The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 186 The biggest gain, the innate spiritual root, Huang Zhongli!

The enhanced version of the Shrouding Array is definitely an existence that is extremely open.

Chu Hao was able to discover this Green Bamboo Avenue because of the complete control of Kunlun Mountain by the Shrouding Formation.

Of course, only Chu Hao can use these things, and his existence is too shocking.

So Chu Hao didn't intend to tell anyone, it was all just a cover-up.

And the four daughters of Jiejiao obviously didn't intend to ask more questions, who didn't have a little secret, and they were happier if Chu Hao had a secret.

After all, this is his senior brother, the stronger Chu Hao is, the happier he will be to teach the four girls.

After entering the green bamboo avenue, everyone stepped on the vermilion fence and green threshold, surrounded by painted buildings and carved eaves, luxurious and exquisite, as if they had returned to the sacred place of Kunlun Mountain in the period when the gods were enshrined.

Noisy but quiet voices of discussing scriptures and Taoism sounded in my ears, and I could vaguely see a round of clear moon shining on the sky, and from time to time I could see sitting alone in front of the window, propping my cheeks boredly, watching Book Boy of the Moon.

Konggu Oriole sings, Yoyo Luming, everything around reveals a kind of unattainable beauty.

Surrounded by exotic flowers and grasses, the gate of the Golden Palace is vaguely open, and a red light shoots out of it, making people have an urge to peek into it.

The tower looms in the auspicious clouds, and the jade chimes and golden bells sound long.The bead curtain is half rolled, and the smoke is fragrant in the furnace.

When all these scenes appeared in front of everyone, everyone only felt that their vision and world view had been greatly impacted.

This is not inside the Kunlun Mountains, but the sage's method, which completely freezes the grand occasion of explaining the teachings in a piece of time and space.

Xiao Qiong was dumbfounded, and with his finger in his mouth, he said in a daze:

"Wow, this place is so... so beautiful!"

Forgive Xiaoqiong for being a human being for the first time and seeing such a beautiful place for the first time.

She has even been to Lingxiao Palace, but this Kunlun Mountain completely attracted Xiaoqiong.

The beauty of Kunlun Mountain, the sacred place of teaching, is by no means the rough and bold beauty, but a kind of exquisite and humanistic beauty.

Even the four daughters of Jiejiao showed unwillingness on their faces.

Although they were all loyal to Jiejiao, they were really shocked by the beauty of this Holy Land of Teaching.

From the surrounding scenery, they felt the nobility and coldness that belonged to Chanjiao, which was different from the roughness of Jiejiao.

The four girls had complex expressions, as if they recalled some bad things.

However, Chu Hao suddenly said: "Such a good place, it would be a waste not to use it to raise pigs."

The four girls laughed out loud when they heard this.

However, I could also hear what Chu Hao meant. No matter how glorious the treasure land was, wouldn't it belong to Chu Hao now?

Moreover, it also fell into the hands of those who intercepted the teaching. No matter how powerful the teaching was, it was already a passing smoke.

The four daughters of Jiejiao immediately let go of the grievances in their hearts, with a smile on their faces, a little more joyful than when they came in just now.

Chu Hao's delicate thoughts made the four girls feel relieved very quickly.

As the crowd went deeper, the surrounding scenery gradually became illusory, and in the end it turned out to be somewhat distorted.

Chu Hao frowned, "What kind of treasure can distort both time and space?"

The scenery here is that Yuanshi Tianzun sealed the time and space here, turned the virtual into reality, and became an independent world.

But because of a treasure in front of him, the virtual space here is unstable and even distorted.

This must be an unworldly treasure, otherwise such a scene would never be possible.

"Brother, the smell so fragrant. It seems, like the smell of the thinnest air outside the sky. Brother, you also have this smell..."

Xiaoqiong's nose moved slightly, and a look of obsession appeared on his face.

The taste of the sky?

Chu Hao raised his brows. Xiao Qiong, as a primordial dragon whale, came from ancient times, and the taste that can be left in Xiao Qiong's memory is probably something extraordinary.

At this time, the Holy Mother of Wudang suddenly said:

"There seems to be something in front?"

It was only then that Chu Hao noticed that the surrounding scene had been completely distorted to the point that he could not see anything, only a completely illusory space.

It's like standing in a mass of primordial space, there is no east, west, north, south, no sun rising and moon setting.

In the whole world, there is only the towering tree in front of you.

When everyone saw this big tree, they all froze on the spot.

This towering tree reaches straight to the sky, its roots are buried in the void, it is not known what kind of nutrients it is absorbing, some flowers and fruits can be vaguely seen between the branches and leaves.

The shape of the flower is like a lotus flower, and the shape of its fruit is like a stamen.

Those fruits are very strange, all of them are exquisite yellow, and some of them are faintly golden.

On the flowers and fruits, there is the word "Yellow Zhong".

"This is……"

"Huang Zhongli, the head of the innate spiritual root!"

Chu Hao's eyes widened involuntarily, with an inconceivable look in them,

"I didn't expect it to be such a treasure. No wonder, no wonder!"

"No wonder Yuanshi Tianzun cherishes this thing so much, he did not hesitate to open up the world, and save a period of time and space for it!"

The four daughters of Jiejiao also froze in place, staring at Huang Zhongli bewilderedly, and were so shocked that they lost their minds for a moment.

"I should have thought earlier that it is this kind of treasure that deserves the caution of Yuanshi Tianzun."

"Huang Zhongli, Huang Zhongli... This is Huang Zhongli, who has prospered for tens of thousands of years for the interpretation of teachings. I am afraid that it was because of this thing that the interpretation of teachings was able to remain invincible!"

"After the conferment of the gods, it was rumored that Huang Zhongli was uprooted and taken away by Yuanshi Tianzun. Countless people searched Kunlun Mountain, but they couldn't find it. It turned out that he was hiding here!"

The Holy Mother of Wudang was even so excited that she shed tears, "If there were such treasures back then, why worry that I won't be able to be happy if I stop teaching?!"

It wasn't that everyone's reaction was too much, it was because the existence of Huang Zhongli was too crucial!

Huang Zhongli is a very special innate spiritual root, a special existence that existed when the world was not opened and the primordial spirit first awakened.

Represented by the four spiritual roots of flat peach, ginseng fruit, Huangzhong plum, and hibiscus, each of them is legendary and intoxicating.

The queen mother, because of the flat peach forest, there are endless flat peaches that can train the subordinates of the fairy family, so her position has always been unshakable.

Because of the ginseng fruit tree, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan became the ancestor of the Earth Immortals because of the ginseng fruit tree.

And the hibiscus tree has become famous even in the prehistoric times.

It is said that the sun rises under the hibiscus and rises by brushing the end of the tree, because it is called the place where the sun rises.Many trees, leaves such as mulberry.There is also mulberry, the tree is two thousand feet long, and the size is more than two thousand.The trees grow occasionally from the same root and rely on each other, so they are called Fusang.

In the great catastrophe of the Lich, the top ten princes of the monster clan were extremely dazzling. They originated from the hibiscus tree, which can be said to be the supreme innate spiritual root that raised quasi-sages!

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