The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 198 Drifting: Great Mercy is the Great Demon

After the Bodhisattva left, the general rolling the curtain looked up to the sky and laughed!

The laughter is extremely desolate and terrifying!

If Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was here, he would definitely be able to see the devilish energy surging from Sha Wujing's body at this moment, and a cloud of black devilish energy was condensing behind Sha Wujing.

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Redemption, I am redeeming my sins! Sha Wujing, is this my new name? What a nice name!"

"I have realized the way of impurity and purity, I have already understood it! My Buddha is merciful, it is really my Buddha's merciful!"

"My sin is unforgivable, but you still come to save me, what a merciful Bodhisattva!"

In Sha Wujing's mouth, every word praised his merits and virtues, but his eyes were full of fury and resentment.

The demonic energy beside Sha Wujing stared gradually, a black eye suddenly opened in the demonic energy, and a cold and indifferent voice came slowly.

"Cannibalism is high above the world, and the crime of wanting to be imposed is my Buddha's mercy. Journey to the West, you actually agreed?"

Sha Wujing's expression was distorted, but suddenly turned solemn and indifferent, and a faint Buddha's light appeared on his body:

"That's what I heard, the Buddha said, the great compassion is the great demon. If I have the great compassion, the world will have the great demon."

The Buddha's light on Sha Wujing's body is black...

The cloud of black energy wrapped around Sha Wujing's body suddenly seemed to know something, he laughed loudly, and disappeared in an instant.

Sha Wujing slowly closed his eyes and chanted Buddhist scriptures with a solemn and unpredictable face.

In fact, there is no need for a bodhisattva to come, he has already entered the Buddhist gate.

After returning from Haiyan in the South China Sea, he was already a Buddhist.


Although Guanyin Bodhisattva felt that Sha Wujing was different from what he had imagined.

But I can't tell what's wrong.

Obviously everything is under control, but there are always some things that go too well.

"Perhaps it's because General Shulin had given up on himself a long time ago. Knowing that Heavenly Court abandoned him, he decided to abandon the darkness and turn to the light."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva explained it to himself, and felt that it made sense, so he didn't bother anymore.

Guanyin Bodhisattva rushed to the next place, preparing to arrange for the next person to learn the scriptures.

This time, the Buddha sent her to go down to the lower realms to enlighten the people who learned the scriptures in advance, but there was actually another mission behind the scenes.

In the next time, she will keep an eye on the Nanzhan Buzhou Tang Dynasty, and she must not let the reincarnated Jin Chanzi have other oddities.

That is the most important person who learns from the scriptures, and he shoulders an extremely heavy responsibility.

Today, however, the situation is chaotic, and there are a lot of odd numbers. For the rise of Western religions, Guanyin Bodhisattva dare not neglect.


Gao Lao Zhuang.

Ever since he was awakened to the truth by Chu Hao in Fuling Mountain, Zhu Gangli struggled a lot in his heart, and finally decided to believe in Buddha's mercy.

He always feels that Buddha is merciful, and the world has benevolence and holiness, so it is impossible to target him.

And Zhu Gangli was also moved by himself, and decided to change his mind and start a new life.

Zhu Ganglu, who let go of his hatred, just feels relaxed, forgets the truth, forgets his troubles, and joins the society as a human being.

Because Zhu Ganglian is the body of the pig demon, he is strong and can easily match eight or ten young people.

So no matter where he goes, as long as Zhu Gangli does some hard work, there will be people scrambling to give Zhu Gangli a chance.

Over the past few years, many people also think that this sturdy young man is hardworking, brave, honest and honest, he is simply a rare good guy, and they even actively show their affection to Zhu Gangli.

There are even many families who are willing to recruit Zhu Gangli as their son-in-law.

Zhu Ganglu felt the enthusiasm of the crowd, and seemed to experience the beauty of the world again, returning to the original ideal state.

Zhu Ganglian thought to himself,

"The law enforcement and prison gods are alarmist. I am Buddha merciful. Since I have let go of hatred and everything, they will definitely not trouble me again."

"Hmph, I won't be deceived! I want to change my mind. From now on, there will be no marshal with a canopy in this world, and no pig with a mane. There will only be an honest, diligent and handsome guy!"

"Hey, Cuihua has already agreed to my marriage proposal, and the old man has also agreed. We will welcome you tomorrow, and the spring breeze will be happy. My happy life will come soon, hahahaha!"

Zhu Gangli happily went to Gao Laozhuang.

Soon, time turned rapidly, and it was the day when the pigs just got married.

He had been preparing for this wedding for a long time, and countless people came to Zhu Gangli's wedding to congratulate him.

The day of great joy for the pig.

The entire Gao family hangs red lights, and the guests come and go, laughing and laughing.

Zhu Gangguan was dressed in festive bright red, with a smile on his face, and he was proud of the spring breeze.

At this moment, he is kneeling under the high hall, beside him is his future wife, Gao Cuilan!

This is the result of his hard work for most of his life.

Since the last time he was awakened, Zhu Ganglu learned from the pain and decided to change his past mistakes and be a good person. He came to Gao Laozhuang, changed his appearance, and became a hardworking young man.

After several years of hard work, Zhu Gangli finally got the hard-won happiness.

His own demonic power has also gradually improved. As long as it is not some kind of fairy method, he can maintain a human form for a lifetime, and he can completely pretend to be until he dies.

Happy days can continue like this forever!

Zhu Gangli simply felt that the world is so beautiful and life is so delicate.

Elder Gao, who was sitting upright in the high hall, couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw his future son-in-law.

"Okay! This is my son-in-law. It is a blessing for my daughter to marry you!"

Elder Gao is simply not too comfortable. He has no sons under his knees and has three daughters:

The big one is called Xianglan, the second one is called Magnolia, and the third one is called Cuilan.

The two older ones were matched with the family of the village since childhood,

But Gao Cuilan was the one that Gao had always planned to use to recruit a son-in-law, to support her family and work as a errand.

At first, I thought that few people would agree to such a condition, but I didn't expect that a few years ago, a good candidate came from heaven.

In Gao Lao's opinion, Zhu Gang's mane is exquisite. There is a family on Fuling Mountain with the surname Zhu, no parents above, no brothers below... This is simply the most beautiful presupposition for Gao Lao!

Such a person is suitable to be a son-in-law!

From then on, I worked diligently for the Gao family, and I didn't have to worry about the opposition from Zhu Gangli's family.

After all, as a son-in-law, most people can't accept such things as inverting the door, and even if they accept it, they are afraid of regretting it later.

But no father, no mother, no brother, no brother, just like a savage pig, he is suitable to be a son-in-law, he is born with this material!

Even without marrying a daughter, the family can have an extra long-term worker who works hard for free. Elder Gao seems to have seen a bright future.

Moreover, Gao Cuilan also likes Zhu Gangli very much. After all, Zhu Gangli is honest and honest, he can be regarded as an honest person, and he is completely competent as a husband.

Best of both worlds!

This was originally a happy event for everyone, and getting married seemed to be a good talk.

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva has been observing secretly for a long time and decided to take action.

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