The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 185 The backhand left by the saint?Think peaches!

After talking with the four girls all night long, Chu Hao quickly taught the four girls the method of attacking and defending in the Great Formation that Shrouds the Sky.

One-to-one, late at night, the kind of teaching of lonely men and widows.

After all, this big formation that covers the sky is too complicated, so Chu Hao had no choice but to teach it like this.

Of course, regarding a gentleman like Chu Hao, obviously he would not have superfluous thoughts, but there are many not superfluous practices.


One night passed, Chu Hao got up exhausted.

Looking at the sun, it turned out to be already under the sun, Chu Hao couldn't help feeling a little nervous,

"I didn't expect the night to pass so quickly, I almost forgot to dig the treasure!"

Chu Hao hurriedly shook Xiao Qiong beside him to wake up, and Xiao Qiong bowed towards Chu Hao's arms, and said Nuo Nuo: "Brother, let me sleep for a while..."

Chu Hao swore that he had no intention of attacking a little girl, even though Xiao Qiong was still a primordial dragon whale with unknown abilities.

It's just that Xiao Qiong is very lethargic recently, and often falls asleep, sleeping for more than ten hours at a time, and Chu Hao must be by Chu Hao's side.

Chu Hao had no choice but to sleep with Xiao Qiong until noon.

After waking up, Chu Hao summoned the four daughters, explained his purpose, and decided to dig out the treasures in Kunlun Mountain.

When the Holy Mother of Wudang heard this, she frowned, "The treasure in Kunlun Mountain? But after the saint who explained religion was taken away by the Taoist ancestor, otherwise, it would have been found after a calamity?"

Chu Hao smiled slightly, "Not necessarily!"

A wicked smile appeared on Chu Hao's face. He is the ruler of the strengthened version of the Great Formation, equivalent to the ruler of this piece of heaven and earth.

Those people searched for a calamity but couldn't find it, but it doesn't mean that Chu Hao couldn't find it.

This is the strength of the Great Formation that covers the sky. One aspect of it is to conceal the secrets of the sky. On the other hand, the controller of the Great Formation can easily detect everything in the Great Formation.

As long as he is within the sky-shrouding formation, Chu Hao is the master.

Although Tianzun Yuanshi hid the things very deeply after he left, so deep that no one could find it for an entire eon.

But that doesn't mean Chu Hao couldn't find out.

"follow me."

Chu Hao didn't explain much, and soon took the girls to a very secret place in Kunlun Mountain.

Xiaoqiong tilted his head and looked at the surrounding scene, wondering: "Brother, is there anything here?"

There are only chaotic rocks all over the place, and there is no mechanism or secret passage. Even with the power of the Da Luo Jinxian, it is impossible to explore the mysteries here.

Just this place, is there anything else?

Chu Hao chuckled and said:

"Actually, when the sage left, he secretly left clues, but no one could figure it out."

"Do you remember the Fu on explaining and teaching Kunlun Mountain? There are a few sentences in it related to this."

"Qinglou Yuge, Kunlun in the upper realm. The valley is illusory and the earth sounds, the environment is quiet and the fragrance of the sky is scattered. The green pines cover the high pavilion with rain, and the green bamboos are vaguely next to each other. The eaves. Talking scriptures are full of incense, and the windows are silently closed. Birds are singing inside the red trees, and cranes are drinking beside the stone springs. The rare flowers and plants are not thanked at four o'clock, and the golden palace gates are open to shoot red light. The towers are hidden in the auspicious clouds, and the jade chimes and golden bells sound long. The bead curtain is half-rolled, and the incense in the furnace. Only by moving the 'Huang Ting' can you become a saint, and the commander-in-chief of ten thousand immortals will control the east."

When everyone heard Chu Hao read this piece of prose, they were in a fog for a while, and they all fell into deep thought.

At this moment, it seems that Chu Hao is the strong man who has survived from the time when he became a god.

Chu Hao continued: "Back then, Tianzun Yuanshi was taken away by the Taoist ancestor and left in a hurry, and the treasure in Kunlun Mountain cannot be easily moved, so the treasure left by Tianzun Yuanshi can only be buried here."

"However, he was afraid of being captured by the Western religion or the people of heaven, so he used the supernatural power of a saint to hide the treasure in time, making it impossible for people to find it. However, the 49th Dao and the [-]th Tianyan left a glimmer of life .”

"The way of heaven is still like this, the organ left by Yuanshi Tianzun naturally has a corresponding flaw. I found that flaw."

The four daughters of Jiejiao were shocked and stunned,

"What, there is such a thing? Brother, how do you know so much?"

The Holy Mother of Wudang frowned even more, meditating:

"Indeed, when Yuanshi Tianzun was taken away, there seemed to be something strange in Kunlun Mountain, and then the aura of Kunlun Mountain gradually lost. Even the legendary treasure, countless people searched for it and failed to find it."

Xiaoqiong looked excited, "Brother, hurry up and dig, take out the treasure and take a look."

Chu Hao smiled mysteriously, "This treasure is not excavated, nor does it need magic power to open mountains. Naturally, Yuanshi Tianzun will not use those low-level methods. You just watch."

But he saw Chu Hao slightly closed his eyes, muttering a spell.

Suddenly, the surrounding scene changed rapidly, an inexplicable fragrance rose from the tip of everyone's nose, and gradually, they saw the rain drop by drop.

The bamboo next to it also broke through the ground quickly, and a ray of light suddenly shot from the sky, shining in front of everyone's eyes.

Then, he saw a bright avenue stretching forward suddenly appeared in front of him.

Chu Hao smiled faintly, "This is Yuanshi Tianzun's bad taste, heh."

The Holy Mother of Wudang reacted instantly and exclaimed:

"Isn't this just like in the prose, the valley is empty and the earth sounds, the environment is quiet and the fragrance of the sky is scattered. The green pines cover the high pavilion with rain, and the green bamboos are vaguely next to each other. The sun is ethereal! But, what kind of ability is needed to change the world and make the green bamboos come into being? !"

Chu Hao smiled slightly, "Small means, small means, not worth mentioning. Let's go."

In fact, Chu Hao didn't say anything more important.

At the moment when this green bamboo avenue opened wide, the secrets of the sky changed instantly, and a message sneaked into the secrets, flying from the Kunlun Mountains to the sky.

This is the backhand left by Yuanshi Tianzun back then. Even if someone can open this green bamboo avenue, the means left by Yuanshi Tianzun will let him discover this matter.

And once Yuanshi Tianzun finds out that the person who invaded Kunlun Mountain was not a person who explained the teachings, but the Heavenly Court or intercepted the teachings, he would directly activate the magic weapon of the saints in Kunlun Mountains, and directly destroy the entire Kunlun Mountains!

This kind of method left by the saint, not to mention the Da Luo Jinxian, even the quasi-sage could not survive in the presence.


The person who opened the Green Bamboo Avenue was Chu Hao.

Yuanshi Tianzun calculated carefully, but he didn't count it, which is an odd number.

Chu Hao smiled coldly, and with a thought, that piece of information hidden in the heavenly secret was directly crushed into the big formation that shrouded the sky.

The big formation that covers the sky.

The way of heaven can even cover it, let alone such a small trick.

The enhanced version of the Shrouding Array allowed Chu Hao to easily and completely control all the conditions of the Kunlun Mountains.

This kind of control is definitely not on the surface of matter, it is that even the level of heaven is completely perceived by Chu Hao.

As long as Chu Hao's mind moves, every bit of it hidden in Kunlun Mountain will be in Chu Hao's eyes.

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