not hurt others that much, the one who hurt the most was Gao Cuilan.

In this feudal society, a woman's innocence and reputation are more important than her life, but at this moment, everyone in the Gao Village knows that Gao Cuilan married a pig!

Not to mention whether Gao Cuilan will marry or not from now on, there are even rumors in the market that the third daughter of the Gao family is actually a disorderly woman.

Otherwise, how could it be possible for a pig demon to fall in love with it?

Why do others choose to deal with you, Gao Cuilan?

Flies don't bite seamless eggs!

In addition, Gao Cuilan married Zhu Ganglu in front of countless people, which made the rumors even more rampant.

In feudal society, rumors were more terrifying than sharp swords to kill.

What's more, it was against a weak woman.

Gao Cuilan finally couldn't stand the humiliation after suffering from the white eyes and gossip.

On this day, Gao Cuilan took a three-foot white silk from Gao Lao's eyes, and walked into her room under Gao Lao's watch.

Elder Gao didn't stop him, he just shook his head and said: "The family is unfortunate, the family is unfortunate!"

Gao Cuilan came to her room in tears, tied the three-foot white silk to the beam, and decided to hang herself to show her innocence.

However, just when Gao Cuilan decided to kick the stool away with tears in her eyes, a gust of evil wind blew in, and a strong figure rescued Gao Cuilan.

Zhu Gangli hadn't actually fled back to the mountains since he showed his original shape at that time, he still wanted to get back, and he still didn't give up.

He has been in the dark, guarding Gao Cuilan.

Many times, when those gossips hurt Gao Cuilan, Zhu Ganglian wanted to rush out and kill one side, so that those talkative gossip women would know how to write death!

However, he couldn't do that, and if he did that, he would have no chance of getting Gao Cuilan again.

At this moment, Zhu Ganglu held Gao Cuilan in his arms, looked at Gao Cuilan nervously,

"Lan Lan, don't get overwhelmed, okay?"

Zhu Gangguan has been as gentle as possible.

However, Gao Cuilan opened her eyes and saw that it was Zhu Ganglian who saved her.

In an instant, Gao Cuilan's eyes were filled with hatred, and blood and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

Face to face, Gao Cuilan uttered six words that made Zhu Gang's heart break.

"Zhu Gangguan...I hate you!!"

Gritting teeth, blood feud!

The moment the pig just mangled, the whole person lost his strength.

No one can know how he feels now.

In order to obtain the simplest happiness, he bit and killed his parents, finally cultivated into a human being, and worked diligently and conscientiously in Gao Laozhuang for several years.

He thought that he finally wanted to get someone who truly loved him, and someone he loved deeply.

Even if there is only one person's heart, this is his only extravagant wish.

However, at this moment, he has received the hatred of the person he loves the most, the unforgettable hatred!

He... was desperate.

In the next second, the Gao family compound suddenly exploded.

Zhu Ganglu rushed into the back house with Gao Cuilan in his arms, his voice spread around,

"From now on, I will live in the back house. I am the son-in-law of the Gao family. If anyone dares to hurt my wife, I will let him die without a whole body!"

The pig has just finished the hyena and has reached the last step.

Although Gao Cuilan hated herself, Zhu Gangli didn't want Gao Cuilan to die.

Even if this would put Gao Cuilan into an even more desperate situation, it was already the only way Zhu Gangli could do.

Zhu Ganglian lowered his head at night, saw the moon by the well, and suddenly thought of the words of the fairy in white that day.

"You... can't escape..."

Zhu Ganglian suddenly felt a feeling of suffocation, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Don't say it's unexpected...

Zhu Gangli tried to escape from reality, but now there is no way out.

Suddenly, a pure white light lit up in front of Zhu Ganglian's eyes.

In front of Zhu Gangguan's eyes, there appeared a white gauze Bodhisattva with a celestial spirit, who could not eat the fireworks of the world.

Without saying a word, Zhu Ganglian just picked up the nine-toothed rake and hit it!

However, in mid-air, a lotus flower was thrown down, separating the palladium staff.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's icy voice rang in Zhu Gang's ear,

"Evil animal, come down quickly!"

When Zhu Ganglian heard this voice, his heart felt even colder.

Although he had the impulse to fight Guanyin Bodhisattva just now, so he swung the nine-toothed rake impulsively just now.

But Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't even show any strength, so he knocked his nine-toothed rake away.

No resistance.

Can't resist, can only passively accept.

Zhu Ganglu quickly changed his expression of panic, raised his head and shouted sharply: "Bodhisattva, forgive your sins, forgive your sins!"

Only then did Guanyin Bodhisattva slowly press the cloud head, pretending to ask:

"Where are you the wild boar who became a master, where is the old pig who made troubles, dare to block me here?"

Zhu Gangguan roared in his heart, the damned Western religion is really here!

But Zhu Gangli is not stupid, it is meaningless to resist now,

Even if Zhu Gangguan has already confirmed that he shows his original shape, it is Guanyin Bodhisattva who is doing things secretly.

Zhu Ganglian put away all the hatred in his heart, with false panic and awe on his face, and said:

"I'm not a wild boar, nor an old pig. I was the marshal of the canopy in Tianhe. Just because I brought wine to tease Chang'e, the Jade Emperor beat me with two thousand hammers and demoted me to the mortal world. I have a true spirit and come to seize my house." I was reincarnated, accidentally went the wrong way, cast into a sow fetus, and became like this. I bit and killed the sow, but the pigs died. They occupied the mountain here and cannibalized people. Unexpectedly bumped into Bodhisattva, hope to save and save."

Zhu Gangli just said what everyone wanted to hear.

He knew that even if he told the truth, if the Taishang Laojun sentenced him to be a pig, who would give him justice?

On the contrary, Guanyin Bodhisattva would only laugh at him.

Everyone will laugh at him!

Zhu Gangli was in despair. The Guanyin Bodhisattva who saved the suffering and suffering in front of him was a big devil through and through in Zhu Gangli's eyes.

But the big devil who wanted to destroy his dream with his own hands bowed his head, and even asked her to save him. This kind of helplessness and sadness made Zhu Gangli extremely desperate.

Guanyin Bodhisattva has completely succumbed to seeing Zhu Gangyan, so he didn't even speak his lines, and went directly to the topic:

"I received the Buddha's decree and went to the east to find a man of scriptures. You can become an apprentice with him, and go to the west once, and he will punish you for your merits and discipline you to escape the disaster."

Zhu Ganglian lowered his head, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm willing to follow, I'm willing to follow!"

The Bodhisattva took the precepts with him, referring to his surname, so he took the surname Zhu, and gave him the dharma name, Zhu Wuneng.

After the Bodhisattva left, Zhu Ganglian raised his head and looked at the full moon.

Zhu Gangyan's eyes slowly changed from despair to... fury!

"Prison God, you said I can't escape, then I won't escape!"

"Xi Tian, ​​destroy me and humiliate me, I am at odds with you!"

"I, Zhu Gangguan, must blood-stain Lingshan, my revenge, I will avenge myself!"

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